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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / What the hell were you thinking

What the hell were you thinking tradutor Espanhol

531 parallel translation
What the hell were you thinking of?
¿ En qué diablos estabas pensando?
Goofed up? What the hell were you thinking of?
¿ En qué estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking, that I'd wait for you until morning?
Pues ¿ qué diablos pensabas, que iba a esperarte hasta que amaneciera?
What the hell were you thinking of?
- ¿ En qué estabas pensando?
! What the hell were you thinking?
Que demonios estabas pensando?
- What the hell were you thinking?
- Qué diablos estabas pensando?
Hey, what the hell were you thinking?
Hey, ¿ en qué demonios pensabas?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ Qué pretendía?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ Qué rayos estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking?
¡ ¿ Que demonios estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking, folding out on the planet's surface like that?
Eres increible, saliendo de un pliegue tan cercano a la tierra.
What the hell were you thinking?
¡ No puedo creerlo! ¿ Qué pensabas?
What the hell were you thinking? See?
¿ En que estabas pensando?
Up in the corner like that. What the hell were you thinking?
De esa forma en una esquina ¿ En qué diablos estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking inviting Kelly here?
¿ En qué pensabas al invitar a Kelly?
What the hell were you thinking leaving my clubs in that car?
¿ En que pensabas cuando dejaste los palos en el auto?
What the hell were you thinking leaving my clubs in that car?
¿ En qué demonios pensabas cuando dejaste mis palos en ese auto?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ En qué diablos estaban pensando?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ En qué demonios estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ En qué diablos pensaba?
- What the hell were you thinking?
- ¿ En qué demonios estabas pensando?
- What the hell were you thinking?
- ¿ Qué pensabas?
Come on, what the hell were you thinking about, huh?
Vamos, ¿ en qué demonios pensabas?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ Qué carajos estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking not picking up your pills?
¿ Qué carajos estaba pensando al no ir a buscar sus píldoras?
- What the hell were you thinking?
- ¿ Que diablos estabas pensando?
Harry, what the hell were you thinking?
En que mierda estabas pensando, Harry?
Yeah. Yeah, what the hell were you thinking?
- ¿ Y qué diablos pensabas?
? You hurt me! What the hell were you thinking!
¿ En qué demonios estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ Qué estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking, trying to get up there?
¿ En qué estabas pensando cuando te trepaste allá arriba?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ Qué rayos estaba pensando?
With such a useful product available... what the hell were you thinking, you idiot?
Si existe un producto tan útil ¿ por qué no pensaste en eso?
What the hell were you thinking, throwing around my money like that?
¿ En qué diablos pensabas, arrojando así mi dinero?
What the hell were you thinking?
! ¡ ¿ En que diablos pensabas?
What the hell were you thinking?
¿ En que demonios estabas pensando?
What the hell were you thinking? !
¿ En qué demonios estabas pensando?
looking like the little boy on the Cracker Jack box. My God. what the hell were you thinking?
Un amigo jamás me dejaría salir de casa, pareciéndome al chico de los libros.
What the hell were you thinking in there?
¿ Qué demonios haces?
- What the hell were you thinking?
¿ Por qué una tienda blanca?
What the hell were you thinking?
- ¿ Qué diablos estabas pensando?
John, what the hell were you thinking?
John, ¿ qué diablos estabas pensando?
Man : What the hell were you thinking taking her that way?
¿ Qué demonios estabas pensando al llevarla ahí?
You didn't know what the hell you were thinking about.
No comprendes lo que hiciste.
- What in the hell were you thinking?
- ¿ Dónde tenías la cabeza? - Lo siento.
Can you tell me what the hell you were thinking when you invited him?
Dime por qué lo invitaste.
- What the hell were you people thinking?
- Que demonios estaban pensando?
Fry, what the hell were you people thinking back then?
Fry, ¿ en qué diablos pensaban en aquel entonces?
Just what in the hell were you thinking?
¿ En que demonios estabas pensando?
What in the hell were you thinking?
¿ En qué demonios estabas pensando?
Do you mind if I ask you just what the hell you were thinking?
¿ En qué rayos estabas pensando?

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