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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll be on our way

We'll be on our way tradutor Espanhol

335 parallel translation
- I'll get my things and we'll be on our way.
Tomaré mis cosas y nos iremos.
We'll be safely on our way back to America in 24 hours.
Estaremos de regreso en los EE. UU. Dentro de 24 horas.
I'll be scared every second until we're on our way.
Tendré miedo hasta el mismo instante que nos vayamos.
We'll be on our way soon.
Pronto estaremos en camino.
Tomorrow morning, we'll be on our way. It's our vacation, and we're going to Kiev on a holiday.
Mañana ya estaremos de camino.
As soon as the deal's done, we'll be on our way.
Tan pronto como cerremos el trato, nos largamos.
Now if you'll just return it, we'll be on our way.
Y ahora, si me lo devuelve seguiremos nuestro camino.
We'll be on our way before they miss us.
Estaremos lejos antes de que se den cuenta.
When you wake up, we'll be on our way again.
Cuando te despiertes, arrancaremos de nuevo.
GABE : We get these few head over the mountains there, we'll be on our way.
Cuando crucemos estas pocas cabezas por aquellas montañas, estaremos de camino.
We'll be on our way.
Nos iremos.
The more rest he gets, the sooner we'll be on our way.
Cuanto más descanse, más pronto nos marcharemos.
By this time tomorrow, we'll be on our way home.
Mañana a estas horas estaremos de camino a casa.
Well, friend, we'll be on our way now, so...
Bueno, amigo, ya nos vamos.
We should be on our way back to Lahore in three or four days. Then we'll grab a plane back to London. Then Greenview.
Volveremos a Lahore en tres o cuatro días, cogeremos un avión a Londres y a Greenview.
We'll be on our way before he'd get back to the ship.
Estaríamos en rumbo antes que él regresara.
- Nothing serious, sir. In a few hours we'll be on our way again.
Nada grave, enseguida seguiremos la marcha.
We'll be on our way, father.
Papá, ya nos vamos.
With luck, we'll soon be on our way home.
Con suerte, pronto estaremos regresando a casa.
Let me visit the powder room and we'll be on our way.
Déjame ir a polvearme la nariz y nos vamos.
- Well, then, very well. We'll pack and be on our way.
Hago las maletas y nos vamos.
We'll be on our way.
Ya ha llegado el momento.
Now if you will just show us where the gasoline is, we'll be on our way.
Si nos enseña la gasolina, seguiremos el viaje.
Now if you will just show us where the gasoline is, we'll be on our way.
¡ Sálvese el que pueda! ¡ lndios! ¡ Salvajes!
Then we'll just be on our way.
Entonces nos precuparemos sólo de nuestros asuntos.
Give us one more round and we'll be on our merry way.
Una ronda más y nos iremos contentos.
Well, doctor, if you'll just sign this release here, we'll be on our way.
Bueno, doctor, si firma este formulario nos marcharemos.
- All right, Hymie, we'll go over to my place, pick up a few things, and then we'll be on our way.
Muy bien, Hymie iremos a mi casa, recogeremos algunas cosas y nos marcharemos.
Then we'll be on our way.
Y nosotros también nos iremos.
Fifteen minutes and we'll be on our way again.
Quince minutos y volvemos a salir.
And now if you'll hand me the map, we'll be on our way.
Si me dan el mapa, partiremos.
Well, we'll be on our way.
Bueno, vamos a estar en nuestro camino.
We'll be on our way as soon as you get this stick out of me.
Nos pondremos en camino en cuanto me saque este palo.
We'll be on our way, Bully Boy.
Ya nos vamos, Bully Boy.
We'll be on our way.
Sólo será un momento.
We'll be on our way soon.
Estaremos de camino de vuelta pronto.
By that time, your cow will be a mother, and we'll be on our way.
Para entonces, tu vaca será madre, y partiremos.
If you'll just sign this, we'll be on our way.
Si fiirma esto, nos iremos.
It seems hard to believe, but in only twenty more hours, we ´ ll be on our way back to home base.
Parece difícil de creer, pero en sólo veinte horas más, estaremos de regreso a la base.
We'll be on our way.
Nos vamos a retirar.
We'll be on our way.
Gracias de todos modos, Inspector.
When we're through with him, we'll be on our way to the islands with the laser components, the car, and our own private fantasies.
Cuando hayamos terminado con él, iremos rumbo a las islas... con los componentes del láser, el auto, y nuestras propias fantasías.
We'll drop you all off and then we'll be on our way.
Les dejaremos y seguiremos nuestro camino.
We'll be on our way.
Sr. Chan, nos vamos.
Next day we'll be on our way
Mañana nos habremos ido
Next day, we'll be on our way
Mañana nos habremos ido
We'll have the track cleared shortly, and we'll be on our way.
Despejaremos la vía enseguida. Seguiremos nuestro viaje.
Then I'll give her a lift and we'll be on our way.
Entonces lo levantaré y nos iremos.
The only thing that mattered to you was the Cauldron, but now it's no use to you, so we'll just take it and be on our way.
Lo único que te importaba a ti era el caldero. Pero como ahora ya no te sirve... Entonces solamente lo tomamos y nos retiramos.
Just give us some cooperation and we'll be on our way.
Coopere con nosotros y seguiremos nuestro camino.
We'll be on our way come morning.
Continuaremos nuestro viaje por la mañana.

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