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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We're not together anymore

We're not together anymore tradutor Espanhol

147 parallel translation
We're not together anymore.
Ya no estamos juntos.
We're not together anymore, but I have his baby.
Ya no estamos juntos, pero tengo a su bebé.
We're not together anymore.
Ya no estamos juntos
So that's why we're not together anymore.
Esa es la razón por la que ya no estamos juntos.
- We're not together anymore.
- Ya no estamos juntos.
I mean, just'cause we're not together anymore doesn't mean you can't come along.
Que no estemos juntos no significa que no puedas venir.
We're actually not together anymore.
Ya no estamos juntos.
She's justfine, we're not together anymore.
Está bien. Ahora no estamos juntos.
- We're not together anymore.
Ya no estamos juntos. Bueno.
I mean, just because we're not together anymore does not change my feelings for you, Dawson.
Que no estemos juntos, no cambia mis sentimientos por ti, Dawson.
You mean, we're not gonna live together anymore?
¿ De verdad no vamos a vivir juntas otra vez?
Well, we're not together anymore.
Ya no estamos juntos.
And I hope, even though we're not doing business together anymore, we can be friends.
- Y espero que aunque ya no hagamos negocios juntos, podamos ser amigos.
We're not together anymore, but we still fight.
Ya no estamos juntos, pero seguimos discutiendo.
We're not together anymore.
Ya no estamos juntas.
'Cause you and me, we're... we're not together anymore, are we?
Porque tu yo, no estamos... no estaremos juntos nunca más, ¿ verdad?
No, we're not together anymore, but...
No, no estaremos juntos nunca más, pero...
- No, we're not even together anymore.
- No, ni siquiera seguimos juntos.
We're not together anymore, so I guess we can seat next to each other.
Nosotros ya no estamos juntos. Supongo que podemos sentarnos juntos.
And now that he knows that we're definitely not together anymore, I'm afraid that "something" might be evil.
Y ahora que sabe que definitivamente ya no estamos juntos me temo que ese "algo" sea malo.
We're not... We're not together anymore.
No... no estamos más juntos.
Clark, I know we're not together anymore... but you don't need an excuse to come see me.
Clark, sé que no estamos juntos, pero no necesitas una excusa para venir a verme.
We're not together anymore, and that was your choice.
Ya no estamos juntos y fue tu elección.
And I don't know if it's because I got married or because we're not living together anymore or what but it's gone
No sé si es porque me casé, porque no vivimos juntos, pero se fue.
I don't have to tell him. We're not together anymore.
- Ya no estamos juntos.
Now that we're not together anymore... it's inevitable we're gonna start dating other people.
Ahora que ya no estamos juntos es inevitable que salgamos con otros.
It's just now that we're not together anymore... it's inevitable we'll start dating other people.
Ahora que ya no estamos juntos es inevitable que salgamos con otros.
I know that we're not together anymore... but it would've been nice to be neighbors. Just to know you were close.
Ya sé que lo nuestro se terminó pero me habría gustado que fueras mi vecino y estuvieras cerca de mí.
I know that we're not in school together anymore, but at least we still have this last year in Newport together.
Mira, sé que no estaremos juntos en el colegio, pero al menos tenemos este último año en Newport.
Your mom and I may not be living together anymore, but we're still friends.
Tu madre y yo somos amigos aunque no vivamos juntos.
Alright? We were together, but we're not anymore.
estuvimos juntos, pero ya no lo estamos
We got the tickets when we were together but we're not together anymore, so no play.
Compramos los boletos cuando estábamos juntos pero no estamos más juntos, así que no habrá obra.
No, no, we're not together anymore. Oh, the rat.
No, no, no estamos más juntos.
Actually, we're not together anymore. - Aw. Oh, no.
La verdad es que ya no estamos juntos.
We were together, but we're not anymore.
estuvimos juntos, pero ya no lo estamos
Besides, what if we're not together anymore?
Y además, que te parece si dejamos lo nuestro?
We're not sleeping together anymore.
Ya no nos acostamos juntos.
Apparently we're not working together anymore.
Parece que ya no vamos a trabajar juntos.
Oh, uh, we're not together anymore.
Oh, eh, ya no estamos juntos.
Well, we weren't. But now, we're not even not together anymore.
No lo estábamos, pero ahora no estamos ni siquiera "no juntos".
Eric, we're not together anymore, so you don't owe me any explanations.
Eric, ya no estamos juntos, así que no me debes explicaciones.
To When We Were Together As A Family, And Wondering How We're Not Anymore.
Cuando estábamos juntos como una familia, y deseando que no lo fuésemos mas.
Since we're together I'm not taking them anymore.
No las tomo desde que estamos juntos.
- No, we're not together anymore.
- No, ya no estamos juntos.
- I guess we're not working together anymore.
Creo que ya no trabajamos más juntos. Sí.
And you and I, we're not together anymore.
Y tú y yo, ya no estamos juntos más.
Because we're not working together anymore which means we can go on a date.
Porque ya no trabajaremos juntos, lo que significa que tendremos una cita.
Fabio, we're not together anymore, no dinner.
Fabio, ya no estamos juntos. Así que, nada de cenar, ¿ de acuerdo?
Things have changed and we're not together anymore.
Las cosas han cambiado y no estamos más juntos.
- We're not tied together anymore.
- Ya no estamos atados más ahora.
I know. We're not together anymore.
Ya no estamos juntos.

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