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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / What were you gonna do

What were you gonna do tradutor Espanhol

392 parallel translation
- What were you gonna do?
- ¿ Qué ibas a hacer?
What were you gonna do?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer?
What were you gonna do tonight?
¿ Qué iba a hacer esta noche?
What were you gonna do, Sheriff?
¿ Qué pensaba hacer, sheriff?
What were you gonna do with all that folding stuff?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer con toda esa pasta?
So what were you gonna do with a half a million balloons, huh?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer con medio millón de pavos?
What were you gonna do with all the money?
¿ Qué iba a hacer con todo el dinero?
What were you gonna do?
¿ Qué iban a hacer?
What were you gonna do, sailor boy?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer, marinero?
What were you gonna do, Kate?
¿ Qué vas a hacer, Kate?
What were you gonna do after you dropped it?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer después de soltarla?
Well, what were you gonna do with the money when you got it?
¿ Sí? Bueno, ¿ qué ibas a hacer con el dinero cuando lo tuvieras?
What were you gonna do, take on the whole police force?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer, enfrentarte a toda la policía?
What were you gonna do?
¿ Qué podíamos hacer?
What were you gonna do?
¿ Qué puedes hacerme?
What were you gonna do with that stuff?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer con todas esas cosas?
What were you gonna do to my wife?
¿ Qué dijiste que le harías a mi esposa?
What were you gonna do, squirt water at him?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer? ¿ Dispararle un chorro de agua?
What were you gonna do with the money?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer con el dinero?
- What were you gonna do?
- ¿ Qué hará?
What were you gonna do with it?
¿ Qué ibas a hacer con ella?
- Clark, what were you gonna do?
- Clark, ¿ qué más podías hacer?
So, Ben, what were you gonna do before they brought you here?
Entonces, Ben, Qué hibas a hacer Antes de que te trajeran aquí?
I didn't know what he was gonna do till he told me you were with the police again.
No sabía qué iba a hacer él hasta que me dijo que estabas trabajando con la policía.
Remember what you were gonna do for me?
¿ Recuerdas lo que ibas a hacer?
What was it you said you were gonna do when we hit town, Johnny?
¿ Qué dijiste que ibas a hacer en cuanto llegásemos a la ciudad, Johnny?
- As soon as you got to trust me, I could tell them in advance what you were gonna do.
- Cuando usted confíe en mí yo podría advertirles lo que usted iba a hacer.
I'd just find out what you were gonna do and let them know.
Que averiguaría lo que iban a hacer y se los haría saber.
We were gonna run off to Wyoming and get married and raise horses. What do you know about horses?
Ir a Wyoming, casarme y criar caballos.
What... Why shouldn't I? That's what you just said you were gonna do.
Es lo que acabas de decir.
What were you gonna do?
Y tú?
I always wondered what you were gonna do when you went down from Cambridge.
Siempre me pregunté qué ibas a hacer después de graduarte en Cambridge.
Tony said that's what you were gonna do and you did it.
Tony me dijo que eso ibas a hacer, y exactamente eso hiciste.
Is that what you were gonna do?
¿ Eso pensabas hacer?
What were you gonna do this time?
¿ Qué hiciste esta vez?
They were gonna cut my ears off, but what do you care, huh?
Casi me cortan las orejas, ¿ qué más da?
What did you think they were gonna do, give us the key to the city, man?
¿ Qué creíste que iban a hacer, darnos las llaves de la ciudad?
I'm gonna ask you one more time. do you know what they were looking for?
Se lo preguntaré una vez más. ¿ Sabía qué estaban buscando?
I can't believe you were gonna do what you were gonna do.
No puedo creer que ibas a hacer Io que ibas a hacer.
I mean, if you win, you said you were gonna take all the money. - What do I get out of this evening? - Come here.
Si ganas, dices que te vas a quedar todo el dinero. ¿ Qué saco yo de esto?
I know what you were gonna do, and you can just forget about it.
Sé lo que estabas tratando hacer y puedes olvidarlo.
You know what were gonna do, Shelly, tomorrow?
¿ Sabes lo que haremos mañana, Shelly?
Well, sir, what's bugging me is, uh... since you were kind enough to tell me the last desperate words of the deceased, that " What the hell am I gonna do?
Pues lo que me tiene perplejo es que... Ya que usted tuvo la amabilidad de decirme las últimas palabras desesperadas del difunto, eso de ;
It's what you said you were gonna do.
¡ Y por lo que dijiste que ibas a hacer!
You know, your insurance policy, telling what we were gonna do with your lottery ticket.
Donde indicabas lo que íbamos a hacer con el boleto de la lotería.
What were you gonna do? Shoot me?
¿ Ibas a matarme?
What the hell were you gonna do with the videos? Huh?
¿ Qué diablos ibas a hacer con esos videos?
Oh, I was just wondering what you were gonna do this year. - Why?
Me preguntaba que ibas a hacer este año.
Oh, Homer, I know you were trying to shield me from failure but this is my business and the Mafia's not getting one cent of my money. So, what are we gonna do?
Homer, sé que intentabas protegerme del fracaso pero es mi negocio y la Mafia no se llevará ni un centavo de mi dinero.
No, look, look, all I'm saying is, like what happened to all that stuff you were gonna do?
No, escucha, sólo digo que ¿ qué pasó con todos tus planes?
He realized who you were and what you were gonna have to do.
Se dio cuenta de quién eras y de lo que tendrías que hacer...

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