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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Waverly

Waverly tradutor Espanhol

593 parallel translation
Edinburgh, Waverly.
Edimburgo, Waverly.
I suppose you've heard what I'm doing with that white elephant that used to belong to your family up on Waverly Street.
Supongo que ya habrás oído lo que voy a hacer con ese elefante blanco que pertenecía a tu familia en la calle Waverly.
It's the night of millicent Waverly's ball, and, uh... I thought I'd like To go this time.
Hoy es el baile de Millicet Waverly's y tengo ganas de ir esta vez.
Perhaps You don't know, dear, But the duchess of waverly is the Most exclusive hostess in london.
Quizá no lo sepa usted, que, el más exigente anfitrión de Londres es la duquesa de de Waverly.
The duchess Of waverly's motor
El coche de la duquesa de Waverly's espera al coronel Forsythe.
That's the night we play the Waverly game.
¡ En grande! Es la noche que jugamos contra Waverly.
We play Waverly tomorrow. Oh?
No puedo marcharme, mañana jugamos contra Waverly.
It's the first time we've beat Waverly in 10 years.
Es la primera vez en diez años que vencemos a Waverly.
- It's for you, sir, the Duchess of Waverly.
- Señor. La duquesa de Waverly.
- Waverly.
- En Waverly.
518 Waverly.
En el 518 de Waverly.
They're moving up tonight, General Waverly.
Esos hombres se movilizan esta noche!
Certainly too bad General Waverly couldn't have been here for this yuletide clambake because we had a slam-bang finish cooked up for him.
Lastima que el General Waverly no haya podido pasar aqui las Navidades. Le teniamos preparada una despedida impresionante.
I can only say we owe a lot to General Waverly...
Le debemos mucho al General Waverly...
General Waverly!
? General Waverly!
General Waverly... a janitor.
? General Waverly! ?
- My granddaughter Susan Waverly. - Hello.
Mi nieta, Susan Waverly.
That song is for the 151 st Division... the officers and men under the command of Major General Tom Waverly.
Como les ha dicho Eddy, la cancion va dedicada a la Division 1 51. Los oficiales y los hombres bajo el mando del General Tom Waverly.
Synchronize your watches for Operation Waverly.
Sincronizad los relojes para la operacion Waverly.
Huh? Oh, yes, Alexander Waverly.
Sí, Alexander Waverly.
Huh? Oh, yes. Alexander Waverly.
Sí, Alexander Waverly.
Waverly here.
Habla Waverly.
Goodbye, Mr. Waverly.
Adiós, Sr. Waverly.
Napoleon, Mr. Waverly thought this might be of some use to you.
Napoleón, el Sr. Waverly pensó que esto podría serle útil.
- Well, this is Gerald Waverly.
- Soy Gerald Waverly.
- Mr. Waverly?
¿ El Sr. Waverly?
So let us forget Mr. Waverly.
Así que, olvidémonos del Sr. Waverly.
- Mr. Waverly?
- ¿ Sr. Waverly?
- Mr. Waverly, please, make your call.
- Sr. Waverly, por favor, llame.
Do you know Mr. Waverly, madame?
¿ Señora, conoce al Sr. Waverly?
This is your last call... for Buckner, Bluffington, Lexington, Waverly, Marshall... and intermediate flights.
Esta es la última llamada para pasajeros con destino Buckner, Bluffington, Lexington, Waverly, Marshall y todas las paradas intermedias.
In this pad, on Waverly Place.
En un piso de la calle Waverly.
Well, thank you very much, Mr. Waverly.
Muchas gracias, Sr. Waverly.
I just spoke to Waverly, one of the dudes Peggy Farrell drove up with.
He hablado con Waverly, uno de los amigos de Peggy Farrell.
Back entrance, 46 Waverly Place.
La puerta trasera, en el no 46 de Waverly Place.
... Alexis "Lexie" Winston, from Waverly, Iowa.
... Alexis "Lexie" Winston, de Waverly, Iowa.
The sensation from Waverly has yet to win a major competition but has already won the heart of everyone she has met.
La estrella de Waverly aún no ganó una competencia importante pero ya ha logrado ganar el corazón de todo el que la conoce.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, the girl from Waverly, Iowa in fourth place overall, Miss Alexis Winston.
Ahora, damas y caballeros, la chica de Waverly, Iowa en cuarto lugar, la Srta. Alexis Winston.
Not everybody who doesn't happen to be from Waverly is a complete shit.
No todo el que no es de Waverly es un hijo de perra.
Let's add Waverly and Clark, Hill and Renko to the park.
Asignaremos a Waverly y Clark, Hill y Renko al parque.
Mr. Waverly to see you, Mr. Poirot.
El señor Waverly quiere verle, Sr. Poirot.
Who's in with Poirot? A Mr. Waverly.
- ¿ Quién está con Poirot?
Well, do you have £ 50,000, M. Waverly?
¿ Tiene usted ese dinero, Monsieur Waverly?
M. Waverly, a client.
El Sr. Waverly, un cliente.
M. Waverly has received letters threatening to kidnap his son.
Ha recibido varias cartas en las que le amenazan con secuestrar a su hijo.
Is there anyone you suspect, M. Waverly?
¿ Sospecha usted de alguien, Sr. Waverly?
Five minutes, no more, M. Waverly, for me to pack a bag.
5 minutos, no tardaré más en poner mis cosas en una bolsa.
This is an unexpected pleasure, Mr. Poirot. Mr. Waverly.
Es un placer inesperado, Sr. Poirot, Sr. Waverly.
The duchess Of waverly?
¿ Quién se lo iba a suponer?
M. Waverly, good morning.
- Sr. Waverly, buenos días.
It's a case.
- Un tal Sr. Waverly. Es otro caso.

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