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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We're not going

We're not going tradutor Espanhol

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We're going to Target, not the White House.
Iremos a Target, no a la Casa Blanca.
And nicely for us, a lot of them have police and city cameras and they do not wipe their hard drives, so we're going into the police servers...
Y por suerte, muchos de ellos tienen cámaras policiales y de la ciudad y no borran sus discos duros entonces vamos a meternos en los servidores policiales...
Looks like we're not going anywhere.
Parece que no vamos a ninguna parte.
We're not going to have dinner together?
¿ No vamos a comer la cena juntos?
We are not talking about something that you're just going to come up with at random.
No estamos hablando acerca de algo con lo que vas a tropezar al azar.
New Mexico Environmental Department perceives, we're not going to be able to proceed. Until I'm satisfied it's safe, it's not going to happen.
Si el departamento de medioambiente de Nuevo México percibe un problema, no podremos proceder.
We're wondering if they're going to find anything or not.
No sabemos si van a encontrar algo o no.
- We're not going to whisper, Brian!
- ¡ No susurraremos, Brian!
If we go negative now, we're going to get the senator Lynched. "He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."
"El que no tiene valor para asumir riesgos, no logrará nada en la vida".
We're not going to repeat it again.
No vamos a repetir de nuevo.
We're not going to put up with fighting on the playground or anywhere else around here.
No vamos a tolerar peleas en el patio o de cualquier otro por aquí.
Me and William Ernest and Mr. Randolph, we're not going anyplace.
Yo y William Ernest y el Sr. Randolph, no nos iremos a ninguna parte.
Boss, we're not going to Gas Town?
Jefa, ¿ no iremos a Ciudad Gasolina?
We're not going back.
No vamos a regresar.
- We're not going anywhere.
- No vamos a ninguna parte.
"We're not going to change you."
No vamos a cambiarte.
We're not going anywhere.
No vamos a ninguna parte.
However how much it hurts me when you're not around, we are going to have to get you out of here.
Por mucho que me duela cuando no estés... tendremos que sacarte de aquí.
And we're just going to communicate with the spirits. We're not summoning.
Sólo nos comunicaremos con los espíritus.
We're not going to get caught.
No vamos a quedar atrapados.
Don't worry, we're not going anywhere.
No te preocupes, no vamos a ninguna parte.
Bro, we're not going to get caught.
Bro, no vamos quedar atrapado.
We're not going away.
No nos iremos.
We're not going anywhere without that Holo.
No iremos a ninguna parte sin el HOLO.
We're not going to end up like that, are we?
Estamos no va a terminar así, ¿ verdad?
- We're not going without you.
- No vamos sin ti.
We're not going to London.
No vamos a Londres.
If we're not going to London, where are we going?
No vamos a Londres, ¿ a dónde vamos?
We're not going anywhere.
¡ No vamos a ir a ningún lado!
We're not going anywhere!
¡ No iremos a ningún lado!
We're not going to stand for it, Laurence.
¡ No Lo vamos a tolerar, Laurence!
We're not going to leave her.
No la dejaremos sola.
- We're not going to pretend that it's better than sex, but this is going to make you very happy.
No vamos a pretender que sea mejor que el sexo... pero esto te hará sentir muy feliz.
And we're not going to stop until we find them.
Y no nos vamos a detener hasta que los encontremos.
We're not going to play anymore. "
"No jugaremos más".
And what we're trying to show is that we can not use him, and it doesn't matter the way you're going to use it, you can't do it and that's it.
entonces no importa cómo se lo va a utilizar, no se lo debe utilizar.
We're not going to the church are we?
¿ No vamos a la iglesia no?
No, we're not going back.
No, nosotras no vamos a volver.
We're not going home.
No vamos a casa.
- We're not going home.
- No vamos a casa.
So because you were here and there's verification,... we're not going to beat around the bush, and I will tell you, as Detective Fletcher and myself look at you for your reaction, the unfortunate news that your partner, Mr. Davenport, is dead.
Entonces... como usted estaba aquí, lo cual se corroboró, no nos andaremos por las ramas y le daré, mientras el detective Fletcher y yo observamos su reacción, la mala noticia de que su socio, el Sr. Davenport, está muerto.
And hey, just to look ahead, after the break, we're going to be diving into the Kool Herc materials. So start thinking cultural appropriation, sampling the break, which is not the same thing as copy-pasting your midterms from a Wikipedia page. Mr O'Brien, busted.
Y, en adelanto, tras las vacaciones nos adentraremos al material de Kool Herc, así que empiecen a pensar en apropiación cultural y en buscar ejemplos, que no es lo mismo que copiar sus parciales de una página de Wikipedia, Sr. O'Brien.
We're not going to.
No voy a ser.
We're not going to fuck, Michael.
No vamos a follar, Michael.
Mom, we're not going to find her.
Mamá, no vamos a encontrarla.
For God's sake, if you're that worried we're going to run away, why not come with us?
Por Dios santo, si te preocupa que nos escapemos, ¿ por qué no vienes?
If we don't prime that, we're not going anywhere.
Si no la reparamos, no nos iremos.
We're not going then?
¿ No vamos entonces?
We're not going to pay for it.
No vamos a pagar por eso. Fred...
We're not going to make it.
Entonces, vamos a hacerlo.
So we're not going to be going into town for a while.
No iremos al pueblo por un tiempo.

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