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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We're going to be fine

We're going to be fine tradutor Espanhol

106 parallel translation
It's going to be a fine family by the time we're finished with it.
Está siendo una gran familia.
We're going to be fine.
Todo saldrá bien.
We're going to catch the train and everything will be fine
Muy bien. Respira así.
He's going to be fine. We're gonna do some tests... and then you can come back later.
Vamos a hacerles algunos exámenes después de eso usted puede volver mas tarde.
We're going to be fine.
Estaremos bien.
I talked to a psychic today and she told me everything is going to be fine. She said we're going to work everything out. Isn't that something?
y me dijo que todo va a estar bien me dijo que vamos a superar todo no es algo?
It's going to be fine. We're gonna go over everything he could possibly say so there won't be any surprises.
Vamos a repasar lo que posiblemente pudiera decir, para que no haya ninguna sorpresa.
We're going to be fine. Get out!
Estaremos bien. ¡ Vete!
But we're glad everything's going to be fine.
Pero, nos alegra que todo vaya a estar bien.
Okay, fine. We'll go down there, but they're not going to be open.
Iremos hasta ahí, pero no estará abierto.
I think I am a little frustrated with Joel today because Joel wants to take over, and that's fine, but Joel doesn't know about... where we're going to be the most comfortable, and so, you know, after last night, I thought,
Creo que estoy algo frustrada con Joel, porque quiere encargarse de todo, y está bien, pero Joel no sabe cómo... encontrar un sitio más cómodo, así que... después de lo de anoche pensé :
- We're going to be fine.
- Seremos felices.
We're going to be fine.
I think we're going to be just fine.
Creo que vamos a estar bien.
Thanks to some fine piloting by Travis Mayweather... we're going to be moving out of the storm a little earlier than expected.
Gracias al excelente pilotaje a cargo de Travis Maywether estamos saliendo de la tormenta más rápido de lo que esperábamos.
We're gonna find something, we're gonna figure it all out... and we are going to be... fine.
Vamos a encontrar algo, vamos a descubrirlo todo y vamos a ponernos... bien
We're, um... We're going to be fine.
Nosotros... nosotros vamos a estar bien.
We just talked to your doctor, and you're going to be out in a few days. You're fine.
Estás bien.
I'm taking care of him, and I'm going to continue to take care of him, and we're both going to be fine, totally and completely fine, all on our own.
Lo estoy cuidando y nunca lo dejaré de hacer, Y vamos a estar bien, Estaremos por nuestra cuenta.
Keep in plain sight, we're going to be fine.
Estaremos bien.
She suffers from a psychiatric condition, but we're going to treat her and she'II be fine.
Ella sufre de una afección psiquiátrica. Tenemos que tratarla... y volverá a estar bien.
We're all going to be fine.
Estaremos bien.
We're going to- - We're going to... find her, and everything's going to be fine.
La encontraremos y todo estará bien.
We're going to be fine, all right?
Vamos a estar bien, ¿ de acuerdo?
Once we get the pattern, we're going to be fine.
Cuando descubramos el patrón, lo haremos bien.
We're going to be fine, trust me.
Estaremos bien, confía en mí.
It was an accident, And we're going to be fine.
Fué un accidente, y no nos va a pasar nada.
We're going to be fine.
Todo va a salir bien.
We're going to Be fine.
Estaremos bien.
Confía en mí, estaremos bien.
We're going to keep her overnight just to be sure, but she's going to be fine.
La vamos a observar esta noche... pero se pondrá bien.
Look, man, we're going to be fine.
Vamos a estar bien.
We're going to be fine.
Vamos a estar bien.
We're all going to be fine.
Todas vamos a estar bien.
We're going to need all the help we can get. - We'll be fine.
- Necesitaremos toda la ayuda posible.
You're fully dilated, the baby's ready, we're going to be fine.
Estás totalmente dilatada, el bebé está listo. Estaremos bien.
Larry, we're going to be fine.
Larry, estaremos bien.
We're going to be just fine here.
Estaremos bien aquí.
We're going to be just fine.
Vamos a estar bien.
Like, last year we was fine and next year is going to be great, but this year, just this year, oh, we're all gonna be a right bunch of fucking cripples, aren't we, eh?
Al igual que, el año pasado estaba muy bien y el año que viene va a ser grande, pero este año, solo este año, oh, todos vamos a ser un manojo derecho de coger lisiados, ¿ verdad, ¿ eh?
I know... I know this is huge for you, I know it is, but... it's going to be fine. We're going to be fine.
Lo sé, sé que esto es mucho para ti, lo sé, pero... va a estar todo bien.
I'm scared, Mr. Mike. We're going to be fine, Kyra.
Estoy asustada, Sr. Mike.
But it's all going to be ok, because I am going to tell you everything, and you're going to understand why I had to keep it from you, and we're going to be fine.
Pero todo va a ir bien, porque voy a contarte todo, y vas a poder entender por qué tuve que ocultártelo, y no nos va a pasar nada.
We're going to get help and everything is going to be fine, okay?
Conseguiremos ayuda y todo estará bien.
Yeah. Yeah, we're going to be fine.
Sí, sí, estaremos bien.
Matt, you're going to be fine, we're going to be fine.
Matt, vas a estar bien, vamos a estar bien.
Nah, we're going to be fine.
No, estaremos bien.
Alistair, we're going to be fine, okay?
Alistair, vamos a estar bien, ¿ vale?
Fine, then you call my cousin Terry and tell him we're not going to be at his karate recital!
¡ Bien, entonces llama a mi primo Terry y dile que no vamos estar en su recital de karate!
We're going to be fine, Kyra.
No nos pasará nada, Kyra.
I think we're all going to be just fine.
Creo que todos estaremos bien.

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