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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We have to stop it

We have to stop it tradutor Espanhol

386 parallel translation
We have to stop it.
Tenemos que detenerlo.
But we have to stop it.
Hay que detenerlos como sea.
- We have to stop it somehow!
- Tenemos que parar de alguna manera!
We have to stop it. Lie still!
Estate quieta.
We have to stop it once and for all, since it's good for nothing.
Hay que pararlo de una vez por todas y ya está bueno de tonterías ya.
We have to stop it being used, certainly, otherwise it will cause a direct continuum, implode and destroy the planet it's operating from.
Tenemos que lograr que no se use, ciertamente,... o, de lo contrario, causará una implosión del... continuo y destruirá el planeta desde el que se maneja.
We have to stop it!
¡ Debemos pararla!
You see, Jennifer before we can replace the broken heart we have to stop it from beating.
Sabes, Jennifer antes de reemplazar el corazón roto debemos hacer que deje de latir.
We would have made it, if you didn't stop to pick up your gent.
Perdimos tiempo recogiendo a su amigo.
I hate it to stop, when will we ever have it again?
No me gusta, porque no sé cuándo volveremos a vernos.
We'll have to wait for it to stop.
Tendremos que esperar.
I'm only sorry that we have to restrict it to relatives and close friends owing to security reasons, and even that's got to stop now, I'm afraid.
Lamento mucho que tengamos que restringirlo a parientes y amigos cercanos, debido a razones de seguridad. Y temo que hasta eso debe acabar ahora.
They may even have blocked the line to stop reinforcements but that's something we'll have to face if and when we get to it.
Podrían incluso haber bloqueado la línea del ferrocarril para impedir que entren refuerzos. Pero eso es algo que deberemos afrontar si ocurre y cuando ocurra.
We have to stop them whatever it takes.
Tenemos que cortarles el paso a toda costa.
We'd better get a beaver at once because when the wound opens you have to stop it with beaver's fat and the sickness will leave him
Si la herida de tu tío se abre, la taparemos con la grasa. - Enseguida se curará.
We have to stop the scandal, not spread it around
¡ No conviene el escándalo! ¡ No lo publiques más, te lo ruego!
In fact, we'll have a job to stop it from rising.
De hecho, tendremos que evitar que ascienda.
- You think we have a chance to stop it?
- ¿ Crees que podemos detenerlos?
If we can stop people like Broum getting there first, the Swiss have agreed to hand it over!
Si impedimos que gente como Broum se adelanten, los suizos nos entregarán el dinero.
It looks like we have to stop.
Parece que tenemos que parar.
Now we have our orders. It's got to stop.
Ahora tenemos órdenes de acabar con esto.
And it is true that we have not agreed to assure them... that we will stop the bombing on a permanent and unconditional basis.
Y es verdad que no hemos llegado a un acuerdo que les asegure que vamos a detener el bomberdeo sobre una base permanente e incondicional.
We should stop pussyfooting about the Russians! We'll have to fight them anyway. Why not do it now, when the army's here?
Si vamos a luchar contra los rusos, hagámoslo ahora, con el ejército aquí.
Well, looks as though we'll have to stop them right here, doesn't it?
Bien... Parece que tendremos que detenerlos aquí.
Except we have decided that it is time for people to stop calling me "Junior" around here.
Salvo que... Pues hemos decidido que es hora de que la gente deje de llamarme "Junior".
Our Agency did not have to be able to stop the sales of rubber tires, but we emit an order to the same one e we order an anonymous difundiz it, for all the cabinets of the Secretariat of Management of the Production, that they had to get rid itself of the paper, already it had much bureaucracy.
Nuestra agencia no tenía poder para detener la venta de neumáticos de caucho, pero emitió una orden a la misma enviar un anónimo y difundirla, para todas las oficinas el Departamento de Gestión de la Producción, tuvieron que deshacerse del papel, había un montón de burocracia.
We always have to attract attention. Will you stop it, stop it.
Siempre acabamos llamando la atención... ¿ Queréis dejarlo?
Stop it Jack, we have to work.
¡ Tenemos trabajo!
Wakayama... Without that, we have no way to stop it!
¡ Wakayama sin el arma, no habrá forma de pararlo!
We have to stop Drangel and that infernal airship, whatever it is.
Debemos detener a Drangel y su avión infernal.
To stop the machine guns and gun carriages we have to blow up the train when it starts its ascent from Iquique.
Para frenar la subida de ametralladoras y cureña hay que volar el tren calichero cuando comience a subir desde Iquique.
To stop it we have to drown it in boraton.
Del único modo que podemos pararlo es ahogándolo en boraton.
And this is just not on... And we're putting a stop to this and we're are doing, you know, it's almost dried up eh... things have gone...
Pero eso no va así, y lo estamos parando.
We started building it. But because of your film, we'll have to stop
Ahora, gracias a su reportaje, tendremos que parar las obras.
Zee, Commander Adama, we tried to stop that Cylon ship, but we didn't have a chance : Dr : It was incredible :
Dr. Zee, Comandante Adama, hemos tratado de detener a esta nave Cylon pero no tuvimos oportunidad es increíble la velocidad y poder de fuego.
We have done everything humanly possible to ban this thing and to stop it.
Haremos todo lo humanamente posible para prohibir esta cosa y detenerlos.
But if it isn't me, then we have to make a deal, you and I, to accept that fact and find a way to stop it, OK?
Pero si no soy yo, tenemos que hacer un trato para aceptarlo y encontrar la forma de detenerlo.
We're gonna have to stop in Fayetteville, and get a mechanic to check on it.
Vamos a parar en Fayetteville para que la compruebe un mecánico.
We have to stop the people drinking it.
Tenemos que evitar que la beban.
We have to stop them before it's too late.
Tenemos que detenerlos o será demasiado tarde.
And it has taken us all... All these years we have tried to stop him.
Probablemente será la cosa mas importante que hay hecho en mi vida.
We have to... we should stop it,
Tenemos que, debemos detenerlo,
If we have to stop digging for more than five days we'll never make it in time.
Si dejamos de excavar por más de cinco días nunca terminaremos a tiempo.
I'm sorry, Kim, but if there's a way to stop it, to kill it, I have... we both have to do something, at least to try.
Lo siento, Kim, pero si hay una manera, matarlo, tengo... Ambas tienemos que hacer algo, por lo menos intentarlo.
Well, it'll have to wait until we get someone to stop that bleeding.
No hasta que alguien detenga esa hemorragia.
We have one quick stop, and then it's on to Capital City.
Bueno, una parada breve y partimos rumbo a Ciudad Capital.
Till there, we have time to stop the locomotive before it plunges into the ravine.
Hasta ahí, podemos parar el tren sin desplomarnos en la barranca.
- We gonna have to start dating'white men. - Stop it, Nilda.
- Habrá que salir con blancos.
He dislikes it. I guess, one day we'll have to stop calling him that.
A él no le gusta, y algún día tendremos que dejar de llamarlo así.
Stop messing about. We really have to get down to it now.
Deja de perder el tiempo.
Now, we have to stop this before it goes too far.
Debemos detener esto antes de que llegue muy lejos.

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