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When i was growing up tradutor Espanhol

485 parallel translation
- Well, I learned it from my family and neighbors when I was growing up.
- Verá, lo aprendí de mi familia y de los vecinos, mientras crecía.
When I was growing up, my mother would always say...
Cuando me estaba haciendo mujer, mi madre decía siempre...
Well, when I was growing up, we were very poor.
Bueno, cuando era pequeño, éramos muy pobres.
When I was growing up, I thought I really would.
Cuando era joven, creía que tendría éxito.
I read a few of Buck's books under the covers with a flashlight when I was growing up, and I was a little curious to see him in action up close.
Había leído varios de los libros de Buck bajos las sábanas con una linterna, cuando aún estaba creciendo y tenía curiosidad por conocerlo mejor.
Say, when I was growing up, we want a Jacuzzi, we had to fart in the tub. This is bad!
Mira, cuando era pequeño, y queríamos un jacuzzi, teníamos que tirarnos pedos en la bañera.
I wish I had one when I was growing up.
Ojalá hubiera tenido uno en mi niñez.
When i was growing up, i thought my mother was
Cuando estaba creciendo, creía que mi madre era
Mom, when I was growing up, did I ever do anything really strange?
Mamá, cuando estaba creciendo, ¿ hice alguna vez algo realmente extraño?
When I was growing up, he wasn't around much.
Cuando estaba creciendo, él no estuvo mucho.
Oh, how wonderful! I took tap and cotillion when I was growing up. Isn't it fun?
Solo una completa y absoluta confianza en el maquillaje, y nuestro super lujoso kit inicial "Primera Fiesta Patty".
But the point is... when I was growing up, I had two dreams.
Pero el punto es... Cuando crecía, tenia dos sueños
When I was growing up in Bakersfield, my favorite thing in all the world was to go to the movies on Saturday afternoons for the chapter plays.
Cuando vivía en Bakersfield, lo que más me gustaba era ir al cine los sábados para ver los episodios.
( Maurice ) When I was growing up in oklahoma City, I'd go to the show on Saturday.
Cuando era niño en Oklahoma, iba al cine los sábados.
I used to be like that once. People thought I was nothing when I was growing up.
Yo como el de joven, Las personas pensaban de mi lo peor.
But when I was growing up, things were different.
Pero cuando yo estaba creciendo, las cosas eran diferentes.
When i was growing up, I thought diving was fun!
Cuando estaba creciendo, pensaba que zambullirme era divertido!
A kid when I was growing up, in Little League, his old man every game was behind the backstop, yelling, screaming orders at him.
Cuando era niño, había otro niño en la liga infantil cuyo padre, en todos los juegos, se paraba tras la mampara a gritarle órdenes.
You know, when I was growing up, my parents told me about the separation of church and state. How proud they were of their country.
Sabe, cuando yo era chico mis padres me contaron de la separación de iglesia y estado de lo orgullosos que estaban de su país.
I had this every morning when I was growing up.
Yo lo tomaba todas las mañanas cuando era pequeña. ¿ Qué?
It reminds me of when I was growing up. My grandfather had a store just like this in a little town in Ohio.
Cuando era niña, mi abuelo tenía una tienda así... allá en Ohio.
That's all i heard when i was growing up.
Eso es todo lo que oía cuando estaba creciendo.
When i was growing up there was a legend in the clan... about a strange man in my grandfather's time
Cuando era pequeño había una leyenda en mi clan acerca de un extraño que mataron en una batalla en la época de mi abuelo.
When I was growing up, I never gave much thought to borhyas.
Cuando era pequeña, nunca me creí lo que contaban de los borhyas.
When I was growing up you was like my dad, man.
Cuando era niño eras como mi papá.
In Japan, when I was growing up, we believed in many ghosts.
En Japón, cuando yo era una niña, creíamos en muchos fantasmas.
You probably won't believe this, but when I was growing up, I used to have to go to church twice every Sunday.
Seguramente no me creerás pero, cuando era chico... solía tener que ir dos veces a la iglesia todos los domingos.
I wasn't allowed to run around pell-mell when I was growing up.
A mí no me dejaban correr atropelladamente cuando era chico.
I met a lot of big, stupid bullies when I was growing up.
Conocí a un montón de grandes, estúpidos matones cuando yo estaba creciendo.
"Why was I so afraid of you people when I was growing up?"
"¿ Cómo pude tenerles tanto miedo de niño?"
My lord, when I was growing up I don't think I was in the same place... For more than six months at a time.
Santo dios, de niña... no estuve en un mismo sitio más de seis meses seguidos.
- There was a boy I knew when I was growing up, and he played accordion. - Yeah?
De niño, conocí a un chico que tocaba el acordeón.
I built a few of them when I was growing up.
Construí más de una de niño.
Or snow for myself when I was growing up
O nieve por mí mismo cuando Yo estaba creciendo
It's not like I'd buy a cat mug, but I had a cat when I was growing up.
Vaya, nunca compraría una taza o un calendario con una foto de un gato. Pero de niña tuve un gato.
I mean, come on when I was growing up we were lucky if we got toaster leavings.
Quiero decir, vamos Cuando yo era pequeña teníamos suerte si conseguiamos restos de la tostadora.
When I was growing up... I always felt like a traitor as a kid in church.
Cuando era niño... siempre senti que traicionaba a la iglesia.
When I was growing up, I had to be in bed every night by 9 : 00.
Todas las noches tenía que acostarme a las nueve en punto.
You know, when I was growing up... there was a kid in my neighborhood... who was a lot like Shawn- - always getting into trouble.
Sabes, cuando estaba creciendo, había un chico en mi barrio que se parecía mucho a Shawn, siempre metiéndose en problemas.
Y cuando crecía vi lo orgullosa que estaba de mi.
When I was very little, that was my measure of growing up... when I could wield that sword.
Cuando era pequeño, siempre me dije que el día que pudiera empuñarla me habría convertido en un hombre.
When I was a kid growing up, I used to hate cops.
Cuando era joven, odiaba a la policía.
When I was growing up, sir, that's where we spent most of our time.
Cuendo estaba creciendo, Señor,
And when I was talking to, uh, Gustav Björnstrand... he was saying that actually these centers are growing up everywhere now... and that what they're trying to do, which is what Findhorn was trying to do... and, in a way, what I was trying to do...
Björnstrand dijo que existen estos centros... y que intentan hacer lo mismo que en "Findhorn"... y lo mismo que yo intentaba hacer.
I know I wasn't much of a father to her when she was growing up, but I won't lose her again. No, I won't.
Ahora que mi hija ha vuelto, no quiero que se vaya otra vez.
Things you and I never had when we was growing up.
Cosas que nunca tuvimos tú y yo cuando éramos niños.
When we were growing up, Laura and I were so close. It was scary.
De pequeñas, Laura y yo estábamos tan unidas que daba miedo.
Did I ever tell you about when I was a little boy growing up in Puerto Rico?
¿ Alguna vez te conté de cuando era un niñito y crecía en Puerto Rico?
When I was a kid growing up, it was like I didn't have a father.
Cuando era niña y estaba creciendo, era como si no tuviera padre.
When I think about her growing up dadless, not even knowing who her real father was.
Cuando pienso que creció sin un padre, sin saber siquiera quien era su papá.
Oh, Mom! As I was growing up there were times when Mom went through these bad spells.
Mientras yo crecía, mi madre atravesaba a veces esas malas rachas.

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