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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll be right there

We'll be right there tradutor Espanhol

611 parallel translation
We'll be there right away, Helius!
- ¡ Vamos enseguida, Helius!
All right? We'll be there, but I could kill you for it.
De acuerdo, pero me vengaré.
Hello, we'll be there right away.
Llegarán enseguida.
Father Costanzo says if Garibaldi doesn't leave right away, they'll all be dead when we get there.
Padre Costanzo dice que si Garibaldi no parte de inmediato, les encontraremos todos muertos cuando lleguemos allí.
If you're coming to Paul Street to take our lot away we'll be right there waiting for you.
Si venís a la calle Pal a quitarnos nuestro solar os estaremos esperando.
We'll be there right on the minute.
Estaremos allí bien puntuales.
- Wait there. We'll be right up.
Espera ahí, ahora subimos.
All right, all right. But we gotta go this minute. I'll be right there.
Oh, he decidido quedarme y disfrutar de los deportes de invierno.
Get good wages out there and put it all together, and we'll be all right. Good wages?
Si nos pagan un buen sueldo y lo juntamos todo, saldremos adelante.
Hold everything. We'll be right there.
Caso siguiente.
So, we'll be a-building the house right over there by that tree.
Levantaremos una casa junto a aquel árbol.
- Oh, we'll be right there. - Thank you.
Iremos enseguida.
We'll be right there.
Iremos enseguida.
We have a surprise for you. - I'll be right there!
- Tenemos una sorpresa para ti.
Gesundheit. There, we'll be all right here.
Aquí estará bien
We'll be right there.
Vamos para allá.
We're to pick up our driver there at 5 : 00... and we'll be at the plant right after the day shift has checked off.
Ahí recogeremos a nuestro chofer a las 5 en punto... y llegaremos a la planta después de que haya salido el primer turno.
We'll be right there.
Estaré allí.
We'll be right there!
Ahora mismo vamos.
We'll be right there.
Enseguida vamos.
- We-We'll be there, all right.
- Ahí estaré, no cabe duda.
- We gotta go. - I'll be right there.
- Debemos irnos.
And now you.. you who look so happy and was so nice to declare himself earlier, Do me a favor : run to the priest and tell him we'll be right there.
Ahora usted, que tiene esa cara sonriente... y que ha sido tan amable de manifestarse antes,... hágame el favor, corra donde el sacerdote... y dígale que enseguida estaremos allí.
Tell the priest we'll be right there.
Avise al cura de que vamos.
We'll put the big stones over there and then they'll be all right.
Ponemos unas piedras grandes allí y estará listo.
- We'll be right there.
- Gracias, enseguida vamos.
- All right, we'll be there at 6 : 30.
Bueno, estaremos allí a las 6 : 30.
That's a good captain. Now, you sit right here and look after your friend like he'd want you to... and I'll go get us the best doctor they got down there... just so as we'll be good and sure.
Siéntese allí y cuide a su amigo como él lo querría... y yo iré a buscar al mejor médico que tengamos... para poder estar bien seguros.
We'll be right there.
¡ Vamos, queremos la piel del mexicano!
We'll be there right after dark.
llegaremos cuando anochezca.
We'll be right there.
Llegamos enseguida.
We'll be right there with you.
Estaremos ahí para apoyarte.
Keep it in check and we'll be right there.
Vigílenlo, ya vamos.
" We'll be right there where we belong
Estaremos en nuestro lugar
We'll be there right away.
Llegaremos ahí inmediatamente.
We'll be right there.
Estaremos bien allí.
Fine, we'll be right there.
Bien, iremos enseguida.
- Sylvie, we're waiting - i'll be right there
- Sylvie, te estamos esperando. - Enseguida voy.
- Aunt Clara, we're leaving. - I'll be right there.
Tía Clara, nos vamos Todo estará bien
Yes, and even though we're not there in person we'll be rooting for them, right?
Sí, y aunque no estamos allí en persona, los alentaremos, ¿ verdad?
All right. All right, we'll be there.
De acuerdo, allí estaremos.
- We'll be right there.
Ya vamos.
When we get back'they'll be right there right in the palm of my hand.
Cuando volvamos'ellos estarán aquí'en la palma de mi mano.
We'll be right there.
Estaremos allí luego.
Well, there you are and we'll be returning to the match sometime in the second half but right now, it's time for wrestling.
Allí tienen. Regresaremos al partido en el segundo tiempo, ahora es momento de la lucha.
When we make our move there, you'll be my right-hand man.
Cuando vayamos allá ­, serà ¡ s mi mano derecha.
We'll be right there.
"Bien, para allá vamos".
We'll be right there.
"Vamos para allá".
We'll be right there.
Estaremos allí.
- We'll be right there.
- Vamos enseguida.
There's no need to go further, we'll be all right here.
No hay que seguir adelante, estaremos bien aquí.

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