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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Where were you all night

Where were you all night tradutor Espanhol

106 parallel translation
Where were you all night long?
¿ Dónde estuviste durante toda la noche?
Where were you all night?
¿ Dónde estuvo toda la noche?
Where were you all night?
¿ Dónde estuviste anoche?
Where were you all night?
¿ Donde estuviste toda la noche?
Where were you all night?
¿ Dónde has estado toda la noche?
What I don't understand is where were you all night.
Lo que no entiendo es, dónde te pasaste toda la noche
- Where were you all night?
- ¿ Dónde estuvo toda la noche?
Where were you all night?
Dónde estuviste toda la noche?
Where were you all night?
¿ Dónde estuviste toda Ia noche?
Where were you all night?
¿ Dónde estuviste toda la noche?
So where were you all night?
¿ Dónde estuviste toda la noche?
Where were you all night while I was going crazy?
¿ Dónde estabas anoche mientras me volvía loca?
And where were you all night, Mr. Ridgeway?
¿ Y dónde ha estado toda la noche, Sr. Ridgeway?
Where were you all night?
- ¿ Dónde estuviste toda la noche?
Here, I'll put'em in - - Where were you all night? - I was at the gym.
Aquí, Las pondré en- ¿ Donde estuviste toda la noche?
Ed, where were you all night?
Ed, ¿ dónde has estado esta noche?
Where were you all night?
¿ Dónde estuvieron toda la noche?
I'm asking you one last time, where were you all night?
Te pregunto por última vez, ¿ dónde estuviste toda la noche?
Richard, the better question is where were you all night?
Richard, una mejor pregunta es, ¿ dónde estuviste toda la noche?
Where were you all night?
¿ Dónde has estado tú toda la noche?
- Where were you all night?
¿ Dónde estuviste toda la noche?
Look at me.. you were out all night.. where were you?
Mírame. Estuviste fuera toda la noche. ¿ A dónde fuiste?
Matt, all you got to do is tell them where you were last night between 12 : 00 and 12 : 30 and everything will be all right.
Matt, sòlo tienes que decirles dónde estuviste anoche... entre las 12 : 00 y las 12 : 30, y no habrá ningún problema.
All right, I'll give you a choice, where were you any night last June, July, or August?
- Te daré una opción. ¿ Dónde estuviste en cualquier noche de junio, julio o agosto?
He said there were 3 or 4 people who could prove where he was that night. Have you tried them all?
Tres o cuatro personas pueden decir dónde estuvo aquella noche, ¿ ha hablado con ellas?
Where were you last night all night?
- ¿ Dónde estuvo anoche toda la noche?
In the villa where I saw the giraffe, one night, all of you were dancing bare-chested with chorus girls from Rome.
En aquel chalet donde vi a la jirafa una noche todos ustedes estaban bailando con el torso desnudo con las bailarinas que hicieron venir de Roma.
All I want to know is where you were last night.
Quiero saber dónde estuviste ayer.
Where were you, all night, last night?
¿ Dónde pasaste toda la noche?
Where the hell were you all night?
¿ Dónde estuviste toda la noche?
Well, lots of people remembered where you were all night.
Mucha gente recordó donde estuvo usted toda la noche.
I could have told him what he asked me. Where you were all Monday night
Podría haberle dicho lo que me preguntó, dónde estabas el lunes por la noche.
So that's where you were all night!
Asi que, ahi estuviste toda la noche!
I know it is, and I know where you were supposed to be all night, keeping Bloxham Drive safe.
- Ya lo sé, Dixon. Y también sé lo que debiste hacer toda la noche. Vigilar que Bloxham Drive fuera segura para sus habitantes.
Wanna tell me where you were all night?
¿ Quieres decirme dónde estuviste?
Would you tell me where you all were last night when Craigie was stabbed?
¿ Puede decirme dónde estaban todos anoche, cuando Craigie fue apuñalado?
Would you tell me where you all were last night when Craigie was stabbed?
¿ Podría decirme dónde estaban todos, ayer a la noche, cuando Craigie fue apuñalado?
You were out all night. Where were you?
Estuviste fuera toda la noche!
We will fly together to the city of the night where we were meant to be free from all of this where you can rest, my love, finally, and be free
Volaremos juntos hacia la ciudad de la noche, donde estaremos destinados a ser libres de todo esto. Donde tú, mi amor, podrás descansar y ser libre finalmente.
Now that we have all agreed to tell the truth... where were you sleeping last night?
Ahora que todos hemos acordado en decir la verdad... ¿ Donde dormiste anoche?
Peter! We waited up all night. Where were you?
Peter, te esperamos levantados toda la noche. ¿ Dónde estabas?
May I ask where you were all night?
¿ Dónde estuviste anoche?
Is that where you were all night?
¿ Ahí estuviste toda la noche?
I've been waiting all night. Where were you?
Te estoy esperando toda la noche
You gonna tell me where you were all night, Anna Nicole?
¿ Me dirás dónde pasaste la noche, Anna Nicole?
Where were you all day and all night?
Dónde estuvo todo el día y toda la noche?
- Bobby, all due respect, where the fuck were you that night?
- Bobby con el debido respeto, ¿ dónde carajo estabas esa noche?
until they find the sleeper and we find aaliyah, all rights are revoked.ed where were you on the night that summers was murdered?
Mientras no cojan al infiltrado y encontremos a Aaliyah, todos los derechos son revocados. Dónde estaba la noche que Summers fue asesinado?
I knew where you were going that night and he wasn't ready to see all that.
Sabía donde íbamos esa noche y no estaba preparado para ello.
- We need to know where you were last night, - that's all.
Necesitamos saber donde estuvo la última noche.
Allison, is it possible that in all the hubbub last night, that you missed the part where the home invaders were shot to death?
Allison, es posible que con todo el alboroto de anoche, te perdieras la parte, donde los invasores fueron disparados?

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