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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We don't have to do anything

We don't have to do anything tradutor Espanhol

220 parallel translation
No pretendo quejarme, pero parece que nunca tenemos la oportunidad de hacer nada juntos.
We don't have to do anything, yet.
Aún no tenemos que hacer nada.
But we two don't want to have anything to do with the villagers.
Estoy seguro de que el pastor tiene buenas intenciones.
You don't have to do anything when we get to Dawson.
No tenés que hacer nada cuando lleguemos a Dawson.
We don't have anything to do with him.
No tenemos nada que ver con él.
We don't have anything to do anyway.
Venga, nosotros no tenemos nada que hacer.
We don't have to do anything.
No tenemos por qué hacer nada.
We don't have to do anything, I mean... he isn't hurting anyone.
No tenemos nada que hacer, creo no está lastimando a nadie.
We have to tell him. You don't do anything.
- Tenemos que decirle.
Anyway we have nothing to do you have another woman... and with another woman, I don't want to know anything about you
De todas formas no tenemos nada que ver, tienes a otra... y con otra, no quiero saber nada de ti
Stop whining, priest. We don't have anything to do, except hunting fox.
Durante seis meses solamente he matado a zorros.
It's routine, we don't have anything else to do.
Es una rutina, es porque no sabemos hacer otra cosa.
We all know you're lookin for Mrs. Hale's killer, but, uh, I don't think coins have anything to do with it.
Ya sabemos que buscas al asesino de la Sra. Hale, pero no creo que tenga nada que ver con monedas.
We don't have to do anything about it, but there's no harm in being honest.
No hace falta hacer nada, pero ser sinceros no hace daño a nadie.
- We don't have to do anything?
- ¿ Y no hay que hacer nada?
I don't think we have anything to do with the killings you mentioned.
No creo que tengamos nada que ver con esas muertes.
We don't have to do anything.
No tenemos nada que hacer.
- Then we don't have to do anything.
- Entonces no hay que hacer nada.
Does it have anything to do with your breath? Why don't we let this little filly get herself gussied up?
Voy a dejar que te pongas algo.
You do it... simultaneous translation, we don't have to pay anything... because there are no subtitles.
Tu las traduces... traducción simultánea no pagamos nada... porque no hay subtítulos...
I don't know anything... except if we're gonna get out of this alive, we'll have to do it on our own.
Pero si queremos salir vivos... debemos actuar solos.
We don't have to do anything.
No necesitamos hacer nada.
Even if we got the clearances, which we do not, we don't have anything to operate with.
Aunque tuviéramos la autorización, no tenemos con qué operar.
Well, we don't have anything to do.
Bueno, no tenemos nada que hacer.
We don't have to do anything of the kind.
Mire, no tenemos que hacer tal cosa.
We don't have to do anything you don't want to do.
No tenemos que hacer nada que no queramos hacer.
We don't have to do anything we don't want to do.
No tenemos que hacer nada que no queramos.
"We" don't have to do anything.
"Nosotras" no tenemos que hacer nada.
Since we lost our shot at the Rose Bowl last week, I don't really have anything better to do.
Ya que perdimos nuestra oportunidad en el Tazón de las Rosas no tengo nada mejor que hacer.
We don't have to decide anything now, do we?
No tenemos que decidir nada todavía, ¿ verdad?
We don't have to have anything to do with the Taelons.
No tiene que tener nada que ver con los Taelons.
He won't throw anything away because it reminds him of good times with Rimmer! - I must have blinked and missed them. - You don't know what we used to do, like the locker room game.
No quiere tirar nada por que le recuerda los buenos ratos que pasó con Rimmer yo debí estar parpadeando y me los perdí no sabéis lo que solíamos hacer de vuelta en el Enano Rojo los primeros días como cuando jugábamos a las taquillas
We don't have to do anything'cause, look, I can just wear this over the front.
No hagan nada. Puedo ponerme esto al frente...
I've told you before, we don't have anything to do with these things!
Ya te lo dije antes. no tenemos nada que ver con estas cosas!
We don't ever have to talk about anything she needs to do.
Nunca ella.
We don't have anything much, but do you want something to eat?
Nosotros no queremos nada en especial... Pero tú algo debes querer comer?
We don't have anything else to do.
No tenemos nada que hacer.
I do, and I appreciate it and I'm really glad that we could do this but I don't have anything else to say.
En serio.
Don't do anything until we have a chance to counter, okay?
No hagas nada hasta que podamos conversar, ¿ sí?
I guess the question is for the next 30 years, when it's quiet, and we don't have anything to say to each other, do I mind having you sit next to me?
Supongo que la pregunta es si en los próximos 30 años cuando hay silencio y no tenemos nada que decirnos si me molesta que te sientes junto a mí.
Why talk about them, they're so mundane and they're so tiny, and he would say if we don't do this we may not get re-elected. And I would say what's the point of getting re-elected if you have no mandate to do anything when you're re-elected. And he'd say "What's the point of having a mandate if you can't get re-elected?"
Las masas están controladas por las fuerzas libidinosas y delegan sus ideas a través del individualismo.
Now, we have a few days at most to liberate those ships, and if we don't, the drago-kazov will have a fleet with which to conquer all of known space, but I can't do anything
Ahora, tenemos un par de días a lo sumo para liberar a las naves, y si no lo hacemos, los Drago-Kazov contarán con una flota con la que conquistaran todo el espacio conocido, pero no puedo hacer nada
Unless a family member enforces the directive, we don't have to do anything.
A menos que un miembro de su familia le pida a los directivos, no tenemos porque hacer nada.
Does that have anything to do with what we were talking about? If you don't want to be here, get out!
El hombre que dirige esta organización se hace llamar Diablo.
"and then you just can get divorced two weeks later." And Charles and I said, "No way. " We don't want to have anything to do with that.
Y Charles y yo dijimos de ninguna manera... no queremos tener nada que ver con eso es toda una travesía solo sigue con esto.. ten ese bebe..
We don't have to do anything tonight.
Esta noche no tenemos que hacer nada.
We don't have to do anything we don't wanna do.
No tenemos que hacer nada que no queramos ;
We don't have to do anything.
Es decir, no tenemos que hacer nada.
- We don't have to do anything, Jeremy.
- No tenemos que hacer nada, Jeremy.
We go to trial tomorrow. When they ask me to tell the truth, that's what I'll do. Because I don't have anything else.
Mañana debo presentarme en el juzgado y cuando me pidan que diga la verdad exactamente eso será lo que haré porque no tengo otra cosa.
They feel like it's something we don't have anything to do with.
Ellos piensan que es algo con lo cual no tenemos que ver.

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