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Volcanoes tradutor Espanhol

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Nothing but clouds of steam, boiling seas and exploding volcanoes.
... nada más que nubes de vapor, mares hirvientes y volcanes en erupción.
As far as I know Vienna isn't threatened by volcanoes.
A Viena no le amenaza ninguna catástrofe.
# Where volcanoes blow fire
donde los volcanes echaban lava.
Oh, it is. You meet such interesting volcanoes.
Si, vemos algunos volcanes impresionantes.
Hank, those volcanoes have been there for hundreds of years.
Estos volcanes están aquí desde hace siglos.
I didn't expect you two to be discussing volcanoes.
No creo que habléis de volcanes.
You have your survey of the volcanoes to make.
Os quedan experimentos por hacer.
Silence as an answer to so many questions, to volcanoes, to swirls.
El silencio responde a tantas preguntas... A los volcanes, a los torbellinos.
He's the world's leading authority on volcanoes.
Es el mayor experto del mundo en volcanes.
His real fame rests on his study of volcanoes.
Debe su verdadera fama a sus estudios de los volcanes.
A Saknussemm descendant turns up,... acts as if he were King of Volcanoes,... tries to force me to surrender his ancestor's secret.
Ha aparecido un descendiente de Saknussemm. Se comporta como el'Rey de los Volcanes'. Intenta forzarme a que le revele el secreto de su antepasado.
0nce the Aeolian islands were many volcanoes.
En un tiempo las islas Eólicas eran volcanes.
Volcanoes surrounded by tropical palms and sandy beaches.
Volcanes rodeados de palmeras tropicales y de playas de arena.
They jump in volcanoes.
Se tiran a un volcán.
Earthquakes, mountains crumbling, volcanoes erupt.
Terremotos, derrumbes, erupciones volcánicas.
The slow death of the peasant world, who still survives populating continents, in thousands of swamps, along shark infested coasts, on islands carbonized by volcanoes,
La lenta muerte del mundo campesino que sobrevive poblando los continentes en miles de pantanos en largas costas infestadas de tiburones y en islas carbonizadas por los volcanes
These slag heaps which dot the horizon are brothers of volcanoes, emerging, like them, from the belly of the earth.
Estas escombreras que salpican el horizonte... son hermanas de los volcanes, emergiendo, como ellos, del vientre de la tierra.
We evoke volcanoes but this chimney also reminds us of a donjon.
Evocamos los volcanes, pero esta chimenea nos hace recordar un torreón.
As Mr. Kawai said, the oil fields, hotsprings and volcanoes may have something to do with underground passages.
Kowaji acerto... en su teoria de monstruos prehistoricos que cavaban en la tierra.
What do I know about volcanoes?
Yo no sé nada sobre volcanes.
Harold, what do I know about volcanoes?
Harold, ¿ qué sé yo sobre volcanes?
Exploding birthday cakes, volcanoes- - why would anyone want to come here?
Pasteles explosivos, volcanes... ¿ Por qué querría alguien venir aquí?
About six months ago while I was studying that archvillain of Japanese volcanoes, Asamayama I began to detect strange patterns of movement beneath the Earth's surface.
Seis meses atrás, mientras estudiaba ese terrible volcán japonés, el Asana Yama -, detecté movimiento bajo la superficie terrestre.
The heat of a blowtorch, for instance, or an electric arc earthquakes, volcanoes or aeons of time
El calor de una antorcha, por ejemplo, o un arco voltaico terremotos, volcanes, sin olvidar el tiempo vertiginoso.
There's nothing here but volcanoes.
No hay nada más que volcanes.
- We'll have to get down to the volcanoes.
- Tendremos que bajar a los volcanes.
There is nothing but volcanoes.
- Sí. No hay más que volcanes.
No, no, of course not. Those volcanoes have been dead since sixteenth century.
Esos volcanes están inactivos desde el siglo XVI.
The volcanoes, earthquakes?
Los volcanes, los terremotos?
# I adore water, I adore fire and volcanoes #
# Me encanta el agua, adoro el fuego y los volcanes #
The merciful volcanoes have paid you no heed.
Los volcanes misericordiosos no se han inclinado sobre ti.
I have three volcanoes.
Tengo tres volcanes.
One morning, I cleaned out my volcanoes, took one last look for baobabs and put my planet in order.
Una mañana, desholliné los volcanes arranqué los últimos baobabs y ordené detalladamente mi planeta.
A common rose and three volcanoes that came up to my knees.
La rosa y tres volcanes que no pasan la altura de mis rodillas.
'Nothing, Commander, except volcanoes.'
Nada Comandante, excepto volcanes.
At present, scientists have discovered 400 active volcanoes around the world.
En la actualidad segun los cientificos, hay 400 volcanes activos en la tierra.
Are there any volcanoes in Hazzard County?
¿ Hay volcanes en el Condado?
I own three volcanoes, which I clean out every week. - Yeah, I bet.
Poseo tres volcanes a los que deshollino todas las semanas.
It is of some use to my volcanoes and to my flower, that I own them.
Es útil, pues, para mis volcanes y para mi flor que yo las posea.
And three volcanoes that come up to my knees. And one of them perhaps extinct forever.
Una rosa común, y tres volcanes que me llegan a la rodilla... y uno de ellos quizás está extinguido para siempre.
Erupting volcanoes built up islands of lava and ash in the global seas.
Erupciones volcánicas construian islas de lava y cenizas en los mares globales.
But then that link with volcanoes was broken.
Pero luego se rompió esta conexión con los volcanes.
He also imagined that there was extensive flooding and the volcanoes all over the Earth at that time.
También imaginó vastas inundaciones y volcanes en todo el planeta.
Are there craters, volcanoes, mountains, oceans, life?
¿ Hay cráteres, volcanes, montañas, océanos, vida?
We have found volcanoes on other worlds and explosions on the sun studied comets from the depths of space and traced their origins and destinies listened to pulsars and searched for other civilizations.
Hallamos volcanes en otros mundos y explosiones en el Sol estudiamos los cometas en lo profundo del espacio y rastreamos sus orígenes y destinos oímos al púlsar y buscamos otras civilizaciones.
We knew that the volcanoes of Tharsis were too high. The thin Martian atmosphere would not support our descent parachute.
También imaginó vastas inundaciones y volcanes en todo el planeta.
There are no mountains, valleys, volcanoes or rivers there.
Sólo un vasto océano de gas y nubes.
There were a few places on lo which looked like the mouths of volcanoes but it was hard to be sure. Then, Linda Morabito, a member of the Voyager navigation team used a computer to enhance the edge of lo in order to bring out the stars behind.
L. Morabito, del Equipo de Navegación del Voyager realzó el borde de Io con una computadora para resaltar las estrellas traseras.
I know volcanoes.
Conozco los volcanes.
Volcanoes and a... and earthquakes.
Volcanes y terremotos.
The waters flowed at the same time that the great volcanoes of the Tharsis Plateau were made.
La Luna se mece delicadamente como una campana hace menos de 1000 años.

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