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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll be ready

We'll be ready tradutor Espanhol

787 parallel translation
We'll be ready for you in a moment, Mr Ferguson.
Estaremos listos para usted en un momento, Sr. Ferguson.
Then we'll be ready.
Entonces estaremos listos.
We'll be ready to shove off the minute you step aboard.
Estaremos listos para largarnos en cuanto subas a bordo.
I'll be so nice to her that by the time we're ready to break the news, she'll be begging you to marry me.
Seré tan encantador con ella que antes de que podamos decírselo... deseará que te cases conmigo.
And when they follow you down here, we'll be ready for them.
Cuando te sigan hacia aquí estaremos listos.
We'll be ready in just a minute.
Empezaremos enseguida.
We'll be ready to hear you sing as soon as you've rested.
Descanse, y la oiremos cantar.
We'll be ready at 7 : 00 tomorrow morning.
Estaremos listos a las 7 de la mañana.
Tell madame we will be ready at 2, waiting for her signal then I'll swim the moat.
Diga a la señora que estaremos preparados a las dos, esperando su señal... para cruzar el foso.
You and Miss Amy be dressed and ready. We'll be back as soon as we can.
Usted y la Srta. Amy estén listas Volveremos tan pronto podamos
Tell him we'll be ready in five minutes.
Dile que estaremos listos en 5 minutos.
Right, sir, we'll be ready.
Sí, señor, estaremos listos.
We'll be ready in a minute.
Estaremos listos en un momento.
By the time the complainers are ready for action, we'll be prepared.
Para cuando la oposición esté lista para actuar, estaremos preparados
- We'll be ready, Harmony.
- Estaremos listos, Harmony.
And they'll be ready to whip the tar out of the first fellow... that says we'll never make it.
Estarán listos para golpear al primero que diga que no lo lograremos.
Better get that boat ready, gimpy. We'll be sailing pretty soon.
- Será mejor que prepares el barco.
We'll be ready.
Estaremos listos.
We'll be ready.
Estaremos ahí.
It'll be ready by the time we've finished.
Estará listo en apenas un instante.
We'll be back on the third of next month and that dough had better be ready.
Estaremos de vuelta el día tres mes próximo y el dinero debe estar ese día.
but as soon as it changes, i'll be ready for the ascent monsieur blanchard, i welcome your intended flight we serve science and amuse the people it's part of a statesman's art to do one thing and achieve two
Mis ayudantes mantienen el fuego encendido bajo el globo. Señor Blanchard, celebro que haya elegido Venecia para su ascensión. Servimos a la ciencia y divertimos al pueblo.
Now if you'll all be quiet, gentlemen... we're ready to start the examination.
Si todos guardan silencio ahora, caballeros... estamos listos para comenzar el examen.
We'll be ready.
Estará listo.
But thanks to our victory at Cempoala, we'll soon be ready for the harvesting.
Gracias a nuestra victoria en Cempoala atacaremos pronto.
As a matter of fact,... you can wire our Paris office that we'll be ready to leave in two weeks.
A decir verdad,... puedes telegrafiar a nuestra oficina en Paris que todo está listo para partir en dos semanas.
We'll be ready, boss.
Estaremos preparados.
- We'll be ready.
- Estaremos listos.
As ready as we'll ever be.
- Supongo.
She'll be ready by the time we are.
Estará todo listo en seguida.
So that when the other ladies arrive, we'll be all ready to go.
Cuando lleguen las demás, podremos irnos.
We'll be ready to eat in a few minutes.
Vamos a comer en unos minutos.
Don't worry, we'll be ready in five minutes.
No te preocupes, estaremos listos en cinco minutos.
We'll be ready.
Estaremos preparados.
Well, we'll be ready for them.
Bien, estaremos preparados.
When she comes, we'll be ready for her.
Cuando llegue, estaremos esperándolo.
You'll take your instructions from Miss Kirby until we're ready for you to be brought to the attention of the McIntyres.
Recibirás tus instrucciones de la Srta. Kirby hasta que estemos listos para llevarte a la atención de los McIntires.
Then it will all be ready and we'll do it together.
Así puedes estar más cómodo e inauguramos juntos.
We'll be ready for him.
Estaremos preparados.
- No, we'll be ready in two days.
Dos días.
We'll be ready to rehearse in three weeks.
Estaremos ensayando en tres semanas.
We'll be ready.
No se enfade.
And tell the baron we'll be ready in two minutes.
Y dona Virginia también.
Warden, we'll be ready in about 15 minutes.
Alcaide, estaremos listos dentro de 15 minutos.
We'll be ready for them.
Iré a recibirles.
Well, maybe we'll be ready for them when they come.
Quizá estemos listos cuando vengan.
- When will we be ready? - We'll need a couple of weeks.
- ¿ Cuándo estaremos listos?
- We'll be ready in six weeks.
- Dentro de 6 semanas.
We'll be down to get you in a taxi, sister you better be ready by a quarter to 8.
Te llevaremos en un taxi, nena... Estate preparada a las ocho menos cuarto.
But we'll be ready. Right.
Pero de todas formas, estaremos atentos.
We'll be ready for takeoff in 20 minutes.
Estaremos listos para despegar en 20 minutos.

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