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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We have to find him

We have to find him tradutor Espanhol

727 parallel translation
We have to find him.
Hay que encontrarle.
We have to find him.
Tenemos que encontrarlo.
He'll do something stupid, we have to find him.
Va a hacer una tontería, hay que encontrarle.
Now we have to find him.
Ahora solo falta encontrarlo.
First of all, we have to find him.
Primero tenemos que saber dónde lo han metido.
We have to find him.
- ¡ Hay que encontrarlo!
We have to find him.
¡ Tenemos que encontrarlo vivo o muerto!
- We'd like to prosecute him but we have to find him first.
- Nos gustaría procesarle pero habrá que encontrarle.
We have to find him first.
Antes tenemos que dar con él.
We have to find him.
- Es por Oscar. - Debes encontrarle.
Now we have to find him.
Ahora tenemos que encontrarlo.
We have to find him
Hay que encontrarle.
- We have to find him.
- Tenemos que encontrar él.
Cabeza de Vaca wrote a remarkable account of his adventures and with it we set out to follow him across the Gulf of Mexico, to find out which way wind and tide might have taken him that autumn,
Cabeza de Vaca escribió un notable relato de sus aventuras... y con eso, nos disponemos a seguirlo a través de el Golfo de México... para descubrir hacía que camino lo llevó el viento y la marea ese otoño.
Well, look, Nayland, if you think he's around here, why do we have to leave the country until we find him?
Pero, Nayland, si está cerca... ¿ por qué debemos irnos antes de verlo?
We'll find him, he must have gone to buy some cigarettes.
¿ El tren de regreso a qué hora sale?
Now, if we go beyond facts use our imagination as the criminal does, imagine what might have happen to him and act upon it as I have been trying to do in this case... we usually find ourselves justified.
Pero si nos olvidamos de ellos y usamos la imaginación, como hace el criminal, imaginando lo que pasaría y actuando en consecuencia, que es lo que yo he hecho, entonces encontraremos soluciones.
Once he's trapped, we'll have time to find something that will stop him.
Cuando la atrapemos, podremos buscar algo que la detenga.
We'll have to find a doctor who's willing to risk it, we'll have to get Frankie to him within an hour after the execution, and we've got to make sure there's no autopsy performed.
Tenemos que encontrar un doctor que esté dispuesto a arriesgarse, Tenemos que dárselo a Frankie una hora después de la ejecución, y tenemos que asegurarnos de que no se realiza la autopsia.
We'll have to try and find him for you.
Tendremos que buscarle.
Now we'll have to find him, you fool!
Ahora tendremos que volverle a encontrar. ¡ Imbécil!
We have to find out her secrets for him.
Quiere que lo descubramos nosotros por él.
Mother, we still have to find Uncle Elwood and lock him up.
Aun así, hay que encontrar al tío Elwood e ingresarlo.
So we have no choice to find him guilty.
Así que no nos queda otro remedio que declararle culpable.
We " ll have to find him first.
En primer lugar debemos encontrarlo.
When they find him, we'll have to be able to prove... that we were here the day he died.
Cuando le encuentren, tendremos que poder probar... que estábamos aquí el día que murió.
We're going to have to find some way to look after him.
Desde que yo recuerdo. Debemos buscar la manera de ayudarlo.
We have to find him.
Debemos encontrarle.
We have got to find a way to get him out of this town into a different kind of environment entirely.
Tenemos que encontrar el modo de sacarle de este pueblo y llevarle a un ambiente totalmente diferente.
We'll have to find him.
Hay que encontrarlo.
If they find even one of them, we have to defend him.
Sí descubren a uno sólo, tenemos que defenderlo.
Tenemos 48 horas para encontrarlo, traerlo aquí y engordarlo para el pesaje.
We'll have to see if we can find him.
Tendremos que ver si podemos encontrarlo.
We don't have to find him.
No tenemos que encontrarlo.
If we don't hear from Agent 27 today, we're going to have to send someone in to find him.
Si no hay noticias del agente 27 hoy, enviaremos a que alguien lo busque.
let me pass... i'm very worried doctor we absolutely have to find him you can help me, you're a doctor how do you expect me to know where he is?
Déjeme pasar. Estoy muy preocupada, doctor Tenemos que encontrarle.
Now we have to find a way to reach through that barrier to bring him back to reality without frightening him, without driving him deeper into himself.
Tenemos que conseguir atravesarla para... devolverle a la realidad sin asustarle sin meterle más en si mismo.
However, he was looking a lot more catatonic and depressed before, and sometimes we find with the antidepressants you remove the depression and you uncover the paranoid stuff, and we may have to give him larger quantities of tranquilizer- - just to tone this down.
Sin embargo, se le veía mucho mas catatonico y deprimido antes, y a veces ocurre que con antidepresivos se quita la depresión y se descubre la paranoia, y tal vez deberemos darle mas grandes cantidades de tranquilizantes para calmar esto.
I gave my eyes that look, with her hair loose medium and my tongue between my lips, going for him, savage brute! Ah, well I could still find someone to give me what I want so much, that is to have something hard inside. We no longer have the same chances we had before!
puse aquella mirada con el pelo un poco despeinado y la lengua asomando hacia él el muy bruto gracias a Dios que tengo a alguien que me da lo que necesito que da vida a mi corazón ya no hay nada que hacer no es como antes
What have we done to try and find him?
¿ Qué podemos hacer para intentar encontrarlo?
We have to find this Dietrich and silence him.
Tenemos que hallar a Dietrich y silenciarlo.
No, but if we don't find him ourselves, we'll have to tell the police, and they'll do all that.
No, pero si no le encontramos, llamamos a la policía, y que se ocupen.
We shall have to find him first, sir.
Primero tendremos que encontrarlo, señor.
Look, we have to get him back. Can we use magic to find him?
Debemos recuperarlo, ¿ No podemos usar la magia?
And all this time, we have never once tried to understand him, to find out why. Why one human being murders another human being.
Y todo este tiempo, sin intentar comprender, averiguar por qué... por qué un ser humano mata a otro.
We have to find Darien and stop him from talking. Any which way.
Hay que encontrar a Darien e impedir que hable,... por todos los medios.
If we could find some way to discredit him believe me, we would have done it by now.
Si hubiéramos hallado un método de desacreditarle, ya lo habríamos puesto en práctica, créeme.
- All we have to do is find him.
- Sólo tenemos que hallarlo.
The circle has to be formed tighter, we have to find the enemy in Sutjeska, get him together and destroy him without mercy.
El circulo lo formaron... mas estrecho vamos a encontrar al enemigo en Sutjeska, encuenlo donde sea y destruyanlos sin piedad.
Mr. Millington will find that we have duties for him yet of an unpleasant nature, to be sure, but admirably suited to his character.
El Sr. Millington se enterará de que tenemos tareas para él de naturaleza desagradable, pero que cuadran muy bien con su carácter.
If we don't find the gun and tie it to Manson, we have nothing on him except hearsay.
Sin el arma y su relación con Manson, no tenemos nada contra él excepto rumores.

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