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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We have to stop him

We have to stop him tradutor Espanhol

276 parallel translation
We have to stop him from getting any investments.
Necesitamos hallar la forma de a parar todos los inversores... que entren en contacto con Anthony.
- Oh, we have to stop him!
- Tenemos que detenerlo.
We have to stop him.
Hay que detenerle.
We have to stop him!
Tenemos que detenerlo!
We have to stop him.
Debemos pararle.
We have to stop him before he leaves.
Debemos detenerle antes de que lo haga.
We have to stop him.
Debemos detenerlo.
We have to stop him from becoming even more powerful.
Tenemos que detenerlo antes de que lo sea aún más.
Somehow we have to stop him.
Debemos impedírselo.
We have to stop him!
Tenemos que detenerlo.
We have to stop him!
¡ Tenemos que detenerlo!
Farges, we have to stop him!
Tenemos que detenerlo, Farges.
don't ask we have to stop him
No preguntes Debemos detenerlo
We have to stop him!
¡ Hay que detenerlo!
- We have to stop him. - We've got to get you to a hospital.
- Necesito llevarte al hospital.
Buffy, this is no ordinary vampire, but we have to stop him before he reaches the master.
Buffy, éste no es un vampiro común. Debemos detenerlo antes de que contacte con el Amo.
- Guys, we have to stop him!
- ¡ Debemos detenerlo!
We have to stop him!
Tenemos que detenerlos.
He's going to murder someone, and we have to stop him.
Va a asesinar a alguien, y tenemos que detenerlo.
- We have to stop him, dude!
- Debemos detenerlo, amigo.
We have to stop him before he sees the priest!
Tenemos que detenerlo antes de que vea al sacerdote!
I found him, and we have to stop him.
Le he encontrado, debemos detenerle.
- We have to stop him.
- Tenemos que detenerlo.
We have to stop him before then
Debemos detenerlo antes
- We have to stop him!
- Tenemos que detenerlo!
I'm going back to tell the president and congress just exactly what i've told you, that unless something is done to stop hitler, we may have to fight him alone.
Repetiré todo esto al presidente y al Congreso, o se intenta parar a Hitler o lucharemos solos contra él.
Once he's trapped, we'll have time to find something that will stop him.
Cuando la atrapemos, podremos buscar algo que la detenga.
We'll just have to stop him or write off everything we've done so far.
Tendremos que detenerle u olvidarnos de todo.
But she'd have to stop over, and we can't just put him on a cot.
Pero ella se quedará a dormir, y a el no vamos a acostarlo en una hamaca.
We'd better get a beaver at once because when the wound opens you have to stop it with beaver's fat and the sickness will leave him
Si la herida de tu tío se abre, la taparemos con la grasa. - Enseguida se curará.
Well, we'll just have to stop him.
Hay que detenerlo.
Men of the Vulture Squadron, we're going to stop that pigeon if we have to follow him to the end of the earth.
Hombres del escuadrón diabólico, vamos a coger a ese palomo aunque tengamos que seguirle hasta el fin de la Tierra.
We have to stop by City Hall tomorrow to register him.
Antoine, no te olvides de que mañana tienes que ir a registrarlo.
We have to find Darien and stop him from talking. Any which way.
Hay que encontrar a Darien e impedir que hable,... por todos los medios.
And it has taken us all... All these years we have tried to stop him.
Probablemente será la cosa mas importante que hay hecho en mi vida.
Tenemos que encontrar a este hombre y evitar que mate otra vez.
He dislikes it. I guess, one day we'll have to stop calling him that.
A él no le gusta, y algún día tendremos que dejar de llamarlo así.
We'd have to be totally incompetent not to stop him.
Seríamos muy incompetentes si no lo paramos.
If we can't stop Gonta, we have no choice but to help him.
¡ Escuchadme! Si no podemos detener a Gonta, no tenemos más remedio que ir a ayudarle.
We have to stop him.
Te matará, a ti a tu familia y a tus amigos.
Dreyer became so enthusiastic about this technique, that several times I had to tell him we couldn't stuff any more film stock in the camera and would have to find somewhere to stop up.
Dreyer se volvió tan entusiasta con esta forma de rodar que ni se daba cuenta de cuando habíamos acabado el rollo de película. Por eso, a veces teníamos que cortar las secuencias en un punto concreto.
We will have to take extreme measures to stop him.
Tenemos que usar medidas extremas para detenerlo.
The bottom line is we have to find Darvin and stop him before he has a chance to alter history.
Debemos detener a Darvin antes de que altere el curso de la historia.
If we make progress, I'll have to tell him. We have to make progress, "e-mail." We gotta stop the madness.
Silla de ruedas Boulevard.
We have to figure out a way to stop him.
Hay que detenerlo.
Hey, you guys, since we don't know how to vanquish the ghost, we have to try to stop him from killing his next victim.
Chicos, ya que no sabemos cómo vencer al fantasma hay que impedir que vuelva a matar.
We had to stop him, otherwise he would have done it.
Nosotros teníamos que pararlo, de otra forma lo hubiera hecho.
In order to stop him completely, we have to hit him where it counts, put him out of business forever.
A fin de detenerlo completamente, debemos golpearlo donde le duela. Sacarlo de servicio para siempre.
But we did stop him, so now we still have time to save him.
Pero se lo impedimos, asíi que aún hay tiempo de salvarle.
We'll have to stop him ourselves.
Nosotros tendremos que detenerlo.
Imitation might be the sincerest form of flattery, but we do have to stop him.
Encontré su carta de renuncia en el escritorio de la Dra. Gibson. Oh, sí.

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