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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll be good

We'll be good tradutor Espanhol

678 parallel translation
Well, we have to go there and see? but I'll be a good match for a husband.
Tendrás que juzgar por ti misma pero, soy buen material para marido.
Good-bye, we'll be seeing you, good-bye.
Adiós, nos veremos. Adiós.
We'll get the duffel up. My, it's good to be here!
Por aquí, ahora traen el equipaje.
You see, we'll meet new friends and... see a lot of new faces and the change of climate will be good for us in a good many ways.
Ya sabes, conocer gente... Ver caras nuevas... Y cambiar de clima nos puede sentar bien...
We'll have a good night's sleep, go down in the morning, tell them about the shipwreck, and nobody will be any the wiser.
Dormiremos plácidamente mañana bajaremos, le contaremos lo del naufragio y nadie se habrá enterado de nada.
You be a good girl, And we'll buy you A present in paris.
Sé una buena chica, y te compraremos un regalo de París.
We'll give them a good dinner and long before midnight they'll have agreed to buy the castle and we'll be rid of them.
Les daremos una buena cena y antes de medianoche lo habrán comprado y estarán lejos.
if patricide isn't a crime father, we'll withdraw everything we only thought it would be for your own good you're healthy tomorrow everything will be made clear nothing has to be made clear any more everything has been made clear
Si el parricidio no es un crimen... Padre, vamos a retirarlo todo... ¡ Creíamos que sería por tu bien!
Good. You just put that in writing, send it to our office with your check, we'll be waiting.
Esa pequeña rata no le cedería ni el polvo de sus muebles.
We'll just be good friends.
Entonces seremos dos buenos amigos
While I was out there... I kept thinking about you all the time - about how good it'll be when everything's over and we can go back home.
Cuando estaba ahí fuera, pensaba en ti todo el rato, en lo bueno que sería volver a casa cuando acabase todo.
Let's go. I think if we go off without her, it'll be good for her.
Creo que será bueno para ella si no la esperamos.
I'm going with you for five days, and good company I'll be... but at sunset on May 14, when my time is up... wherever we are, I'm going to knock you two apes'heads together.
Iré con ustedes durante cinco días y seré buena compañía... pero al atardecer del 14 de mayo acaba mi servicio... y dondequiera que estemos, les daré una paliza a los dos.
- But we'll be good soldiers, won't we?
Pero seremos buenos soldados, ¿ verdad? Sí, papi.
- Cuídate mucho.
Get good wages out there and put it all together, and we'll be all right. Good wages?
Si nos pagan un buen sueldo y lo juntamos todo, saldremos adelante.
We'll be good, won't we?
Seremos buenos, ¿ verdad?
But don't you kids be foolish, because if it isn't any good, we'll open a can of beans.
Pero no sean tontos, porque si no les gusta, abriremos una lata de frijoles.
It's for us to speak, to tell him that we farmers thank our lucky stars every day in the year for what he's done for us. If anybody's gonna have corn in his crib, or hay in his barn, it'll all be due to our good friend and neighbor, Daniel Webster... who stood right up in Congress to protect us from loan sharks by a new law.
Los granjeros tenemos que decirle... que cada día agradecemos a nuestra buena estrella por todo lo que... él ha hecho por nosotros, porque si tenemos comida en la alacena... o el depósito, se lo debemos a nuestro buen amigo y vecino...
We'll be hoein'corn, all due, like I says, to our good neighbor, Daniel Webster. And we'll keep on hoeing corn until he's in the White House in Washington where he belongs!
Si ahora podemos trabajar en los campos con tranquilidad, se lo debemos a nuestro buen amigo Daniel Webster, y seguiremos... trabajando en los campos hasta que Daniel Webster llegue... a la Casa Blanca donde pertenece.
And then we " ll be good friends again.
Y luego seremos buenos amigos de nuevo.
He'll be in good spirits. We'll make believe we're in good spirits too.
Fingiremos que estamos contentos.
Good. And we'll be delighted to live here with you.
Estaremos encantados de vivir aquí con usted.
We'll be back soon. Oh, have a good time, son.
¡ Volveremos pronto!
Pat, you're just getting yourself all steamed up. I'll be seeing you one of these days, and we'll have a good laugh about this.
¡ Permaneces con ese niñato contra mí, contra mí!
When I'm convinced you'll be a good husband for Miss Maruzza, we'll call witnesses, important people, and then I'll make up my mind. In two months, three months, a year. Don't know.
- En dos meses, tres meses, un año.
You're nice and fast, we'll be good friends.
Eres agradable y rápido. Seremos buenos amigos.
I'm sorry I had to do that to you... but if you're a good sport, we'll shake and be friends.
Siento mucho haberte hecho esto, Tommy. Pero si sabes perder, dame la mano y seamos amigos. Te compraré un helado.
Won't be long before we'll have a good hot cup of coffee. You get some water, Sam.
Y dentro de poco, una estupenda taza de café.
Yes, and we'll all have a good time too and be better off for it after the fair is over.
Sí, y todos nos divertiremos también... y estaremos mucho mejor cuando termine la feria.
We'll drown all our sorrows And be of good cheer
Ahogaremos todas nuestras penas Y tendremos buen ánimo
I know I should be wishing they'd come quickly and it'll all be over, but all I can think of is... in one hour we'll say good-bye.
Sé que debería desear que vinieran pronto y que todo acabara. Pero sólo puedo pensar en que dentro de una hora nos diremos adiós.
Look, now, why don't you be a good kid, and we'll take you in to a doctor? - Everything's gonna be all right.
Sea bueno y deje que le llevemos al médico, verá como todo se arregla.
Then it'll be good we're here.
Después es mejor que estemos aquí.
Good. We'll pick up flip and be there in two hours.
Bien, recoge a Flip y vuelve en dos horas.
We'll be good.
Seremos buenos.
But we'll take good care of her. She might be fine until you're grown up and married and have kids. ( DOORBELL BUZZING )
Pero la cuidaremos... y te verá crecer y tener hijos.
We'll be good friends.
Seremos buenos amigos.
I don't think there'll be much traffic and we ought to make good time.
Ahora habrá poco tráfico y conduciremos bien.
Good. Then we'll all be partners.
Bien, seremos socios.
It'll be good and exciting when we are.
Será más excitante cuando nos veamos.
We didn't want to lose that man but... could be a good thing. We'll keep it quiet.
Quizá el perder a ese tipo fue bueno, pero no lo divulgaremos.
We'll be good to you.
Nos has tratado bien y hacemos igual.
- What you got me in? A straitjacket? - By the time we get to Pearl you'll be as good as new.
- Me ha puesto una camisa de fuerza.
- We'll be so good, nobody will know us.
- Nos portaremos muy bien.
All of this is good. But it'll be for nothing unless we get enough food for the first winter.
Todo esto es bueno, pero será inútil si no tenemos bastante comida para soportar el primer invierno.
We'll be doing a good deed, and we'll be rewarded with manna from heaven.
Haremos una buena acción y recibiremos maná del cielo.
Let us in, we'll be good!
¡ Déjenos entrar! ¡ Sea buena!
And we'll be a fine, wholesome, young American couple... having a bit of good, clean, nauseating fun over the bacon and eggs every morning.
Seremos una pareja norteamericana pura... divirtiéndose sana y nauseabundamente al comer huevos con tocino a diario.
We'll grow old. And we'll always be very good friends.
Ilegaremos a viejos, seguiremos queriéndonos como dos buenos amigos
We'll probably get a chance for just one shot, so it better be good.
Sólo tenemos un disparo. Más vale que sea bueno.

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