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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We've been here before

We've been here before tradutor Espanhol

193 parallel translation
I have a vague feeling we've been here before.
Tocaban "Buenas noches, señoras".
Seems like we've been here before, don't it, Jesse?
Parece que ya hemos estado aquí, Jesse.
We've had free trespass across this strip since I've been here, and before that.
Hemos tenido paso libre en esta franja desde que estoy aquí, y antes también.
Yes, I have a distinct impression, we've all been here before.
Sí, tengo una impresión distinta, todos hemos estado aquí antes.
- We've been here before!
- ¡ Ya hemos estado aquí!
We've never been here before.
Nunca habíamos estado aquí.
We've been here before, son.
Ya hemos estado aquí antes, hijo.
- We've never been in here before.
- ¿ Nunca habíamos estado antes aquí?
- Doctor, we've been here before.
- Doctor, ya hemos pasado por aquí.
Do you get the feeling we've been here before?
¿ No te parece que esto ya pasó antes?
No, it's like we've been here before.
No, es como si ya hubiesemos estado aqui
- I've been on one of these things before. - Here we go.
Yo ya he subido en uno de esos cacharros.
Come on, Stantin, we've both been here before.
Venga, Stantin. Ya hemos pasado por aqui.
I mean, we've been here before when it wasn't visiting hours.
Ya hemos venido en horarios que no eran de visita.
We've been here before.
Ya habíamos estado antes.
We've been here before And we're going to give you more
Que ya lo hemos tocado antes Y os vamos a dar más instantes
We've all been here before.
Todos hemos estado antes.
We've been here before
No es la primera vez.
- We've been here before.
- Ya hemos hablado de eso antes.
You really think we've all been here before?
¿ De verdad crees que ya estuvimos aquí antes?
Mr. Jack-Man it's not that we haven't enjoyed your cute little stories about things that happened even before Dick Clark was born but you've been here for a week.
¿ Sr. Jack Man? No es que no hayamos disfrutado de sus cuentos sobre cosas que pasaron antes que naciera Dick Clark. pero ya Lleva aquí una semana.
We've been here before.
Estuvimos aquí antes.
Doesn't it seem like we've been here before?
¿ No hemos estado aquí antes?
This should've been cleared before we got here.
Esto debió aclararse antes de que llegáramos.
- Which is? - That we've been here before. - It's the cockpit, dummy!
que hemos estado aquí antes pues claro que hemos estado, es la cabina, maniquí!
Charlie, we've been here once before.
Charlie, ya vivimos esto.
Look, I hate to bring the room down, but we've been here before.
Miren, odio ser aguafiestas, pero ya hemos pasado por esto antes.
We've been here twice before.
Es la segunda vez que paramos.
If you had helped me from the beginning, we would've been out of here before Scorpius had even arrived!
Si me hubierais ayudado desde el principio, hubieramos salido de alli antes de que Scorpio hubiera llegado!
I feel like we've been here before, daniel.
Siento que ya hemos pasado por esto, Daniel.
We've all been here before.
Todos hemos estado aquí antes.
I'm glad you're here. Erm... I have something to tell you all. I know it feels like we've been through this before... Why don't you justjump to the chase?
Me alegro que esteis aquí, um... tengo algo que realmente debo deciros a todos...
Because we've never been here before.
¡ Porque nunca habíamos estado aquí antes!
Carver : Seems like we've been here before.
Volvemos al principio.
We've been here before. With Vishnu and Richard-fucking-Alpert... and the Coyote Spirit.
Ya pasamos por esto con Vishnu, el maldito Richard Alpert y el Espíritu del Coyote.
It's because we've been here before.
Porque ya pasamos por aquí.
We've been here before.
Esto no es nada nuevo.
But we've been here before, right?
Ya nos ha pasado antes, ¿ no?
Here is the avalanche we've been here before.
Aquí está el alud para el cual vinimos aquí.
We've been here before, Ms. Cabot.
- Ya pasamos por esto, Srta. Cabot.
- Listen, I know we're here for a serious purpose, for a sober purpose but I wanted to say I've never been part of a street gang before.
- Escuchen, sé que estamos aquí por un propósito serio, por un propósito soberbio pero nunca antes he formado parte de una banda callejera.
We've been here before.
Hemos estado así antes.
We've been here before, you and I, remember?
Ya hemos estado en esta situación, ¿ se acuerda?
- We've been here before.
- Eso ya lo hemos dicho.
- We've already been out here once before.
- Ya estuvimos aquí una vez.
- We've been here before.
- Las hemos visto peores.
We've been over this before you got here and I imagine we'll keep going over it long after your three weeks are done.
Trabajaba aquí antes de que usted llegara. Y me imagino que continuaré aquí después de sus 3 semanas.
Come on, Sol, we've been here before.
Vamos, Sol, no es la primera vez.
We've been here two days before you mention that?
¿ Hemos estado aquí dos días antes de que lo mencione?
We've been here before.
Hemos estado aquí antes.
We " ve been here before.
Ya hemos estado aquí antes.

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