What's that you say tradutor Espanhol
2,602 parallel translation
I'm sorry to say this, darling, but it sounds like your friend is two sandwiches short of a picnic. You know, that's what my husband said.
siento decir esto, cariño, pero suena como tu amiga son dos sandwiches para un mini picnic ya sabes, esto es lo que mi marido decia
That's what Leonard said you'd say.
Eso es lo que dijo Leonard que dirías.
And when you go around, say like the Zuni pueblo, I mean, that's what they'll tell you those petroglyphs e.
Y cuando los miras, como los del pueblo Zuni, eso es lo que te dicen esos petroglifos.
That's exactly what you're gonna say.
Eso es exactamente lo que nos va a decir.
You wanted to say something, what's that?
Querías decir algo, ¿ qué es?
That's what you came here for- - to hear me say that.
Para eso habeis venido- - para oirme decir eso.
What would you say if we told you that the slugs removed from Bell's torso came from Gibbs'gun?
¿ Qué dirías si te contamos que las balas extraidas del torso de Bell proceden del arma de Gibbs?
If that's what you want me to say- -
- Si eso quieres que diga, no diré eso.
They say that when you're going that fast, that's when you really know what it is to be alive.
Dicen que cuando vas rápido, entonces es cuando sabes lo que es estar vivo.
Look, I didn't take advantage of her if that's what you're trying to say.
Mira, no me aproveché de ella, si eso es lo que está tratando de decir.
What's that say to you?
¿ qué significa eso?
It's made of cheese, you know. - At least that's what they say.
Está hecha de queso, ¿ sabes? Al menos es lo que dicen ellos.
That's because you weren't paying attention. What did you say?
Eso es porque tu no estabas prestando atención.
That's what happens when you look for bullets in detroit. I say we call it a day. Chi rinunciare non cattura del pesci.
Lo llamamos un día normal. ¿ Qué?
That's what you wanted to say, isn't it?
Eso es lo que querías decir, ¿ no?
Well, just because that's what people say, but I will always love you.
Bueno, sólo por lo que dice esa gente, pero siempre te querré.
It's funny you say that because that's- - that's kind of what I'm afraid of.
Es gracioso que digas eso porque esto es- - esto es lo que me da miedo.
So, if you look at what the galactic center would look like in a normal telescope, let's say, you would get images which look like that.
Así, si veis cómo sería el centro de la galaxia con un telescopio normal, digamos, observaríais imágenes similares a esas.
You're gonna be... oh, you know what, that's really funny you say that'cause you probably will be.
Vais a ser... oh, sabes? es curioso que digas eso porque probablemente sea así.
He's the only one who wants you. That was precisely what he was hoping you would say.
Él es el único que te quiere.
- That's what you say.
- Eso es lo que usted dice.
So, you know, I just wanted to say that what's happened has, um, you know, I feel like it's changed me, and I think it's reprioritized my priorities. So I just want you guys to know that, you know, that I love you all a lot,
Asi que se que probablemente... bueno, casi seguro, que no he sido el mejor padre por un tiempo, asi que solo quería decirle que lo que sucedió, saben, siento que me cambió y pienso repriorizar mis prioridades asi que quiero que ustedes
You'd give me a severe talking to, and then you'd throw your arm around my neck and say, "Let's get a drink, kid." That's what you'd do if it were Connor standing here.
Tú me darías una intensa charla, y entonces pondrias tu brazo alrededor de mi cuello y dirías : "vamos a tomar un trago, muchacho."
* well, I know they say all good things * * must come to some kind of ending * * we were so damn good * * I guess we never stood a chance * * go on and find what you've been missin'* * when that highway's tired of listening'... *
# Bueno, sé que dicen que todas las cosas buenas # # deben llegar a un fin # # éramos tan buenos supongo que nunca tuvimos una oportunidad # # continua y descubre lo que te has perdido # # cuando la autopista esté cansada de escuchar... #
That's why it's very important what you say on the stand.
Es por eso que es muy importante lo que digas en el estrado.
What's that you say?
¿ Qué dices? No te oí.
What's that you say?
¿ Qué has dicho?
You said he can't walk, then you say he can walk like you : - That's not what I said :
Dices que no puede andar y luego dices que anda como tú.
That's what I mean when I say, do you feel good about it?
A eso me refiero al preguntarte : "¿ Te da buena espina?".
That's what I tried to say to you earlier.
Eso es lo que traté de decir a usted antes.
Used to be a sniper, didn't you? What's that say in there about my discharge?
