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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We don't have to do this

We don't have to do this tradutor Espanhol

555 parallel translation
We don't have to find that boat the only thing we have to do is to get married after we see this Randall character
No tenemos que encontrar ese bote. Lo único que tenemos que hacer es casarnos después de ver a Randall.
We don't usually do this, but there's a young man here I'd like to have you meet.
Usualmente no hacemos esto, pero hay un joven aquí que me gustaría que lo conozcan.
Harry, we don't have to do this.
Harry, esto no es necesario.
Pero, a veces, hay que hacer cosas que no queremos, para tener cierta libertad.
We don't have to do this for a living.
No tenemos que hacer esto para vivir.
So we don't have to do this for a whole'nother year.
Un pitcher zurdo llamado Casey.
No hace falta preguntar quién me regaló esto, ¿ verdad, Tommy?
We have a lot to do. I'm certain we'll find this madman, but we don't have a minute to lose.
- Estoy seguro de que encontraremos a este loco, pero no debemos perder tiempo.
I don't proposed to go into the seriousness of this, Crow, - but if the press do get hold of this - - - We'd have a disaster on our hands.
No voy a profundizar el asunto, pero si la prensa descubre algo tendremos un desastre.
We don't have to do this, I can tell you where she went.
No será necesario, puedo decirle dónde ha ido.
tell me, the deed to this property... we don't have one, do we?
Pero dime, nosotros no tenemos contrato de propiedad.
Wait a minute, we don't have to pay for this, do we?
- No tenemos que pagar, ¿ verdad?
- We don't have to do this.
- No es necesario.
Don't know. But this man is very ordinary. Why do we have to protect him of all people?
No lo sé, pero éste es un hombre ordinario, no veo por qué hemos de protegerle.
Anne, don't do this. All we have to do is walk away from this in one piece!
Anne, no hagas eso. ¡ Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es alejarnos!
- You'll have to make do with the ladies you've got here, Mr, Crosetti, We don't get any visitors in this town,
- Tendrá que conformarse con las damas que hay aquí, Sr, Crosetti, A este pueblo nunca viene nadie.
Oh, no you don't. Do we have to go through this again?
Tenemos que pasar por esto otra vez?
- We don't have to do this now.
- No tenemos que hacerlo ahora.
We don't have to do this, Fontana, I mean...
No tenemos que hacer esto, Fontana, digo...
Hope we don't have to do this again. Take a class in shorthand or typing.
Espero que no tenga que hacer esto de nuevo.
Hope we don't have to do this again. You never know when you might need it.
Toma clases de taquigrafía o mecanografía.
Hope we don't have to do this again.
Nunca se sabe cuando lo puedes necesitar.
And I see nowadays there are not many people in this world who would dare to really do something for this need that we have namely we don't have enough adequate images.
Hoy hay poquísimas personas en este mundo que luchan por la necesidad de imágenes adecuadas.
I'm glad we don't have to do this every day.
Menos mal que no tenemos que hacer esto todos los días.
Does it have anything to do with your breath? Why don't we let this little filly get herself gussied up?
Voy a dejar que te pongas algo.
Hay menos papeleo para hacer este tipo de cosas.
I don't know anything... except if we're gonna get out of this alive, we'll have to do it on our own.
Pero si queremos salir vivos... debemos actuar solos.
We don't have to do this right now, Ms. Winston.
No tenemos porqué hacer esto ahora, Srta. Winston.
- We don't have to do this.
No tenemos que hacer esto.
You know, Jerry, we don't have to do this.
Jerry, no tenemos que hacer esto.
So we have to do this in such a way that they think we don't have the boat.
Tenemos que hacerles creer que no nos quedamos la nave.
With youngsters like this, we don't have to worry about the future of this country, do we Mrs. Preston?
Con jóvenes así, no hay que preocuparse por el futuro, ¿ eh?
Don't do that. - We have to do it this way.
- Tenemos que hacerlo así.
No, you don't have to call my A.A. Why don't we do this?
No necesitas llamar a mi A.A. Por que no hacemos esto?
You know... I always do what I'm told, and I newer complain, but I don't understand why do we have to do the same things that we did this morning.
Sabes que yo siempre hago lo que me mandan y no me quejo nunca, pero lo que no entiendo es por qué tenemos que hacer lo mismo que hemos hecho esta mañana.
We don't have to do this.
No tienes que hacer esto.
You know, we don't have to do this.
¿ Sabes? No tienes que hacer esto.
Look, we don't have to do this Easter thing, you and me.
Mira, no tenemos que hacer esto de pascuas, tu y yo.
God before you and this river and this mountain and everything we don't know about Mickey do you take Mallory to be your lawful wedded wife to have and hold and treat right until you die?
Dios ante este río y esta montaña y ante todo Io que desconocemos Mickey, ¿ tomas a Mallory como tu legítima esposa para cuidarla y protegerla hasta que mueras?
Actually, we are not supposed to... We don't have the right to do this, because whatever I take away must be put back exactly as it was.
El caso es que no deberíamos... no podemos actuar así porque... todo lo que mando tomar debería volver a su lugar.
I don't see why we have to do this every year.
No sé por qué tenemos que hacer esto todos los años.
I don't know why we have to do this.
No sé por qué tenemos que hacer esto.
- Look, Rach, we don't have to do this.
esto no es necesario.
- We don't have to do this.
- No tenemos que hacer esto.
Then walk away. We don't have to do this.
Entonces vete, no tenemos que hacer esto.
I-l'm not saying we can't do business but I don't have the authority to make this kind of decision.
No tengo autoridad para tomar este tipo de decisión.
Don't do this to me. We have history.
Tenemos un pasado común, Dennis.
Ya know, I really don't wanna talk about this anymore. Do we have to?
Prefiero no hablar más del tema. ¿ Es necesario?
I think we have to work on the music a little bit more. Fine. But i don't want to make trouble, so... and i don't really want to do this in front of them, but i think... where do you want to do it?
Pienso que tenemos que trabajar un poco más con la música pero no quiero provocar molestias así que no quiero discutirlo en presencia de ellos.
I don't know, we may have to do this another night.
No sé. Quizá debamos dejarlo para otra noche.
Is this the part where I beg for mercy, or will you say we don't have to do this?
¿ Es esta la parte en que ruego por piedad, o dirás que no tenemos que hacerlo?

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