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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Wand

Wand tradutor Espanhol

1,122 parallel translation
And no magician has made the wand that can stop a man like me
Ni mago que logre un hechizo capaz de detener a un hombre como yo.
Yeah. A magic wand would be more useful.
Una varita mágica habría sido más útil.
Magic wand, make my Goldar grow!
- Oh, cielos. ¡ Vara Mágica... haz que Goldar crezca!
So... if you had a magic wand... if you, uh, had a wish list... and could change your partner...
Si tuvierais una varita mágica.
My wand doesn't always work outside the fantasy section.
Mi varita magica no siempre funciona fuera de la seccion de fantasia.
At least this wand is good for something.
Al menos esta varita magica es buena para algo.
My wand!
! Mi varita magica!
My wand!
! Mi barita magica!
Fantasy's wand!
! La varita magica de Fantasia!
You think I can wave a wand and send this kid to West Point?
¿ Tú crees que yo puedo mover una varita y mandar a este chico a West Point?
Unless you got a magic wand, I don't see any of this happening within the next 24 hours.
A menos que tengas una varita mágica no veo que esto suceda en 24 horas.
You wave your wand and I've all I desire before I can think of desiring it.
Mueve su varita y obtengo todo lo que deseaba antes de pensar desearlo.
A sword. A sacred sword, or a large knife. It's like a magic wand.
Un cuchillo consagrado, eso es como una varita màgica.
Schmeckle, schmuck, wand, ying-yang, yang...
Garomba, poronga, rabo, toronja, lonja...
And a house I can change with a wave of a wand.
Y una casita que ni hecha a propósito.
- I mean, you know, if there was, like, a good fairy and she waved a wand and I was on the outside you and me, would we be friends then? If I was on the outside- - Yes.
Si estuviera afuera, es decir, si tuviera un hada buena y ella me cuidara y yo estuviera afuera, ¿ seríamos amigos?
Yeah, you know, you can't just wave a magic wand over a wasp - and hope that it'll just go away.
Ya saben, uno no puede agitar una varita mágica sobre una avispa y desear que desaparezca.
To obtain a special dialing wand... please mash the keypad with your palm now.
Para obtener una vara para marcar por favor aplaste el teclado con la palma ahora.
Do you wish me to release you from the helmet of evil thoughts with my enchanted space wand?
¿ Deseas que te libere del Casco de los Pensamientos Malignos con mi varita espacial encantada?
Would you mind running the wand over me one more time?
¿ Me pasaría la vara por el cuerpo una vez más?
If things really get desperate use your magic wand.
Si las cosas se ponen muy mal... usa tu varita mágica.
What is he whose grief bears such an emphasis whose phrase of sorrow conjures the wand'ring stars and makes them stand like wonder-wounded hearers?
¿ Quién es este que vocea su dolor con tanto ímpetu y conjura los errantes planetas con sus frases de angustia dejándolos en suspenso como oyentes asombrados?
We need you to take your magic wand... and wave it and make this town special again, is what we need.
Necesitamos que tomes tu varita mágica y la agites y que este pueblo vuelva a ser especial, es lo que necesitamos.
By drilling holes in the ice with our magic wand. My wife and I dislike donkey meat.
Ariane te va hacer un par de medias de lana y yo te voy a mandar un cachalotecito para tus bajadas en el río.
You need my wand.
Necesitas mi varita.
Accused Moore, what the Procurator said that brought levity to this court was that perhaps the victim had a magic wand and turned the locket into a second bottle of Scotch.
Acusado Moore, lo que el procurador ha comentado en esta corte es que tal vez la victima tenía una varita mágica y convirtió el colgante en una segunda botella de whisky.
Man stallion, fill me with your giant love wand!
Padrillo, lléname con tu gigante vara del amor. ¿ Qué?
WOMAN 1 : Watch your wand. Watch the lady.
Cuidado, tu varita!
Can't you just wave around your wand to make yourself coffee whenever you want?
- Usted no puede mover su varita y hacer un café cuando quiera?
You do that, and it's over. They just strip you of your wand and... Shaboom!
Si lo haces, se termina tiran tu varita y llevar la varita mágica y Shaboom!
Because if Hortense were to see you here, I could lose my own wand.
Si te ve Hortensia Puedo perder mi varita mágica, también.
I took your wand away because you were using it for your own selfish ends.
Te He quitado tu varita Porque la usabas para tus fines egoistas.
- The old magic wand, huh?
- Una varita mágica.
Where is your wand?
¿ Dónde está tu varita?
Give me back my wand.
Dame la varita.
- Give me back my wand.
- Quitamela.
It's not here. We're short one wand.
No esta aquí.
And the wand that is missing is the one I want the most.
Y la que hace falta es la que es más importante para mí, LA MIA!
My old stomping grounds before Hortense stripped me of my wand.
Ese era mi distrito, antes de Hortensia me quitara la varita.
It's not a toy. It's a magic wand.
Es una varita mágica.
Uh, listen, the other night, I left a long... You know, a wand... ( SNORTS )
Escucha, La otra noche me olvidé de una Ya sabes, una varita...
You put glue on my wand?
Pegamento en mi varita?
You don't put glue on someone's wand. This is like the Army.
No le puedes poner pegamento a la varita de alguien!
Have wand, will travel.
"¿ Tiene una varita, podemos viajar".
Yeah, and she took her magic wand.
- Tenía una varita mágica con ella.
Somewhere in here I smell the wand.
Puedo oler la varita mágica.
It's a magic wand, a real one.
- Una varita mágica real.
Anabel, who's this bum? And what's he doing with your magic wand?
¿ Por qué tiene tu varita magica?
It's not my wand, Charlie. It's his.
- No es mía Charlie Es la suya.
I think I was just too far. I was blaming it on the wand.
Creo que fue demasiado lejos.
- I got the wand now. - I'll see you tonight.
Ok, esta noche.

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