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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We don't know what it is

We don't know what it is tradutor Espanhol

468 parallel translation
Nobody really knows what The Factory is, or what it's making, but what we do know is, is that people who go to The Factory don't ever come back.
Nadie sabe realmente lo que es la fábrica, o lo que está haciendo, pero lo que sí sabemos es, es que la gente que va a la fábrica no siempre vuelven.
I don't know what it is you've done for me, all these days we've been together, but... I'm beginning to see things different now.
No sé lo que me ha hecho usted estos días juntas, pero... empiezo a ver las cosas de otra manera.
At their age, the mind is sensitive. We don't know what it's all about...
A esta edad, son muy sensibles.
We don't know what your father is doing, and it's probably right you should take precautions.
No sabemos lo que está haciendo su padre... y es lógico que tome precauciones.
We don't know what high-altitude sickness is, but we know how to stop it.
No sabemos qué es el mareo, pero sí cómo pararlo.
Look, Johnny, i don't know what your beef is, But whatever it is, we'll fix it up.
No sé qué te pasa, pero lo arreglaremos.
Something happened back there we don't know what it is
Algo pasó allá atrás. No sabemos qué es.
Quirt, there is nothing we're not allowed to do it's just we don't believe in doing what we know is wrong.
Quirt, nada está prohibido, es que no creemos que haya que hacer algo que está mal.
So secret... we don't know what it is... or whether he is dropping it or not.
Tan secreta... que no sabemos ni lo que es... ni si la está sacando o no.
We still don't know what it is or where it comes from, but there's something there.
Seguimos sin saber qué es o de dónde procede, pero algo hay.
We can be sure of that even if we don't know what it is.
De eso podemos estar seguros, aunque no sepamos cuál.
We all know exactly what it is, don't we?
Sabemos exactamente cual es, ¿ no? .
We don't know what it is.
No sabemos qué es.
You see, we don't know what it is we're dealing with.
No sabemos con lo que estamos tratando.
At least, we call it a feather, we don't know what it is.
Al menos, la llamamos "pluma", pero realmente no sabemos lo que es.
We don't know what it is we're fighting, Iris.
No sabemos contra qué nos enfrentamos, Iris.
But what it is... what causes it to appear and disappear, we don't know.
Pero no sabemos aún qué es esa fuerza y qué hace que aparezca y desaparezca.
Since we don't know what it is yet, we can't give it a Latin name.
Como aún no sabemos qué es, no podemos darle un nombre científico.
Corry, ellos no saben lo que traje así que apreciaría que esperara a perdernos de vista.
What is? They say "115 guerrillas," and it means nothing to us. But each one is a man, and we don't even know who he is, if he loves a woman, if he has kids, if he prefers movies or plays.
¿ Cómo? no sabemos si... si tienen hijos si prefieren el cine o el teatro.
All right, baby, I don't know what your game is, but whatever it is, let's get to the part where we put our cards on the table.
Nena, no sé cuál es tu juego pero lleguemos a la parte en que se ponen las cartas en la mesa.
We don't know what this inflection is and how it got into the base but I want you all to take extra precautions while this emergency is on.
No sabemos lo que esta inflexión es y cómo llegó a la base, pero quiero que todos ustedes a tomar precauciones adicionales, mientras que está en esta situación de emergencia.
We don't know what the box is for, but it's fu II of electr o n ic compo nents.
No sabemos para qué puede servir, pero está llena de material electrónico.
If there's something you know that we don't I think you'd better tell us what it is.
Si sabe algo que nosotros no sepamos será mejor que nos lo diga.
You know, the worst part of it is we don't know where he is, and we can't figure out what he's done.
Lo peor es que perdimos su huella. Imposible saber lo que hizo.
We don ´ t know there is a problem here, or on what reasoning it ´ s set.
Le repito que no sabemos si existe un problema. Y si lo hay, ¿ a qué nivel intelectual está?
If we cannot recreate that sound, it's because we don't quite know what it is made of.
No podemos reproducir ese sonido... porque no sabemos cómo está hecho.
