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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / What were you doing here

What were you doing here tradutor Espanhol

454 parallel translation
What were you doing here?
¿ Qué hacías aquí?
What were you doing here?
- ¿ Qué hacía aquí?
What were you doing here at that hour?
Venía del puerto.
What were you doing here?
— ¿ Qué estabas buscando aquí?
What were you doing here?
¿ Cómo has llegado aquí?
What were you doing here then?
¿ Entonces, qué vino a hacer aquí?
- What were you doing here?
- ¿ Qué haces aquí?
What were you doing here then?
¿ Qué hacía usted aquí?
What were you doing here?
¿ Qué estás haciendo aquí?
Then what were you doing here?
¿ Entonces que estabais haciendo aquí? Patrullando.
And what were you doing here yesterday?
¿ Y qué hacía aquí ayer?
Tali, what were you doing here?
Tali, ¿ qué estabas haciendo aquí?
What were you doing here, Mother?
¿ Qué has estado haciendo, madre?
- What were you doing here?
- ¿ Qué hacías aquí?
What were you doing here?
¿ Y qué hacías acá?
And now I ask you as a man : What were you doing here?
Y ahora, hablemos de hombre a hombre, ¿ qué hacía usted aquí?
- What were you doing here?
- ¿ Que hacía usted aqui?
Yes, I've never set foot inside - What were you doing here then?
Sí, nunca he puesto un pie en el almacén - ¿ Y porque estabas aquí, entonces?
- What were you doing here?
- ¿ Qué hacía aquí?
Say, what were you two girls doing in here?
¿ Qué hacen aquí dos chicas como vosotras?
Then what were you doing down here this morning at 3 : 30?
Entonces, ¿ qué hacía aquí abajo esta mañana a las 3 : 30?
- What are you doing here? - We thought you were in Nassau.
¿ No se alegran de vernos?
Remind me to ask you later what you were doing in here with him.
- ¿ Qué haces aquí con éI?
Look here, young fellow, I want you to tell me... just exactly what were you doing tonight?
Escuche, amigo, quiero que me diga exactamente... lo que estaba haciendo esta noche.
First, I want to know what you were doing out with the chamber of commerce, here?
Primero, quiero saber qué estabas haciendo por ahí con la cámara de comercio.
Entonces, ¿ qué haces aquí?
Yes, what were you doing down here, Anne?
- ¿ Qué haces aquí, Anne?
You'd have to explain what you were doing here.
Porque tendrías que explicar qué hacías en mi negocio.
What were you doing way out here?
¿ Qué estaba haciendo aquí?
What in Hades were you doing here anyway?
¿ Y tú qué hacías por aquí?
If you marines were responsible for getting the army out of Dunkirk, what are you doing here?
Si los marines salvasteis al ejercito de Dunkirk ¿ qué hacéis aquí?
Won't you tell me what you're doing here and why you were crying?
¿ No me dirá qué estaba haciendo aquí y por qué estaba llorando?
I wasn't even polite enough to ask you what you were doing here.
Ni siquiera te preguntarte qué estabas haciendo aquí. No he sido lo suficientemente educado.
Cordelia, you were called here as a witness. What are these other ladies doing here?
Cordelia... te han llamado como testigo.
What the hell were you doing here?
¿ Qué coño estás haciendo aquí?
What were you doing around here?
- Sí. ¿ Qué hacías en el barrio?
I'll depend on you to explain to them what you were doing here and why you were here. Everybody get out, please.
Confío en que les expliques qué hacías aquí. ¡ Todas fuera!
- What were you doing round here, anyway?
- Por cierto, ¿ qué hacías por aquí?
You were first going to tell me what you were doing here.
Antes iba a decirme qué está haciendo aquí.
The Governor will want an enquiry. May I ask what you were doing here?
El Gobernador va a querer una investigación. ¿ Puedo preguntar qué estabais haciendo aquí?
What were you doing in here, Jackson?
¿ Por qué no está en su sitio en la sala, Jackson?
What were you doing when I arrived here? Me...
- Alfredo, ¿ qué estabas haciendo cuando llegué?
Where were you hiding just now. And what are you doing here now?
¿ Dónde estuviste escondido recién, y qué estás haciendo aquí ahora?
I didn't know what the hell you were doing here.
No sabía qué demonios estaba haciendo usted aquí.
( D.84 ) : You have not explained what you were doing here.
Tú aún no has explicado que hacías aquí.
How good And what were you doing lying here like a watchdog?
Qué bien. ¿ Y por qué estaba usted echado aquí como un perro guardián?
What were you doing up here, anyway?
¿ Y qué estabas haciendo aquí?
It also states here that when asked what you were doing in the alley, you replied, "I don't know nothing about that taxi-cab robbery."
También dice que cuando te preguntaron que qué hacías en el callejón respondiste : "No sé nada sobre ese taxi".
What were you doing over here?
¿ Qué estabas haciendo por aquí?
What were you doing out here?
¿ Qué hacías aquí fuera?
- What were you doing up here?
- ¿ Qué haces aquí arriba?

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