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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll be waiting

We'll be waiting tradutor Espanhol

577 parallel translation
We'll be waiting at the retrieval point.
Esperaremos en el punto de recuperación.
- We'll be waiting for you.
- Estaremos esperándola.
I'll be damned, we can't go on like this we're standing here waiting for hours and don't know what's going to happen adieu
Mira a tu alrededor, ¡ esto no puede seguir así! Nos tienen aquí esperando en vano y no sabemos lo que pasa.
It'll take you longest to reach your objective, so we'll be waiting for your signal.
Tardarán más en alcanzar su objetivo así que esperaremos su señal.
If you're coming to Paul Street to take our lot away we'll be right there waiting for you.
Si venís a la calle Pal a quitarnos nuestro solar os estaremos esperando.
We ´ ll be waiting for you.
Le esperaremos.
I'll say goodbye again because we'll both be waiting for you.
Diré hasta pronto porque ambos esperaremos por ti.
I'll say goodbye again because we'll both be waiting for you.
Vuelve pronto, querido.
And when she finds out what kind of a man George is, I'll be waiting for her, and together we'll salvage what is left of our lives.
Y cuando descubra la clase de hombre que es George, estaré esperando por ella, y juntos reconstruiremos nuestras vidas.
We'll be waiting for you.
Te estaremos esperando.
Tell madame we will be ready at 2, waiting for her signal then I'll swim the moat.
Diga a la señora que estaremos preparados a las dos, esperando su señal... para cruzar el foso.
Good. You just put that in writing, send it to our office with your check, we'll be waiting.
Esa pequeña rata no le cedería ni el polvo de sus muebles.
Come back when you've cooled off, kid. We'll be waiting for you.
Vuelve cuando te hayas calmado, te estaremos esperando.
- We'll be waiting for you in the carriage.
- Te esperaremos en el carruaje.
We'll be waiting, Dad.
Estaremos esperando, papá.
- We'll be waiting for you.
- Estaremos esperándote.
I'll be waiting at home. We'll settle the score!
- Siempre enciendo el suyo el primero.
Listen, when you see Tundra tell her we'll be waiting by the cane field by nightfall.
Escucha, cuando veas a Tundra dile que la esperaremos en el cañizal al atardecer.
- We'll be waiting.
- Le esperamos, agente.
- We'll be waiting up for you.
- Esperaremos despiertos.
- OK. We " ll be there waiting for you.
- Os estaremos esperando.
But it's after 1 : 00, and Rusty'll be waiting at a place we know.
Pero son más de la 1 : 00 y Rusty estará esperando donde sabemos.
Alright, Stevens, Alright We'll be waiting at the bank.
Muy bien. Stevens. Muy bien.
When you come back, we'll be waiting for you... the whole family.
Cuando regreses, te estaremos esperando--toda la familia.
We'll be waiting here.
- Estaremos esperando en las colinas.
We'll be waiting all day.
Aún tendremos que esperar horas por tu madre.
We'll be waiting for you, marshal, at the O.K. Corral.
Te estaremos esperando, sheriff, en O.K. Corral.
If we cut down there, they'll be waiting for us.
Ha ido por aquella calle, estará esperando en la siguiente.
Once we get home, you'll be so busy. Your aunt will be waiting.
Cuando volvamos a casa... tendrás mucho que hacer, tu tía te estará esperando.
- Remember, we'll be waiting outside.
- Recuerden que esperaremos afuera.
We'll always be waiting for you.
Ya sabe que siempre lo estaremos esperando.
We'll be waiting in the back room.
Te esperaremos en la sala del fondo.
- We'll be waiting.
- Estaremos esperando.
I'll dive off a second before the crash and swim over to where you'll be waiting on the east shore and we'll be off to Kenya together.
Me zambulliré un segundo antes del impacto e iré nadando a la orilla, donde me esperarás para que nos vayamos juntos a Kenia.
Well, tell madame that we'll be on the shore at 2 : 00, waiting for her signal then I will swim the moat.
Bien, diga a la señora que estaremos en la orilla a las 2, esperando su señal... luego, yo cruzaré el foso.
I won't be late. If you are, we'll all be waiting up for you.
Si es así, todas te estaremos esperando.
We'll be waiting.
Ahi los esperaremos.
Tell your friends we'll be waiting for any more... that come in looking for trouble.
Dile a tus amigos que estaremos esperando si quieren buscar más pelea.
We'll be waiting for him.
Estaremos esperándolo.
- We'll be waiting.
Lo esperaremos.
We'll be waiting.
Estaremos esperándole.
- We'll be waiting.
- Te esperamos allá.
We'll be waiting for the bang about dawn.
- Lo haremos. Esperaremos la explosión al amanecer.
We'll be waiting for it.
La esperaremos allí.
I promise you she'll be punished. We ain't waiting for no promises.
No esperaremos a que cumpla ninguna promesa.
Now, we'll be waiting for him.
Lo estaremos esperando.
And the carriage is all bought and waiting... and it won't be any time at all... before we'll be... taking him for walks together in the park... all the places that we used to go and know.
Y ya compramos la carriola y esta esperando... y no será más que un segundo... antes de que... lo llevemos a pasear juntos en el parque... a todos los lugares que solíamos ir y conocer.
We'll be waiting for you.
- Los estaremos esperando.
What Mr. Henshaw means is, we'll be waiting on him... while he cools off in our comfortable jail.
Sr. Henshaw, le está diciendo que les estaremos esperando... en cuanto se calme, va a pasar una noche confortable en la cárcel.
We'll be waiting up ahead
Os esperaremos delante
- We'll be waiting for you!
- ¡ Le estaremos esperando!

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