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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We can't just

We can't just tradutor Espanhol

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We can't just run into a building in the middle of a quake! [Screams]
No podemos entrar en medio del terremoto!
We just have to get him to a hospital! I can't lift him. Get to a hospital.
El no puede ayudarse a si mismo, solo necesita ir al hospital!
Look, this... if we're gonna be... we can't just...
Mira, si vamos a ser... No podemos...
We can't just let them take our sons.
No podemos dejar que se lleven a nuestros hijos.
I mean, maybe, we can't just rely on one man.
Quiero decir, tal vez, no podemos depender de un solo hombre.
I mean, why can't we just ride together?
Digo, ¿ por qué no pueden ir juntas?
- Why can't we just leave?
- ¿ No podemos irnos?
Well, we can't just sit here trapped on the canal.
Bueno, no podemos quedarnos aquí atrapados en el canal.
I really don't want to talk about this right now, so can we please just go home?
Realmente no quiero hablarlo ahora, ¿ podemos irnos a casa por favor?
We just can't see what it means yet.
Simplemente no podemos ver lo que significa todavía.
Oh, they have the capacity to despise one another in a way that we angels just can't comprehend.
Tienen la capacidad de despreciar a los otros de una forma que los ángeles ni siquiera podemos comprender.
Hey, can't we just wait a bit?
Oye, ¿ podemos esperar solo un momento?
We can't just sit here in this crap cloud waiting to get attacked for the third time like a bunch of assholes.
No podemos simplemente sentarnos aquí en esta mierda de nube a la espera de ser atacado por tercera vez como un montón de pendejos.
We can't just walk in there and ask for it.
Pero no podemos ir y pedirlo.
Aria, we can't just throw away clues.
Aria, no podemos simplemente tirar las pistas.
Why can't we just hand over our heads?
¿ Por qué no podemos entregar nuestras cabezas?
I mean, I know that he put our daughters through hell but I'm just saying that maybe we can't pin all of this on him.
Quiero decir, sé que él puso nuestras hijas en el infierno Pero solo digo que quizás no podemos acusarle de todo esto
We can't just sit around and wait.
No podemos sentarnos y esperar.
Can't we just unplug it?
¿ No podemos simplemente desenchufarlo?
We can't just let him die.
No podemos dejarlo morir.
We don't know if any other teams got lost so we're just going to try to get to Phil as fast as we can.
Así que vamos a tratar de llegar con Phil tan rápido como nos sea posible.
We can't just leave her there.
No podemos simplemente dejarla ahí.
Can't we just leave Edith to tell him or not, as she sees fit?
Dejemos que Edith decida eso.
I don't see why we can't just sleep in the same bed.
No veo por qué no podemos dormir en la misma cama.
I just can't stop thinking that we're abandoning them.
Es que no puedo dejar de pensar - que estamos abandonándolos.
We can't just leave him here.
No podemos dejarle aquí.
Everybody's boarding and we just can't wait to get on there to get some on bush planes.
Todo el mundo está abordando y no podemos esperar a llegar allí y correr a las avionetas.
I can't believe we just u-turned the Olympians.
No puedo creer que acabamos con los atletas olimpicos.
Now, we can't just crowd around your desk every time we want to talk Supergirl stuff.
Ahora, no podemos juntarnos en tu escritorio cada vez que queramos hablar de cosas de Supergirl.
We can't just knock and say hi.
No podemos llamar y decir hola.
Can't we just drink a few beers and figure out a plan B?
¿ Podemos tomarnos unas cervezas y pensar en un plan B?
So then, why can't we just give you a new primary function?
Así que, entonces, ¿ por qué no podemos darte una nueva función primaria?
We can't just stand by and do nothing.
- No podemos no hacer nada.
Can't we just take it one milestone at a time?
Podemos tomar un solo logro a la vez?
Can't we just be pleased to see each other?
¿ No podemos simplemente alegrarnos de vernos los unos a los otros?
So why can't we just pick up where we left off?
¿ Y por qué no podemos retomarlo donde lo dejamos?
And I can't live far from Tom so we're just going to have to start to talk.
Y no puedo vivir lejos de Tom... - así que debemos empezar a hablar. - Tienes que irte.
Can't we just be happy that she stopped?
¿ No podemos estar contentos porque haya parado?
They can't just throw me out, so... We're just gonna- - we're just gonna have to hash it out.
Así que sólo... tendremos que negociarlo.
We can't just steal a car!
¡ No podemos robar un coche!
Just because we can't get high tonight doesn't mean we can't find somewhere to put those paints. Ooh. Ooh, gummy bears.
El hecho de que no podamos colocarnos esta noche no significa que no podamos encontrar un lugar para poner esas pinturas.
We can't just surrender.
No podemos rendirnos.
Just because you have to remain inside doesn't mean we can't play, okay?
Sólo porque tengas que quedarte dentro no significa que no podamos jugar, ¿ vale?
We can't just leave him.
No podemos dejar que vaya.
We can't afford to risk splitting our manpower just to satisfy an old man's ego.
No podemos permitirnos correr el riesgo de dividir nuestro personal sólo para satisfacer el ego de un anciano.
We can't just give Bart something labeled "Sociopath Test"!
¡ No podemos darle a Bart algo etiquetado como "test de sociópata"!
We just can't prove it.
Simplemente no podemos demostrarlo.
We can't just let her leave.
No podemos simplemente dejarla ir.
We can't give up, we just can't!
¡ No podemos renunciar, simplemente no podemos!
So, maybe we should just let everyone say it since we don't have the right to say that no one can.
Entonces, tal vez deberíamos de dejar a todos decirlo ya que no tenemos el derecho a decir que nadie puede.
We can't just barge in there.
No podemos entrar ahí así por las buenas.

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