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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll talk to him

We'll talk to him tradutor Espanhol

244 parallel translation
I'll talk to him tomorrow. We may go to your awful house Sunday after vespers to see those poor people.
Podríamos ir a tu casa el domingo, después de vísperas, para visitar a esa pobre gente.
Alright, if the Frenchman wants to talk, we'll oblige him.
Si los franceses quieren hablar iremos.
- We'll talk to him.
- Vamos a hablarle.
We'll talk to him friendly-like. We'll tell him Stella wants him to call on her.
Le diremos que Stella quiere que vaya a verla.
First, I'm gonna have him talk to Matthews. Then we'll go and see Farr.
Primero hablarás con Matthews, y luego iremos a ver a Farr.
Well, we'll talk to him.
- Lré a hablar con él.
Don't do anything rash. We'll talk it over. Here, let me talk to him.
No, no, no haga nada sin pensarlo, charlemos antes.
You stay here for luck. We'll talk to him together.
Dame suerte, luego hablaremos con él juntos.
The first plane to Nairobi, six seats. Yes and if they don't have any, talk to the right man and tell him if he kicks other people off the plane we'll make it worth his while.
Sí, y si no quedan plazas, diles que dejen en tierra lo que sea, que les compensaremos con creces.
Tell him we'll come to the city tomorrow, and that you want to talk to him for a couple of minutes.
Dile que vamos a la ciudad y que te gustaría hablar con él un momento. Prefiero no hacerlo.
No use? Let me talk to him, we'll see then if it's any use.
Tú déjame hablar con él y ya veremos si vale o no vale.
I'll go and talk to him once we're finished with Sumiko's wedding.
Hablaré con él en cuanto acabemos con la boda de Sumiko.
We'll talk to him after a while about what happened at the wreck.
Enseguida hablaremos con él sobre lo ocurrido en el naufragio.
No, Al, we'll go and talk to him. The opera house.
No, primero hablaremos con él en su despacho.
- We'll have to talk to him about that.
- Hablaremos de ello con él.
We'll go talk to him.
Hablaremos con el.
We'll go and talk to him in Medicina.
Vamos a ir a Medicina a hablar con él.
If Bediyoskin has regained consciousness, we'll want him to talk to us, not KAOS.
Si Bediyoskin recuperó la conciencia queremos que hable con nosotros, no con KAOS.
We'll just go over to Mr. Hurrah's office and have a little talk with him.
Bueno, iremos a la oficina del Sr. Hurrah... y tendremos una charla con él.
- We'll talk to him.
- Nosotros le vamos a hablar.
We'll talk to him.
Nosotros le vamos a hablar.
Oh, he won't talk, Paris, but with what they're doing to him, if we don't get him in 72 hours, he'll be dead.
Él no hablará, Paris. Pero con lo que le están haciendo, si no lo rescatamos en 72 horas estará muerto.
We'll take him as hostage until you decide to talk!
¡ Le cogeremos como rehén hasta que habléis!
We can talk to the prefect. We'll tell him Gregor was only riding to save an ape's life.
Podemos ir a hablar con el prefecto... para explicarle que cabalgó para salvar a un simio.
We'll talk to him together.
Hablaremos con él juntos.
I think I'll invite him out to the summerhouse tonight, so that we can talk about you more.
Creo que le invitaré esta noche al chalet, para poder hablar más sobre ti.
We'll get you some when you meet with him to talk about the junket.
Te traeremos algunos cuando te encuentres con él para hablar sobre la gira promocional.
When the director comes back, we'll talk to him.
Cuándo el director vuelve, hablaremos a él.
Tell him to come up here tomorrow and we'll talk about it.
Dile que venga y lo discutiremos.
We'll talk to him after we've captured him.
En cuanto le cojamos empezaremos a hablar con él, no te preocupes.
When he's calmed down, we'll talk to him.
Cuando se calme, hablaremos con él.
Let's go We'll talk to him on Monday
Vámonos, hablaremos con él el lunes.
Wait a couple of hours until after the contest, and we'll talk to him.
Espere a que acabe el concurso y luego hablaremos con él, ¿ vale?
We'll talk to him.
Hablaremos los dos con él.
Well, let's get him off to jail first, and then we'll talk about it.
Bueno, vamos sacarlo de la cárcel en primero, y entonces podemos hablar de ello.
We'll talk to him first. lf he agrees, it will be better.
- ¿ Qué bien, papá? Primero hablaremos con él.
We'll talk to him about it.
Hablaremos con él.
We'll need to talk to him.
Tenemos que hablar con él.
You better talk to him! We'll talk to him.
Hablaremos con éI.
First we'll talk to him.
Primero hable con él.
So, now we have to kill him or he'll talk.
Pues tenemos que matarle. Si no, hablará.
We'll just talk to him.
Solo hablaremos con él.
The guy ´ s not stupid. If we talk to him now, he ´ ll get more from us than we will from him.
La gente está asustada. ¿ Verdad?
Let me talk to him, and then we'll talk, okay?
Deja que le hable, y después te llamo.
We were both tired, I'll talk to him tonight.
Ayer estábamos cansados. Se lo diré hoy.
We'll find him, talk to him.
Lo arreglaremos con él.
We'll talk to him later.
- Luego le hablamos.
We'll talk to him.
Vamos a hablar con él.
We'll talk to him.
Hablaremos con él.
" We'll talk to him.
- Pero no lo arrestaron. - No.
Come on, we'll go and talk to him and we'll straighten this thing out.
Hablaremos con él y arreglaremos esto.

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