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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / What is going on with you

What is going on with you tradutor Espanhol

701 parallel translation
About everything. What is going on with you?
Por todo. ¿ Qué pasa contigo?
Alfred, what is going on with you?
Alfred, ¿ qué le pasa?
What is going on with you, Maria?
¿ Qué te pasa, María?
What is going on with you anyway?
Que es lo que te sucede?
What is going on with you?
¿ Qué te pasa ahora?
then what is going on with you?
- Entonces ¿ Que es lo que pasa contigo?
What is going on with you?
¿ Qué está pasando contigo?
Or I will go upstairs and tell them exactly what is going on with you. Understand?
O voy arriba y les digo exactamente lo que está pasando. ¿ Entiendes?
What is going on with you?
¿ Qué sucede contigo?
But it's seven long years, and what is going on with you?
Pero es siete largos años, y lo que está pasando con usted?
What is going on with you? Please talk to me.
¿ Qué te está pasando?
- What is going on with you?
¿ Qué te pasa?
What is going on with you?
¿ En qué te metiste?
I won't pretend that I understand what is going on with you.
No voy a fingir que entiendo lo que está pasando con usted.
What is going on with you two?
¿ Qué pasa con ustedes?
- What is going on with you two?
- ¿ Qué pasa con ustedes dos?
What is going on with you?
¿ Qué está sucediendo contigo?
What is going on with you?
¿ Qué pasa contigo?
- What is going on with you two?
- ¿ Qué pasa entre ustedes?
- What is going on with you two?
- ¿ Pero qué les pasa a ustedes dos?
- What is going on with you?
- ¿ Qué está pasando contigo?
The moment I see you with a husband whose pupils are enlarged, who has a tremor of the left hand, who's on a honeymoon with no baggage, and whose name is John Brown, I know practically what is going on.
En el momento en que te veo con un esposo con las pupilas dilatadas y un temblor en la mano izquierda que está de luna de miel sin equipaje y que se llama John Brown prácticamente sé qué está pasando.
Look, when I tell you, sit down there with your back against that seat, stay there, no matter what else is going on.
Mira, cuando te lo diga, siéntate allí con la espalda contra el respaldo, quédate ahí, sin importar lo que pase.
What do you suppose is going on with his company?
¿ Qué se supone que pasa con su empresa?
Quite apart from the fact, mr. Pierce, that you're not the most sensitive of men, did it ever occur to you there's something odd going on here and we better dispense with business as usual until we find out exactly what is going on?
Dejando aparte el hecho, señor Pierce, que usted no es el más sensible de los hombres, y nunca lo será, algo raro está pasando aquí y haríamos bien en seguir con el asunto como de costumbre hasta averiguar qué está pasando exactamente.
All right... all right, what is this going on with the lot of you?
Muy bien, muy bien. ¿ Qué es esto?
What I can't figure out is, with all this action going on in here what are you doing out there couching it?
No entiendo, con toda la acción, ¿ por qué dormías en el sofa?
So you feel that, just as you feel there's a reason for going on through the course, this is the same way to try and deal with what you feel is wrong with the system in America?
¿ Tanto si sentís que hay... todavía una razón para continuar el trayecto, pensáis que esto influirá en vuestra forma de afrontar aquello que ocurra en este país?
Did you go down there and back home for your wife or did her and Mary Pistolcoloni maybe drive down with Aleck Olson or in other words, what the hell is going on here?
¿ Fuiste hasta allá y regresaste a casa por tu esposa o ella y Mary Pistolcoloni condujeron junto a Aleck Olson? En otras palabras, ¿ qué diablos pasa aquí?
What's going on is that you want to get even with me for personal reasons.
Lo que pasa es que usted quiere desquitarse conmigo por razones personales.
Honey, the trouble with you is, you don't know what the hell is going on.
Querida, el problema es que tú no sabes el infierno que se viene.
Janice, the whole fun with getting involved with someone who is unavailable and a little bit older is that sometimes you get to hear what's really going on.
La diversión de tener una relación con alguien inalcanzable y un poco mayor, es que a veces oyes lo que realmente pasa.
I don't know what's going on with you, but this is insane.
No sé qué te pasa, pero es una locura.
So why don't you just level with me and tell me what the fuck is going on?
¿ Por qué no me dice de una vez qué diablos sucede aquí?
I don't know what you've heard about the "Werewolves", but you should know that sabotage is still going on as well as liquidations of Germans who cooperate with the Allies.
No sé qué habrá oído sobre los Werwolf pero debería saber que sigue habiendo sabotajes y que están liquidando a los alemanes que cooperan con los aliados.
I'm in St. Kitt's with this new Kamali leopard-skin bikini, which is going to turn back the clock on my marriage, you know what I mean?
- Dicúlpeme Sr. Gekko. - Está bien. No hay problema.
I know something's going on with you and Benjamin Horne, and I wanna know what it is.
Sé que pasa algo entre Benjamín Horne y tú y quiero saber qué es.
Will one of you learned doctors, or whatever you are kindly tell me what is going on with my Lucy?
¿ Pueden ustedes, médicos eruditos, decirme qué ocurre con mi Lucy?
You level with me. What in the fuck is going on here?
Dígame, ¿ Qué diablos pasa aquí?
You have to ask yourself what is going on with this team and how long... will owner Hank Murphy put up with this kind of behaviour from his manager.
Deben preguntarse, ¿ qué pasa con este equipo? ¿ Por cuánto tiempo aguantará el dueño Hank Murphy la conducta de su manejador?
What is it? What the hell's going on with you?
¿ Qué rayos sucede contigo?
- Grabelski, what the hell is going on with you?
- Grabelski, qué demonios pasa con vos?
With a serial killer undetected, a police officer removed from the investigation, and the allegation of a cockup on a major case, you won ´ t be surprised to hear that the commissioner has had the Home Secretary on the phone, wanting to know what the hell is going on.
Con un asesino serial sin detectar un oficial de policía removido de la investigación y una acusación de arruinar un caso importante no les sorprenderá oír que el Secretario del Interior se comunicó con el Comisionado para saber qué demonios está sucediendo.
What is going on upstairs has nothing to do with you.
Vida, lo que está ocurriendo allá arriba no tiene nada que ver contigo.
In the name of the King, sir, come with us. Sheriff : What the devil is going on with you?
Probablemente siga por mucho tiempo sin resolución y mucha gente buena va a morir.
Excuse me, General, sir, with all due respect to you, but what the fuck is going on?
Disculpeme, General, señor, Con todo respeto a usted, pero que carajo esta sucediendo?
Yeah, well, thank you for the advice, but you wouldn't understand what is going on with me.
Pues gracias por el consejo, pero no puedes entender lo que me pasa.
If you weren't sleeping with him, what the flipping hell is going on here?
Si no te acostabas con él, ¿ qué diablos está pasando aquí?
Is that what's going on with you, Doc?
¿ Es lo que te pasa a ti?
What's going on with me is that you're trying to infect me... with your good old-fashioned cynicism, so I doubt myself and decide... that we're really not trying to cover up some... covert, totally illegal, murderous operation.
Lo que pasa es que intentas contagiarme... tu anticuado cinismo... para hacerme dudar y así me crea... que en realidad no estamos... encubriendo una operación ilegal de asesinato.
What's more amazing is... that there's a whole life going on with you I know nothing about.
Lo que es más sorprendente es... que hay una vida entera sobre ti y no sabemos nada.

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