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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll be quick

We'll be quick tradutor Espanhol

172 parallel translation
Before we're too close and before emotions get deep... we should just end it quick. That way, you won't be hurt and it'll be easier to forget me.
Es más fácil romper las relaciones... antes de que los sentimientos se hagan más profundos...
Even if she's here by 9 : 30 and we... then in bed by 10 : 00, she'll be up at 11 : 00 saying Quick, quick!
Aunque llegara a las 9 : 30, ya no nos acostamos antes de las 10, y a las 11 ya va a estar saliendo : "¡ Rápido, rápido!"
- But don't worry. - Well, you'd better be quick about it... because if I find him first, you're gonna have another murder on your hands. We'll find him.
- No se preocupe.
justice and quick help for a great woman who has the stuff to be a great man stop let the Neuberin stay a woman and prove what we women are capable of if you don't help the Principal, she'll be finished don't talk in riddles, what's the matter?
justicia y ayuda para una gran mujer quién tiene todo para ser un gran hombre basta deja al Neuberin ser una mujer y demuestra que las mujeres somos capaces si no ayuda a la Señora Principal, ella estará terminada no hable con enigmas, ¿ cuál es la cuestión?
- OK, we'll be quick!
- Irémos rápido.
Be quick, or we'll give you what's coming to you.
Apúrate o te daremos tu merecido.
We'll be quick.
Seré rápido.
Your second target is his deck gun, but be quick,'cause he'll start shooting when we do.
Segundo objetivo : El cañón de cubierta. Sean rápidos, ellos también dispararán.
We know you've had rather a shock, Polly, and talking about it may be disturbing, but I'm afraid we must ask you a few questions, so I'll be as quick as I can, and you just try not to let it upset you.
Sabemos que está conmocionada y que hablar Ie será desagradable. Pero debo hacerle algunas preguntas. Seré muy breve.
We'll be quick.
Vamos a ir al grano.
Come on, it'll be quick. Two kisses and we're done.
- Será rápido. ¡ Dos besitos y basta!
Well, she'd better be quick or we'll all be on the menu.
Con tal que se apresure.
Quick, or we'll all be sucked out!
Rápido, o seremos sorbidos fuera!
We've got to get out of here quick or we'll be cut off!
Tenemos que salir de aquí rápido o quedaremos aislados!
Quick, we'll be back.
Deprisa, no hacemos más que ir de un lado para otro.
Come on, get out of here quick or we'll be caught in the exhaust blast!
Vamos, salgamos rápidamente de aquí o nos alcanzará la gran explosión! ¡ Vamos!
Okay, okay, but we'll have to be quick.
OK, OK, pero tenemos que ser rápidos.
I'll just have a quick word with the ambassador and then we'll be off.
Hablaré rápidamente con el Embajador y luego me iré.
Hawkeye and I'll be along as quick as we can.
Hawkeye y yo iremos en cuanto podamos.
- We'll be as quick as we can.
- Iremos lo más rápido posible.
We'll have a quick drink and you'll be on your way.
Nos tomamos algo rápido y te marchas.
We'll have to be quick. They close at five.
Démonos prisa, cierran a las cinco.
- We'll be quick.
- Voy enseguida.
We`re sorry to bother you, It'll be quick.
Perdona que te molestemos, acabamos enseguida.
Be quick or we'll lose it.
Venga o Io perderemos.
We'll be home real quick.
Estaremos en casa en seguida.
Do exactly what we say, boy, or you'll be in hell damn quick.
Haz lo que te digamos o pronto estarás en el infierno.
This`ll be a quick meal. l`ll order two empty plates and we can leave. "
Ésta será una comida rápida. Pediré dos platos vacíos y podemos irnos ".
We'll be as quick as possible.
Sr. Burguer, nos daremos prisa.
Well, why don't we leave your bike here... and I'll get you to where you need to be double-quick on the back of mine?
Bien, ¿ porqué no dejamos su bicicleta aquí... y la acerco el doble de rápido a donde tenga que ir en la parte de atrás de la mía?
With a quick answer from the board, we'll be okay.
Una respuesta rápida del consejo y estaremos bien.
We'll have to be quick because I'm going out.
Ràpido, voy a salir.
We'll be quick.
Vamos a ser rápido.
Better make it quick or else we'll be all day listening to his crap.
Lo haces rápido o escucharemos sus idioteces todo el día.
Relax your crack, sweetheart. Quick tootle around the old household and we'll be back.
Echaremos un vistazo a la casa y volveremos.
If you get this over quick, we'll both be a lot happier.
Si lo haces rápido, será mejor para ambos.
- Yes, but we'll have to be quick.
- Sí, pero debemos apurarnos.
Well, we've got a quick word from our sponsor and then we'll be back with your calls.
Unas rápidas palabras de nuestro sponsor y volvemos con sus llamadas.
Oh, great (! ) One of us takes a round, we'll be glad to have a quick nib.
Oh, grandioso, Que uno haga una ronda, nos encantaria comer un poco.
All right, but it'll have to be a quick one - we've got guests.
Está bien, pero tendremos que hacerlo rápido, tenemos huéspedes.
Go on inside, grab some coffee We'll be back pretty quick
Ve adentro, prepara algo de café estaremos de vuelta pronto
We'll be quick.
Será rápido.
- Yes, but we'll have to be quick.
- Sí, Pero tenemos que apurarnos.
If you break through, we'll be dead real quick, instead of real slow, which is what's gonna happen now.
Si atraviesas la pared, moriremos muy rápido. En vez de muy lento, que es lo que va a pasar ahora.
Then we'll be suing Quick Stop and Dante Hicks for ten million dollars.
Entonces demandaremos a la tienda Quick Stop y a Dante Hicks por diez millones de dólares.
- We'll be right quick.
- Vendremos enseguida.
I'm sorry, Rosario but we'll try to be as quick as we can
Ya volvemos.
We'll be quick.
Seremos rápidos.
I'll be happy to give you a quick lesson. We're not here to make enemies.
Se lo resumiré, no estamos aquí para hacer enemigos.
We'll be quick.
- Será rápido
We'll be on our way quick if you load up your luggage in an orderly fashion and have your tickets ready.
Partiremos pronto si entregan su equipaje en forma ordenada y tienen sus boletos a la mano.

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