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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We can't help you

We can't help you tradutor Espanhol

644 parallel translation
- We can't help you, Biff.
- No podemos ayudarte, Biff.
I'm sorry. We can't help you.
- No se puede hacer nada.
- If you're sure we can't help - - Quite sure, thanks.
- Si estás seguro de que no podemos...
I can't help thinking we'd be better off if you hadn't escaped.
Pero no dejo de pensar que sería mejor si hubieses muerto.
We would not do this to you for anything, but we can't help it.
lo sentimos mucho.
You don't seem to realise we want to help her. We're friends of hers. Can't you understand that?
Queremos ayudarla, somos sus amigos.
Can't you help him? We must take him home.
Debemos llevarlo a su casa.
I can't understand you, Holmes. Why didn't you help me? - We almost had him.
No lo entiendo, Holmes, ¿ por qué no me ayudó?
Once you've satisfied yourself that there's nothing in this house that can help you and if the police don't grab you, we're going away.
Una vez que te convenzas de que no hay nada....... en esta casa que pueda ayudarte y, además, la policía puede atraparte. Nos vamos.
- How will you help him, we can't see.
- ¿ Cómo haremos para curarlo? Ahora no se ve.
Sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you with that - that's all we have in ties.
Lamento no poder atenderle, es todo lo que tenemos en corbatas.
Look,'ll take you to the nearest police station. And if they can't help... we can always advertise you in Lost and Found.
Mire, le llevaré a la comisaría, y si no pueden ayudarle siempre puedo llamar a Objetos Perdidos.
- Like she said, we can't help you.
- Como ha dicho, no podemos ayudarle.
We can't help you till you fill out the forms.
Lo lamento, pero para eso, debe rellenar estos formularios.
We can't drive like this. Could you help, please?
Así no podemos conducir, ayúdeme señor guardia, por favor.
he can invent it. Justice is slow, he said, but he didn't tell you that she's often blind and misses the target, when we don't come and help her.
La justicia es lenta, ha dicho, mas no ha dicho que a veces es ciega y da pasos en falso, cuando no se va en su ayuda.
I'm sure we can help you, if you don't mind waiting a few moments.
Seguro que podremos ayudarla, si no le importa esperar un momento.
I'm sorry, but we really can't help you.
Me sabe muy mal, pero no podemos, de verdad.
We do what we do because... Well, as you once said, we can't help ourselves.
Hacemos lo que hacemos porque... como una vez dijiste, no podemos evitarlo.
No, I don't know. I'm sorry to upset you like this, Miss Davis, but we think perhaps you're the only one who can help us.
Lamento molestarla, Srta. Davis, pero sólo usted puede ayudarnos.
I'm sorry but we can't help you.
Lo siento pero no puedo ayudarle.
We can't help him if you don't tell me.
No puedo ayudarlo si no lo hace.
We don't want to do that, and you can help us not to do it.
No deseamos que eso pase, y pueden ayudarnos a que no pase.
Ann, we can't help you.
No podemos ayudarla.
And we can't help you there because we don't know.
Y en eso no podemos ayudarle porque no lo sabemos.
If you don't confide in us we can't help you, can we?
Si no confía en nosotros, no podremos ayudarla, ¿ no?
We'd like to help you, but we can't.
Quisiéramos ayudarte, pero no podemos.
You ain't leaving in no hurry if we can help it.
No se marchará tan rápido si podemos evitarlo.
Well, if we can't help you any further, can we leave now?
Bueno, si no podemos ayudarle más, ¿ podemos irnos?
We can't help you.
Nosotros no podemos ayudar.
Unfortunately, we can't give you any help.
Desgraciadamente, no podemos prestarles ayuda.
" If there's anything we can do to help you against the United States don't hesitate to ask.
" Si necesitan cualquier ayuda contra Estados Unidos no duden en pedirla.
If you can't decide, maybe we can help you.
Si le cuesta decidirse, quizá podamos ayudarle.
Maybe you can help him. We can't.
Puedes ayudarle, quizás mejor que nosotros.
We can't help you.
No podemos ayudarla.
We can't help you tonight.
Esta noche no podemos ayudar.
And if we can't help you?
¿ Y si no les somos de ayuda?
I'm afraid we can't help you to locate your invader.
Me asusta no poder ayudar a localizar a vuestro enemigo.
I'm afraid we can't help you.
Me temo que no puedo ayudaros.
But now we're here, can't you help us get on the list? Please.
Pero una vez aquí, ¿ no podría incluirnos en la lista?
Well then, we can't help you, Jim.
Entonces, no podemos ayudarte, Jim.
If by that you mean we can't expect help from the Enterprise, I must agree.
Si quiere decir que no esperemos la ayuda de la Enterprise, coincido.
We can't ask you, Mr Rudd, but Van, we could use your help.
Al reverendo no podemos pedírselo, pero necesitamos tu ayuda, Van.
We must see what we can do to help you, mustn't we?
Habrá que ver qué podemos hacer para ayudarte, ¿ no?
Listen, we haven't given up. And there may be something you can do to help.
Escuche, no hemos renunciado y debe haber alguna forma en que pueda ayudarnos.
We can't help you unless you help us.
No podemos ayudar a menos que usted nos ayude.
Are you sure I can't help you... now that we have the pictures up?
¿ Quieres que te ayude mientras termina de colgar los cuadros? No.
Sgt. Foggers, we can't spare any men to help you because of the war games.
Sargento Foggers, no podemos dejarle más hombres por las maniobras.
We can't help you if you won't let us, David.
No podemos ayudarle si no nos deja, David.
We can't help you much, this time.
Esta vez no podremos ayudarte.
There's no way for us to break through to him, and so, you see, we can't help him. Now...
No podemos penetrar en él, y por eso no podemos ayudarle.

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