- Solías ser francotirador ¿ Qué dice en mi baja?
That's what I'm trying to say, is that the guy could just call you. " Hey, I just f * * * * * your kid.
Eso intento decir, que el tipo pudiera llamarte y decirte " Acabo de coger a tu hijo.
- But that's what you say.
- Pero lo acabas de decir.
So did you say it because we needed it or because that's what happened?
¿ Entonces lo dice porque lo necesitábamos o porque es lo que pasó?
I'd say that's the most annoying thing about being in this place, just being hassled all the time, no matter where you are, no matter what time of day it is, just constantly hassling you.
Yo diría que eso es lo más molesto de este lugar, ser molestado todo el tiempo, no importa donde estés la hora que sea, siempre hay alguien pidiendo algo.
Hang on a minute. "Where are you coming?" That's what he say.
- ¿ De dónde vienes?
I know I... that's what my kids always say, they're like "mom, you can do thing things with us."
- ¿ Sí? Lo sé, eso es lo que les digo todo el tiempo a mis hijos, y ellos también dicen : - "Mamá, puedes hacer cosas con nosotros."
That's what you'll say to your friends if they ever ask you.
Eso es lo que dirás a tus amigos si alguna vez te lo preguntan.
What, you, you know you can say what you want but I know for a fact that I wipe my arse more than anyone in this room, because I suffer from a medical condition known in layman's terms as an anal itch.
- Puedes decir lo que quieras pero estoy seguro que me lavo el culo más que cualquiera en este cuarto porque padezco una enfermedad conocida en términos laicos como picazón anal.
And she's a fool, and you need to go there and tell her that I told you to say that dating is evil, and that what the two of you have is rare and that she's an idiot!
Y es una tonta y tú tienes que ir a África a decirle que yo te dije que le dijeras que tener citas es asqueroso y que lo que ustedes tienen es muy poco común, y que es una idiota.
That's a... You know what I like most... is how you were able to say that with a straight face.
Eso es... sabes que es lo que más me gusta... es como eres capaz de decir eso con cara de serio.
Woman, say that's what you want, too.
Mujer, dile que tú también.
That's precisely what I say. Because this has everything to do with her, and with me. but not with you.
Porque esto tiene que ver con ella, y conmigo, pero no contigo.
You are doing the research and that ´ s what we need to do as americans and say : "You know what? I wanna know, what ´ s going on!"
Tù estás haciendo la investigación y esto es lo que tenemos que hacer como americanos y decir : " ¿ Sabes qué?
I think, what the science community ought to be trying to do is, say, you do small scale stuff inside this... space and it ´ s a scientific question, what that space ought to be... There shouldn ´ t be a lot of oversight and restriction...
porque atará las manos de la ciencia, creo que la comunidad científica debería estar haciéndolo en pequeña escala, en este espacio... y es una cuestión científica, de lo que el espacio debería ser.
That's what you always used to say to me.
Es el consejo que me dabas siempre.
That loud, that much speed, and the front end just starts moving around on you. It's... I don't know what to say.
Ese ruido, esa velocidad tan alta, y el frontal empezando a moverse... es... No sé qué decir.
You look back through these stories... some of which have to do with actual historical events that led to blood, guts, destruction... and you say to yourselves, " Maybe they don't want what's best for us.
Ud. mira hacia atrás a través de estas historias... algunas de las cuales tienen que ver con eventos históricos actuales que llevan hacia sangre, tripas, destrucción... y se dice a sí mismo, " Quizás no quieren que ésto sea lo mejor para nosotros.
It would be so much easier to help people in the Catholic religion... 'Cause you know what a family's like. ... if they had a family of their own, and he used to say he couldn't do that.
Los televidentes no tuvieron noción del nivel de sufrimiento de la gente común.
That's okay, but what I'm trying to say is, has anybody ever told you you may disassociate from events? I'm sure they have.
Ellos están en el final equivocado... de su táctica.
'Bye honey,'that's what you were dying to say, right?
"Cariño, cariño", ¿ deseas decirle así, verdad?
what's that 9620
what's that supposed to mean 1098
what's that noise 213
what's that over there 34
what's that got to do with it 83
what's that got to do with me 46
what's that smell 333
what's that like 67
what's that all about 130
what's that about 270
what's that supposed to mean 1098
what's that noise 213
what's that over there 34
what's that got to do with it 83
what's that got to do with me 46
what's that smell 333
what's that like 67
what's that all about 130
what's that about 270