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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We're not gonna make it

We're not gonna make it tradutor Espanhol

380 parallel translation
No llegaremos estando aquí parados.
We're not gonna make it, Molly.
Lo vamos a conseguir, Molly.
We're not gonna make it, either way!
Total, no vamos a sobrevivir.
Well, it looks as if we're just not gonna be able to make it.
Bueno, parece que no podremos ir.
We're not gonna make it.
No lo lograremos.
Not even a Goddamn horse and he he says we're gonna make it.
Sin ni siquiera un caballo. Y sigues diciendo que lo lograremos.
We're not gonna make it giving them our backs.
No lo lograremos dándoles la espalda.
We're not gonna make it to the hospital.
No llegaremos al hospital.
We're not gonna make it!
Peter, es tarde, no hay tiempo que perder.
Well, you mean, we're not gonna make it back?
¿ Quieres decir que no conseguiremos volver?
We're not gonna make it back. We're not gonna make it back.
¡ No vamos a conseguirlo!
We're not gonna make it back.
¡ No vamos a conseguirlo!
It's just... I'm so scared we're not gonna make it off this island.
Pero... tengo mucho miedo porque creo que no lograremos salir dela isla.
We're not gonna be able to make it back.
No podremos regresar.
Like it or not, the three of us are a team and we're gonna make it or die tryin'.
Te guste o no, los 3 somos un equipo y vamos a conseguirlo. O morir intentándolo
We're not gonna make it.
De nada sirve.
We're not gonna make it.
No lo lograremos
No, we're not gonna make it easy on you, Dick.
No te facilitaremos las cosas, Dick.
We're not gonna make it!
- ¡ No lo vamos a conseguir!
We're Not Gonna Make It.
Corramos, no vamos a poder.
- We're not gonna make it.
- No vamos a llegar.
We're not gonna make it, Captain.
No lo conseguiremos, capitán.
We're not gonna make it, Captain.
No Io conseguiremos, capitán.
- We're not gonna make it!
No lo conseguiremos.
We're not gonna make it to the program.
Definitivamente no llegaremos para el programa.
We're not gonna make it if we don't hurry.
¡ No nos va a dar tiempo si no nos damos prisa!
- We're not gonna make it.
- No lo conseguiremos.
We're not gonna make it, are we, sarge?
No vamos a salvarnos, ¿ verdad Sargento?
We're not gonna make it, are we?
No vamos a sobrevivir, ¿ verdad?
We're not gonna make it.
- No lo conseguiremos.
- We're not gonna make it!
- iSí! - iNo podremos!
We're not gonna make it!
- iNo!
Listen, at this rate, we're not gonna make it much longer.
Escucha, si seguimos así, no lograremos sobrevivir.
We're not gonna make it, we don't have time.
- ¡ No podremos, no hay tiempo!
We're not gonna make it!
No lo vamos a lograr!
For God's sakes, Alicia. We're not gonna ask some news reporter... to wait until after 5 : 00 to make out-of-state phone calls. It's ridiculous.
No le pediré a los reporteros que esperen a las 5... para economizar en llamadas.
And we're gonna make you use them whether you like it or not.
Y la vas a usar te guste o no.
We're not gonna make it!
¡ No vamos a llegar!
We're not gonna make it either unless we haul ass!
¡ Nosotros tampoco lo conseguiremos si no nos damos prisa!
We're not gonna make it.
No vamos a llegar.
If we're not gonna make it out of here, let's at least shut this guy up.
Si no vamos a salir de aquí, al menos callemos a este tipo.
Steele, we're not gonna make it!
¡ Steele, no lo vamos a lograr!
We're not all gonna make it.
No todos lo vamos a lograr.
We're not gonna make it.
No vamos a lograrlo.
We're not gonna make it!
¡ No vamos a lograrlo!
- We're not gonna make a run for it.
No vamos a tener que huir.
- We're not gonna make it!
- ¡ No vamos a lograrlo!
We're not all gonna make it but whoever does is honor bound to get to Grant or Sherman and tell them what it's like in here.
No todos lo lograremos. Pero el que logre escapar podrá llegar con Grant o Sherman y decirles cómo se vive aquí.
We're gonna make it through this together or we're not. Goddamn it, Billy.
¡ Maldición, Billy!
The thing I know is we're not gonna make it another hour unless I shut it down.
¡ Sólo sé que si no lo hago, no duraremos una hora más!
We're not gonna make it.
No lo vamos a lograr.

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