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Weathers tradutor Espanhol

242 parallel translation
Carl Weathers of Rocky fame...
Carl Weathers de la fama Rocky...
You no longer have to slave on sea in all weathers for others You have everything you need, your food, to drink, you have money you've got me...
Ya no necesitas que te maltraten otros en alta mar, con mal tiempo, tienes cuanto necesitas, comida, bebida, dinero a mí...
We were out in all weathers, and became, as was our intention, familiar figures on the river.
Hiciera el tiempo que hiciera. Acabamos siendo personajes familiares en el río.
Up on the mountain, above the palace, we have our holy man, who sits there, day in and day out, in all weathers.
En la montaña encima del palacio, tenemos a nuestro hombre santo... quien está allí, día tras día, con cualquier clima.
♪ All winds and all weathers Ain't good for fancy clothes
" Viviendo a la intemperie Engalanarse es una inutilidad
It's Miss Weathers at Woodmere Health Farm.
Habla la Srta. Weathers del Rancho de Salud.
See, with the shoe, you can use a horse in all weathers, over rough countryside, and it'll carry heavier loads further.
Vean, con la herradura, se puede usar un caballo en todos los climas, sobre un terreno áspero, y llevar cargas pesadas más lejos.
Out in all weathers.
Afuera con cualquier clima.
- Nothing, just the weathers bad.
- Que hay mal tiempo.
You won't want to be on the street, all weathers, on a moped all day.
No querrás estar en la calle, con buen o mal tiempo, todo el día sobre la moto.
" Cheerful in all weathers...
Trabajó siempre con alegría.
When Phillip was marooned at sea, Weathers Farlington IV, that pompous nozzle that just walked out the door, convinced Catherine that he was dead. - And he had the marriage annulled.
Cuando Phillip estuvo abandonado en el mar, Weathers Farlington IV ese idiota pedante que acaba de salir convenció a Catherine de que Phillip murió e hizo que anularan el matrimonio.
I don't care what you have to do, Weathers, [Crying] but in seven minutes, we are supposed to be sitting down at the captain's table for dinner.
No me importa qué tengas que hacer, Weathers pero en siete minutos debemos estar sentados con el capitán para cenar.
Here comes our first Elvis to Earth. Tommy Joe Smithers of Provo, Utah.
Aquí viene el primer Elvis... en arrojarse, Tommy Tilt Weathers de Provo, Utah.
Wasn't it, Judge Weathers?
Ud. No es así, ¿ Juez Weathers?
I've talked to Judge Weathers and he has agreed to suspend your case.
Hablé con el Juex Weathers Y accedió a suspender tu caso.
Hello? Betty Weathers.
Betty Weathers al habla.
- You must be Mr. Weathers. - Yeah.
¿ Es usted el Sr. Weathers?
I have something here for Mrs. Weathers. She won something. - Is Mrs. Weathers home?
Traigo un premio para la Sra. Weathers.
Wait, here he's talking to – Look at this. - Stormy was in the air when the quake happened.
Stormy Weathers ha visto el terremoto desde el aire.
You think that's his real name, Stormy Weathers?
¿ Será su verdadero nombre?
It's stood out in all weathers.
Ha estado parado hacia fuera en todos los tiempos.
- Hi, Gale Weathers reporting live from Woodsboro police station...
- Sí, claro. Gale Weathers en directo desde la comisaría de Woodsboro.
Gale Weathers, field correspondent, "Top Story."
Hola, soy Gale Wathers, corresponsal del programa Titulares.
I know who you are, Miss Weathers.
Ya sé quién es, señorita Weathers.
If I may say so, Miss Weathers... you are much prettier in person.
Si me permite, señorita Weathers es usted mucho más bonita en persona.
That's why it's a rumour.
Creado por esa estúpida periodista sensacionalista de Gale Weathers. Por eso es un rumor.
- It's that chick from "Top Story!"
- La chichi de "Titulares". - ¡ Gale Weathers!
What about Gale Weathers?
¿ Qué me dice de Gale Weathers?
This is Gale Weathers signing off.
Aquí Gale Weathers, fichando para salir.
Just stay with me. Hi, this is Gale Weathers with an exclusive eyewitness account... of this amazing breaking story.
Hola, soy Gale Weathers en una exclusiva como testigo ocular de esta increíble primicia.
And this friendship weathers all circumstance, survives the frictions of daily life completely intact?
¿ Y esta amistad, pese a todo, sobrevive... intacta a las fricciones diarias?
And a pathologist from Texas, Beck Weathers.
Y un patólogo de Texas, Beck Weathers.
Certainly, with Gale Weathers'book... and now the movie... it's set the record straight for Cotton Weary.
Ciertamente, con el libro de Gale Weathers y ahora la película... el nombre de Cotton Weary ha quedado limpio.
Uh, Miss Weathers? Hi.
¿ Srta. Weathers?
I'm there! Excuse me, Miss Weathers?
Disculpe, ¿ Srta. Weathers?
- Miss Weathers, please... I would... It would be such an honour for me if I could just get a quote from you for my story.
Srta. Weathers, sería un honor para mí... si pudiese hacer una declaración para nuestro artículo.
Miss Weathers, what's your feeling about this?
- ¿ Qué le parece todo esto?
Gale Weathers, author of The Woodsboro Murders.
Hola, soy Gale Weathers, autora de "Los Asesinatos de Woodsboro".
It's Gale Weathers.
Es Gale Weathers.
Star of the Gale Weathers press conference, based on the book by Gale Weathers.
" Estrella de la conferencia de prensa, basada en el libro de Gale Weathers... una película protagonizada por...
Soon to be a major motion picture starring Gale Weathers.
Gale Weathers ".
- You read my book. - Oh, yes, I do read, Miss Weathers.
- Sí, sé leer, Srta. Weathers.
- Take care, Miss Weathers.
- Cuídese, Srta. Weathers.
I'm not here to write a book, Miss Weathers.
No he venido a escribir un libro, Srta. Weathers.
- How about Gale Weathers?
- ¿ Y Gale Weathers? ¿ Gale?
- Who's this? - Gale Weathers, author of The Woodsboro Murders.
Gale Weathers, autora de "Los Asesinatos de Woodsboro".
First of all, forget Gale Weathers.
Para empezar, olvídate de Gale Weathers.
Is this just another... brilliant Gale Weathers performance?
¿ Sólo es otra... magnífica interpretación de Gale Weathers?
You're Gale Weathers... at Windsor College.
Eres Gale Weathers, desde la universidad "Windsor".
[Narrator] Just above the High Camp, a climber named Beck Weathers had been out in the storm for over 22 hours.
Por encima del campo más alto... un alpinista, Beck Weathers, estuvo inconsciente en la tormenta durante 22 h.

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