I don't know what it is she said that we did but being inhuman to another human being.
Ella dice que hemos sido nosotras, pero... No importa, en todo caso habéis sido inhumanas con ella.
Well I don't know. What we can do for you is take it back to the Depot, get a transfer slip from Crump to Pinnet, and put it on a special delivery.
No sé, podemos llevarla al almacén... hacer un cambio de nombre y enviarla por correo especial.
This year's imports of our casts will be worth 21 million zlotys in hard currency. This is only because some people and some companies confirmed the deliveries for 1969 and now it's the end of 1970 and we don't know what's going on.
Actualmente, el valor de la explotación del hierro colado es de 21 millones de zlotys, gracias a los distintos directores y a las distintas empresas que han confirmado los pedidos para el año 69.
We don't even know if what we're chasin is the breed that done it.
Ni siquiera sabemos si quien perseguimos es el mestizo que lo hizo.
And until we face what this society really is I don't know how we'll change it.
Hasta no discutir qué es esta sociedad no sé cómo la cambiaremos.
It isn't a surprise. We don't know what it is.
No es una sorpresa aunque no sabemos qué es.
I don't know what it is, but it's gonna be a lot more than we got right now. They're sendin'a what?
No sé con qué, pero va a ser mucho más de lo que tenemos ahora.
Will, I don't know what it is, but we must be doing something wrong.
Will, no lo sé, pero creo que hemos cometido un error.
I don't know what it is about this place. I mean, some of the people we get in here...
Algunos huéspedes son...
I don't know what it is. I boil it, we eat it, I throw the paper away and we feel rotten.
No sé. Las hiervo, las comemos, tiro la envoltura y nos enfermamos.
We are trying to make something but I don't know what it is or what it's for
Intentaremos construir algo. Qué es y para qué sirve nunca lo he comprendido.
I don't know what it is, but if we can get up that wall, we can find out.
No se que sea, pero si llegamos a esa pared, lo averiguaremos
We don't know exactly what it is.
No sabemos exactamente qué es.
You know, we have our moments and when we get together... there are certain times that just something happens... and I really don't know what it is, but there's that magic there.
Ya sabes, pasamos momentos y nos mantenemos juntos... Hay ciertos momentos que solo ocurren aveces... Y realmente no se que es, pero es algo magico.
We don't know what it is, just that it kills.
No sabemos que es, sólo que mata.
You know, it may - it may be, Wally, that one of the reasons... that we don't know what's going on... is that when we're there at a party, we're all too busy performing.
Y seguramente no entendemos nada... porque en una fiesta estamos ocupados actuando.
We're the prisoners from our own time. and our generation... is the only generation that's gonna be able to break through this kind of... I don't know what you would call it.
Vivimos en nuestro tiempo, esta generación será la única capaz de superar esa especie de... No sé cómo llamarlo.
So would you raise your hand it you don't know what fucking is... so we can watch your ass when you leave here?
¿ Podrían levantar Ia mano si no sabéis qué es follar... para que Ies veamos Ios culos cuando se vayan de aquí?
- We don't even know what it is.
- Ni siquiera sabemos lo que es.
We don't know exactly what it is, but what it amounts to is a premature degeneration comparable to that of aging.
No sabemos exactamente la causa, pero se trata de... una degeneración prematura comparable a la de la vejez.
We don't know what it is, except that it's large and seems to have some purpose.
No sabemos lo que es, aparte de que es grande y parece que tuviera un propósito.
The guy who stole all the clocks in the village It's because of him we don't know what time it is
La culpa la tiene el que robó todos los relojes... gracias a él no sabemos qué hora es.
We don't know what it is that drives a man to take his own life.
No sabemos, que llevo a este hombre a quitarse la vida.
Problem is, we often don't know what they produce because it is not the kind of thing you would know about, unless you read scientific magazines.
El problema es que a menudo no sabemos lo que producen porque no es el tipo de cosa que uno entendería, a menos que lea revistas científicas.

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