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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll talk about it

We'll talk about it tradutor Espanhol

1,744 parallel translation
We'll talk about it on the way.
Hablaremos de esto en el camino.
- We'll talk about it later, okay, baby?
Lo hablaremos después, ¿ sí, amor?
We'll talk about it later
Hablaremos después.
We'll talk about it, absolutely.
Hablaremos de eso, claro.
We'll talk about it on the ride back.
Hablaremos de eso en el viaje de vuelta
I'll give you a bear if we don't talk about it.
Te regalo un oso si no hablamos de ello.
But that's what I want to talk about is- - it isn't poker, but it's the same philosophy, except you're dealing with relationships, and it's much more personal. We'll take a quick break, we'll come back and get back to this.
fui mas inteligente, los superere, y siento que los venci a todos.
We'll talk about it in the morning.
Hablaremos de eso mañana.
We'll talk about it when I get home.
Hablaremos de ello cuando llegue.
Just, you know, deal with him... and, uh, we'll talk about it next time.
Nada más... ya sabe... ocúpese de él y... lo discutiremos la próxima vez.
I don't have time for this right now, I have, I've gotta get back to work. We'll talk about it when we get home. Matt, the guy is obviously calling himself the Zodiac for a reason.
- No tengo tiempo para esto ahora debo volver al trabajo.
We'll talk about it.
Lo hablaremos.
We'll all talk about it, okay?
Todas lo hablaremos, ¿ esta bien?
We'll talk about it this week.
Lo hablaremos esta semana.
We'll talk about it later.
Hablaremos después.
Could I get dressed and then we'll talk about it?
Mamá, puedo vestirme y luego hablamos?
We'll talk about it later.
¿ Sí? Hablaremos más tarde.
Deboard the crew and we'll talk about it.
Baja a la tripulación y hablaremos.
Uh, we'll talk about it.
Ya lo hablaremos.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Hablaremos de eso mañana.
We'll talk about it later.
Hablaremos después sobre ello.
We'll write it, then talk about it.
Lo escribo y luego te lo explico.
We'll talk about it later.
Después hablamos de eso.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Hablaremos mañana.
We'll talk about it later. I'll see you on the tennis court.
Te veré en la cancha de tenis.
- We'll talk about it this evening.
- Hablaremos antes de esta noche.
We'll talk about it.
Venga, siéntate.
- We'll talk about it when we're alone!
- Lo hablaremos cuando estemos solos.
We'll talk about it when I get there.
Hablaremos de eso cuando llegue allí.
We'll talk about it
Hablaremos de eso.
Yeah. We'll talk about it.
- Sí, hablaremos de eso.
Tanya, get your sweet little ass back over to the piano, and we'll talk about it later.
Tanya, lleva tu dulce y pequeño culo hacia piano, hablaremos de éso más tarde.
Okay, look, if the Avatars are exonerated, and I see what Phoebe saw, then we'll talk about it.
Vale, mira, si los Avatares son absueltos Y veo lo que Phoebe vio Hablaremos de eso
We are not doing this, and we'll talk more about it in the morning, okay?
¿ de acuerdo?
We'll talk about it in the morning.
Hablaremos mañana en la mañana.
So- - I hope you're not mad, but I've found Mrs Huber's journal in your truck, and- - well, I couldn't exactly not read it, so I did, and I know all about the blackmail, so call me, we'll talk.
Bueno... espero que no estés molesto, pero encontré el diario de la Sra. Huber en tu camioneta y bueno, no pude exactamente no leerlo.
Fine. We'll talk about it back at the casino.
Bien, hablaremos de esto en el casino.
Wait, E. We'll save it for the beach... have something to talk to the guys about.
Espera, E, lo guardaremos para la playa... para tener algo de qué hablar con los muchachos.
Let's get together next week. We'll talk about it.
Reunámonos la próxima semana y hablemos de ello.
We'll talk about it later.
Hablaremos más tarde.
Well, we'll talk about it next time.
Hablaremos de ello la próxima vez.
We'll talk about it later.
Lo hablaremos más tarde.
We'll talk about it when I get home, ok?
Hablaremos de ello cuando llegue a casa, ¿ de acuerdo?
Look Sonny, we'll talk about it later.
Mira Sonny, hablaremos de eso luego.
If she's still unhappy, we'll talk about it.
Si ella no está contenta, hablaremos.
I'll finish up, and we can talk about it tomorrow.
Yo termino. Mañana hablamos del tema.
All right, we'll talk about it when I get back.
Está bien, hablaremos de ello cuando regrese. - ¿ Está bien?
- But we'll talk about it tonight, okay?
Pero hablaremos sobre eso esta noche, ¿ de acuerdo?
Well, we'll talk about it later.
Bueno, hablamos después.
We'll talk about it again tomorrow.
Volveremos a hablarlo mañana.
We'll talk about it.
- Ya hablaremos. - De acuerdo.

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