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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll be all right

We'll be all right tradutor Espanhol

952 parallel translation
- Sister, is it bad? - No. No, we'll be all right.
Hermana, ¿ es grave?
All right? We'll be there, but I could kill you for it.
De acuerdo, pero me vengaré.
All right, we'll be expecting you.
Vale, os esperamos.
But if we come around tomorrow and pay Mr. Doray, it'll be all right, won't it?
Si regresamos mañana y pagamos al, Sr. Doray, entonces está bien, ¿ no?
We'll be able to pick up his trail all right.
Podremos seguir su rastro.
Father Costanzo says if Garibaldi doesn't leave right away, they'll all be dead when we get there.
Padre Costanzo dice que si Garibaldi no parte de inmediato, les encontraremos todos muertos cuando lleguemos allí.
- We'll be all right.
- Estaremos bien.
We'll be all right.
We'll be all right up here.
Estaremos bien aquí arriba.
All right, we'll be back tomorrow.
Bien, Werner, volveremos mañana.
Have patience, we'll be all right.
Tengan paciencia, no pasará nada.
- We'll be all right.
- Estaremos bie.
That'll be quite all right till Monday. Then we'll have a new one.
Esto bastará, el lunes le pondremos uno nuevo.
Oh, we'll be all right.
Bueno, nos las apañaremos.
All right, all right. But we gotta go this minute. I'll be right there.
Oh, he decidido quedarme y disfrutar de los deportes de invierno.
- We'll be all right.
Estaremos bien.
Now Curley if we can get across that ferry, we'll be all right.
Si Curly... Si podemos cruzar el ferry, estaremos a salvo.
Just sit quiet, folks, we'll be all right!
Siéntense en silencio, amigos. Vamos a estar bien.
That's all right. We'll break up our partnership if you want... but we'll still be the best of friends.
Romperemos nuestra sociedad si así lo quiere, pero seguiremos siendo muy buenos amigos.
Get good wages out there and put it all together, and we'll be all right. Good wages?
Si nos pagan un buen sueldo y lo juntamos todo, saldremos adelante.
We'll be all right, Mother.
- Sí.
- We'll be all right.
Cambreau nos ha dado comida y agua.
We'll be all right.
Qué bien.
We'll be all right.
Nos las arreglaremos.
It's for us to speak, to tell him that we farmers thank our lucky stars every day in the year for what he's done for us. If anybody's gonna have corn in his crib, or hay in his barn, it'll all be due to our good friend and neighbor, Daniel Webster... who stood right up in Congress to protect us from loan sharks by a new law.
Los granjeros tenemos que decirle... que cada día agradecemos a nuestra buena estrella por todo lo que... él ha hecho por nosotros, porque si tenemos comida en la alacena... o el depósito, se lo debemos a nuestro buen amigo y vecino...
- We'll help. She'll be all right.
- Ya verá como ella se recupera.
All right. We'll be back in the morning.
Volveremos por la mañana.
- I'll be all right. - I'd like to, Pete. But we've got to think about what's best for your country.
Me gustaría, Pete... pero debemos pensar en qué es lo mejor para tu país.
We'll be all right.
Todo está arreglado.
He'll be all right when we get the bullet out.
Tiene fiebre y pulso débil pero reaccionará en cuanto le hayamos sacado la bala.
Look, now, why don't you be a good kid, and we'll take you in to a doctor? - Everything's gonna be all right.
Sea bueno y deje que le llevemos al médico, verá como todo se arregla.
Gesundheit. There, we'll be all right here.
Aquí estará bien
He'll be all right, won't he, doctor? We're gonna operate in a few minutes.
¿ Esta mejor, doctor?
We'll take a taxi home. I hope he'll be all right.
Volveré en taxi.
We'll be in it too! All right!
- Seríamos cómplices.
The way I understand it, he'll be all right if we keep him moving.
Creo que estará bien si le mantenemos en movimiento.
We'll be all right, Mama.
Estaremos bien, mamá.
We'll be all right, as long as ma gets well.
Gracias. Funcionará, si mamá se recupera.
Oh, I think it'll be all right if we go out here where the wind'll blow it away.
Oh, creo que va a estar bien si salimos de aquí y el viento se lo lleve.
I'll stay here with Roddy. We'll be all right.
Yo me quedo aquí con Roddy, no me pasa nada.
All right, if that's the way Whitehall want it, in future, we'll be foreigners.
- ¡ Cállese, también! Si el Gobierno nos ve como extranjeros, jugaremos a eso.
No, we'll manage. It'll be all right.
Nos las arreglaremos, todo estará bien.
We'll be all right.
Estaremos bien.
Here we are. You'll be all right here, miss.
Aquí es, viajará usted cómoda.
We've got your boy Fallon in here, and he'll be all right if you do as I say.
Tenemos a uno de los tuyos aquí, a Fallon. Y no le pasará nada si hacen lo que digo.
- We'll be all right. I said don't worry about it.
Estaremos bien, te he dicho que estés tranquilo.
This wasn't the way we planned it but it'll be all right once we cross the border.
No es de la manera en que lo habíamos planeado pero todo irá bien una vez que hayamos cruzado la frontera.
If we drive carefully, I'll be all right.
Si conduce despacio, todo irá bien.
We'll save him all right. And then we'll all be happy again.
Le salvaremos..... y entonces todos seremos felices otra vez.
- We'll be all right
- Nos apañaremos.
You'll be all right. We've lost more stuntmen on these pictures...
¡ Necesitamos a otro acróbata, ahora mismo!

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