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Westmorland tradutor Espanhol

52 parallel translation
[Sighing] Miss Westmoreland. Please call Super Frenchman for me.
Miss Westmorland,... llame a Super French Man.
And my first interesting person tonight is - the highly interesting mr. Howard Stools, from Kendal in Westmoreland.
La primera persona interesante es el Sr. Stools de Kendal, Westmorland.
Mr. Howard Stools from Kendal in Westmoreland, half an inch long.
Alan Stools de Kendal, Westmorland, de 2 centímetros de altura.
And marquis of Westmorland.
Y el marqués de Westmorland.
What's to stop us hacking you into as many pieces as we hacked the marquis of Westmorland?
¿ Qué nos impedirá cortarle a hachazos en tantos pedazos como cortamos al marqués de Westmorland?
Wordsworth applied for and got a post as Distributor of Stamps for Westmorland.
Wordsworth consiguió un puesto como distribuidor de estampillas en Westmorland.
Well the day he died Trevor Dawson was in afterschool detention at Westmorland High from 3 to 6
Pués el dia que murió Trevor Dawson estaba en el castigo de la tarde en la Secundaria Westmorland de 3 a 6
My cousin Westmorland?
¿ Mi primo Westmorland?
Rather proclaim it, Westmorland, through my host, that he which hath no stomach to this fight, let him depart.
Proclama antes a través de mi ejército, Westmorland, que el que no vaya con corazón a esta lucha, puede retirarse.
Erpingham, Westmorland
Erpingham, Westmorland
Go, Uncle Exeter and Westmorland, go with the king.
Id, tío Exeter y Westmorland, ir con el rey.
Be patient, gentle Earl of Westmorland.
Tened sosiego, buen conde Westmoreland.
He is both King and Duke of Lancaster, And that the Lord of Westmorland shall maintain.
Es tanto rey como duque de Lancaster, y esto Westmoreland piensa defenderlo.
Come, rough Westmorland.
Venid, violento Westmoreland.
No, no, no, it was, uh. - It was Westmoreland.
- No, no, no, era Westmorland.
House of Westmorland.
Casa de Westmorland.
Mr. Westmorland will see you now.
El Sr. Westmorland le verá ahora.
P.T. Westmorland.
P.T. Westmorland.
I am humbled to have pierced the veil and to address you on behalf of Mr. Westmorland.
Me honra haber sido elegida para dirigirme a vosotros en nombre del Sr. Westmorland.
Yes. Mr Westmorland put me in charge.
Sí, el señor Westmoreland me dejó a cargo.
But maybe that's what makes P.T. Westmorland live for so long.
Quizás esto sea lo que hizo que P.T. Westmoreland viviera tanto.
So, Charlotte told me that you met Mr Westmorland?
Charlotte me contó que conociste al señor Westmoreland.
Mr Westmorland has made me feel whole.
El señor Westmoreland me ha hecho sentir completa.
It's Westmorland. His story is the key to all of this.
Es Westmoreland, su historia es la clave de esto.
That's all Westmorland.
Todo ha sido Westmorland.
Westmorland's fountain of youth gene.
El gen de la fuente de la juventud de Westmorland.
Mr Westmorland wants to begin her hormone treatments.
El Sr. Westmorland quiere empezar el tratamiento con hormonas.
Mr Westmorland?
¿ Sr. Westmorland?
- More of Westmorland's experiments?
- ¿ Más experimentos para Westmorland?
Westmorland isn't... Isn't 170, okay?
Westmorland nos tiene 170 años, ¿ vale?
Mr. Westmorland will see you now.
El Sr. Westmorland te verá ahora.
"The Management of Reproduction in Feebleminded Populations by P.T. Westmorland."
"La gestión de la reproducción en poblaciones con retraso, por P.T. Westmorland".
But Dr. Perkins may have the key to P.T. Westmorland.
Pero la Dra. Perkins puede tener la clave para llegar a P.T. Westmorland.
High level, close to old man Westmorland.
De alto nivel, cercano al viejo Westmorland.
You never talked about it, you never even mentioned Westmorland was actually alive.
Nunca hablaste de ello, ni siquiera mencionaste que Westmorland estuviera vivo.
Yeah, but she's going to tell us about P.T. Westmorland, aren't you, Virginia?
Sí, pero nos va a hablar de P.T. Westmorland, ¿ verdad, Virginia?
P.T. Westmoreland's original obsession.
La primigenia obsesión de P.T. Westmorland.
We're on a whole new level with Westmorland.
Westmorland está a otro nivel.
Mr Westmorland, Rachel.
Sr. Westmorland, Rachel.
Tell Westmorland I found his fountain.
Dile a Westmorland que he encontrado su fuente.
We owe a great debt to Mr. Westmorland.
Hemos contraído una gran deuda con el Sr. Westmorland.
Um, okay, how about Westmorland is a total fraud?
Vale, ¿ qué tal que Westmorland es un completo fraude?
Mr. Westmorland.
Sr. Westmorland.
I'm Mr. Westmorland.
Soy el Sr. Westmorland.
Sarah is attempting to blackmail us with fraudulent information to invalidate Mr. Westmorland's age.
Sarah intenta chantajearnos con información fraudulenta para invalidar la edad del Sr. Westmorland.
Westmorland isn't a 170
Westmorland no tiene 170 años.
Westmorland wants unprecedented access to human genetics, and Hashem Al-Khatib was bribing governments worldwide to get it.
Westmoreland quiere tener acceso ilimitado a material genético humano y Hashem Al-Khatib ha sobornado a gobiernos para obtenerlo.
It wouldn't last forever but if we wanted we could destroy Westmorland and Neolution. Go somewhere warm.
No durará por siempre, pero si queremos podemos destruir a Westmoreland y a Neolución ir a un lugar cálido.
We no longer take our direction from Mr Westmorland.
Ya no recibimos órdenes del señor Westmoreland.
No, we win if Neolution is exposed and Westmorland is stripped of his myth!
No, nuestra victoria era exponer a Neolución y despojar a Westmoreland de su mito.

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