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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We're here to protect you

We're here to protect you tradutor Espanhol

47 parallel translation
We're here to protect you.
Estamos aquí para protegerla.
We're here to protect you guys.
Vinimos aquí para protegerlos.
We're here to protect you.
Estamos aquí para protegerle.
We're here to protect you.
Estamos aquí para protegerla. Con la intención, con el deber de protegerla.
- We're here to protect you. - Thanks.
- La protegemos nosotros.
That's ironic because we're here to protect her from you.
Eso es irónico porque estamos aquí para protegerla de ti.
We just want to talk to you. We're here to protect you.
Sólo queremos hablar con Ud. Estamos aquí para protegerla.
We're all on the same side. We're here to protect you.
Estamos del mismo lado y estamos aquí para protegerte.
We're here to protect you.
Estamos aquí para protegerte.
Listen, Roger, we're here to protect you.
Escuche, Roger, estamos aquí para protegerle.
are't you surprised we're not letthing you go any further we're here to protect our boss
¿ No están sorprendidos? No dejaremos que sigas. Vamos a proteger a nuestro jefe.
Son-in-law, we're here to protect you
Yerno, Estamos aquí para protegerte.
We're here trying to protect you.
Estamos aquí para tratar de protegerla.
We're here to protect you, okay?
Estamos aquí para protegerte.
We're here to protect you. Come out!
Estamos aquí para protegerte.
We're here to watch you. We're here to protect you.
Estamos aquí para cuidarte y para protegerte.
Like Casey said, we're here to protect you.
Como Casey dijo, estamos para protegerte.
Sir, with all due respect, we're only here to protect you.
Señor, con el debido respeto, sólo estamos aquí para protegerlo.
Look Edith, we're trying to protect Joey here, if you tell us where he is and we'll pick him up.
Mire Edith, queremos proteger a Joey.
I understand that you're here to protect him, but we need to know where Randy was two nights ago when George Lyford was killed.
Entiendo que esté aquí para protegerle, pero necesitamos saber dónde estuvo Randy hace dos noches cuando mataron a George Lyford.
What are you doing? - We're here to protect you.
- Estamos aquí para protegerte.
Sensei, we know you're trying to protect us, but we can't spend our whole lives hiding down here.
Sensei, sabemos que quiere protegernos, pero no podemos estar toda la vida escondiendos aquí.
We are. Look, they're just here to protect you.
Lo estamos.Mira, sólo están aquí para protegerte.
We're here to protect you.
Estamos aquí para protegerte a ti.
We're here to protect the show from nut jobs like you.
Estamos aquí para proteger la serie de tarados como tú.
We're here to protect you.
Vinimos a protegerlo.
Y-you know, w-we're here... to p-protect you guys, and, uh, but there are people out there like this guy we arrested last week.
Usted sabe, estamos acá para cuidarlos chicos, pero afuera existen personas... Él estaba, pasando el rato frente a las escuelas.
We're here to protect you, Donna.
Estamos aquí para protegerte, Donna.
Todos estamos aqui para protegerte, esta bien?
We're here to take you to the precinct, where we can protect you.
Vinimos a llevarlo a la comisaría para protegerlo.
They've got the bleeding targets that you can use to armor yourself up and protect your family. Here at Zombie Industries, we're going to teach you firearm safety, hand-to-hand combat, and how to put a bullet right through a zombie's brain because it's your patriotic duty to prepare yourself for the zombie hoards. It's the end of the world and I feel fine.
aqui en Zombi Industries, te enseñaremos seguridad, combate cuerpo a cuerpo y como poner una bala en el cerebro de un zombi, porque es tu deber prepararte para las hordas de zombis es el fin de mundo y se siente bien
We're here to protect you and your company and the interests of the United States military, but you're gonna have to be more careful from now on.
Estamos aquí para protegerte a ti y a tu empresa y los intereses del ejército de los EE.UU, pero tendrás que poner más cuidado de ahora en adelante.
And that's why we're here- - to kind of see where you're at, to see if you're ready to protect our asset, our dear friend.
Y es por eso que estamos aquí... para más o menos ver dónde estás, para ver si estás listo, para proteger a nuestro activo, nuestro querido amigo.
Listen, we understand you're trying to protect your husband, but something is wrong here.
Entendemos que está tratando de proteger a su marido... pero algo está mal aquí.
We're here to protect you.
Estamos para protegerla, Nadia.
We're here to protect you. That's why we've been sent here.
Estamos aquí para protegerlos es por eso que hemos sido enviados aquí
We're here to protect you.
Estemos aquí para protegerte.
We're back, and we're here to protect you... all of you, human...
Estamos de vuelta, y estamos aquí para protegeros... a todos vosotros, humanos...

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