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Virginia woolf tradutor Espanhol

112 parallel translation
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf?
Quién le teme a Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Quién le teme a Virginia Woolf
If you have to play Virginia Woolf, do it in the coffee shop.
Si tienes que leer a Virginia Woolf, hazlo en la cafetería.
He wants me to review the new book on Virginia Woolf.
Quiere que haga una crítica del nuevo libro sobre Virginia Woolf.
The Labor party...
Las novelas de Virginia Woolf...
I read in Richard Burton's autobiography that he was against me being the cameraman on Virginia Woolf because he was afraid that with my gutsy, newsreel-type background that I would show the pockmarks on his face and would be unkind to him
Leí en la autobiografía de Richard Burton que no me quería como camarógrafo de Virginia Woolf porque temía que debido a mis experiencias realistas hiciera notar las marcas de su cara y eso sería desagradable para él.
♪ Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
¿ Quién teme a Virginia Woolf?
Virginia Woolf?
¿ Virginia Woolf?
Adventurous, suicidal lunatics like Djuna Barnes, Jane Bowles Dorothy Parker, Jean Rhys, Flannery O'Connor, Virginia Woolf Edith Wharton, Isak Dinesen, Janet Frame.
Aventureras, suicidas, dementes tipo Djuna Barnes, Jane Bowles, Dorothy Parker, Jean Rhys, Flannery O'Connor, Virginia Woolf, Edith Warton, Isak Dinesen, Janet Frame...
[Tommie] in fact, i never even heard of the expression, "houseboy" before... - except for in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
La verdad, yojamás había oído el término "mozo''....... más que en" ¿ Quién Teme a Virginia Woolf? "
- In what? The movie, Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
"¿ Quién Teme a Virginia Woolf?", de Albee.
My husband, there was a man who was really afraid of Virginia Woolf.
Mi marido, era un hombre que estaba muy asustado de Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf makes my skin crawl, and Bruce wanted to go for a ride, so, you know,
Virginia Woolf me enerva, y además tenía una cita con Bruce. Así que ya ves.
Virginia Woolf.
Virginia Wolf.
Buzz is Elizabeth Taylor in "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf"
Buzz es Elizabeth Taylor en " ¿ Quién teme a Vigina Wolf?
I'mafraid of Virginia Woolf!
Yo temo a Virginia Woolf, ¡ yo!
But I love teaching.
Estamos analizando una obra... de Virginia Woolf, Las horas. Me encanta enseñar.
Drowning herself was Virginia Woolf's greatest contribution to English literature.
Ahogándose ella misma, fue la mejor contribución de Virginia Woolf a la literatura Inglesa.
There's a phrase written by Virginia Woolf, I think, which says that they play the best role.
Son... A menudo, cito una frase... Creo que es Virginia Woolf la que lo dice...
There's that whole chapter on Virginia Woolf.
He escrito todo un capítulo sobre Virginia Woolf.
As for Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, the pair would go on to star together in several films including The VIPs and Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? , for which Taylor would win her second Oscar as the year's best actress.
En cuanto a Taylor y Burton protagonizaron juntos varios filmes por el cual Taylor ganó su segundo Oscar a la mejor actriz.
Or we could go to that Swiss place for fondue for dinner... or we could stuff our purses full of Sour Patch Kids and Milk Duds... and go see the Stars Hollow elementary school production... of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
O podriamos ir a ese restaurante suizo a cenar fondue... o podriamos llenar nuestros bolsos con caramelos y chocolates... e ir a ver la obra de la primaria de Stars Hollow... de ¿ Quien le teme a Virginia Woolf?
In retrospect, I really don't think Christmas went that badly if you grade it on a Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Creo que Navidad no estuvo tan mal. Si se evalúa con el parámetro de Quién le teme a Virginia Woolf.
Emily Dickinson and Virginia Woolf's search for a lost Sappho manuscript on Lesbos.
Emily Dickinson y Virginia Woolf buscan un manuscrito de Safo en Lesbos
We can't go on doing the all-female version of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?".
No podemos continuar con esta versión femenina de "¿ Quién teme a Virginia Woolf?".
He alone was going to finance and produce my "Virginia Woolf".
Iba a financiar y producir mi Virginia Woolf.
That's Virginia Woolf.
Esa es Virginia Woolf.
It's a flat in the Archway Road and you think you're Virginia frigging Woolf!
Es un apartamento en la Calle Archway ¡ y crees que eres Virginia Woolf! .
The language in "Virginia Woolf" was really shocking and new.
El lenguaje en "Virginia Wolf" era realmente chocante y nuevo.
Virginia Woolf.
Virginia Woolf.
I am so honored that you've chosen me to murder you. You'll be following in the footsteps of Socrates, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson and Fred Kanickee.
Estoy tan honrado que usted me hay elegido para matarlo usted seguirá los pasos de Sócrates, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson... y Fred Kenicki.
Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?
He said, "Wexler, Mike Nichols wants you to shoot Virginia Woolf."
Realizador Dijo, "Wexler, Mike Nichols quiere que filmes Virginia Woolf".
There was a feeling when Nichols arrived with this group and this kind of material and Haskell, things would-
Había una sensación, cuando Nichols llegó con ese grupo... ¿ Quién le Teme a Virginia Woolf?
Warner Bros. did Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? ..
Warner hizo ¿ Quién le Teme a Virginia Woolf?
A Martin Amis, or a Virginia Woolf or a Charles Bukowksi?
¿ Martin Amis, Virginia Woolf o Charles Bukowksi?
And this morning... And this morning, delia goes over to the house And finds herself in the middle of who's afraid of virginia woolf?
- Delia va la casa... para encontrarse en el medio de "¿ Quién le teme a Virginia Woolf?".
We were expecting some Joyce from the British Museum, some Dostoevsky, the Capote armadillo, a Virginia Woolf boar.
Esperábamos obras de Joyce del Museo Británico, de Dostoievski, el armadillo de Capote, un jabalí con Virginia Woolf.
I feel like I've gone from "West Side Story" to - "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf."
Me siento como si hubiera ido de "West Side Story" a "Quien teme a Virginia Woolf."
Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf. I know, shocker.
Sylvia Plath y Virginia Woolf...
So, I decided to do it like Virginia Woolf, I walked into a lake and tried to drown myself.
Así que, decidí hacer como Virginia Woolf, me metí en un lago para ahogarme.
Yeah. Virginia Woolf blow-up doll?
¿ Muñeca hinchable de Virginia Woolf?
Edward Albee, Virginia Woolf.
Edward Albee, Virginia Woolf.
Virginia Woolf and Agatha Christie. Frustrated and sex-mad lesbians with underarm hair.
Virginia Woolf y Agatha Christie lesbianas frustradas y reprimidas con vello bajo el brazo.
So's Virginia Woolf.
Igual Virginia Woolf.
It's like when I was doing, uh, "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"
Es como cuando estuve haciendo, "¿ Quién teme a Virginia Woolf"?
You cannot call Virginia Woolf a lady novelist.
No, no lo permitiré
She's a genius. She writes novels, she's female.
No puedes llamar a Virginia Woolf una dama novelista.
When Virginia Woolf wrote, "Every woman needs a room of one's own,"
Cuando Virginia Woolf escribió :
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
"¿ Quién le teme a Virginia Wolf?".
I just couldn't get on with Virginia Woolf.
Yo no podía llevarme bien con Virginia Woolf.

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