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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Whether you want to or not

Whether you want to or not tradutor Espanhol

419 parallel translation
But you've got to, whether you want to or not.
Pero tienes que hacerlo, te guste o no.
Here she is, and you're going to meet her, whether you want to or not.
Pues aquí está, y tendrás que conocerla quieras o no.
You're going to listen whether you want to or not.
- Cálmese, debe escucharnos.
Now, whether you want to or not, you must be my aunt.
Ahora, quiera o no, tiene que ser mi tía.
You're coming with me, whether you want to or not!
Vendrás conmigo lo quieras o no.
Whether you want to or not, you're going to stay right here in Tortuga.
Lo quieras o no, vas a tener que quedarte aquí en Tortuga.
Well, Jimmy, you're gonna get shaved whether you want to or not.
Jimmy, te vamos a afeitar quieras o no.
Now you will love me whether you want to or not!
¡ Ahora me amarás aunque no quieras!
I have the floor - whether you want to or not, you know?
El estrado es mío - aunque no lo quieras, ¿ sabías?
You do your homework whether you want to or not.
Hacéis las tareas, aunque no os apetezca.
Well, you are causing trouble, whether you want to or not.
Aunque no lo quieras, me causas problemas.
Whether you want to or not.
Lo quieras o no.
Well, whether you want to know or not, I'll explain something about myself.
Lo desee o no, le diré algo sobre mí.
And I'm going with you whether you want me to or not.
E iré contigo, tanto si lo quieres como si no.
And then I want you to tell me whether or not you still think I'm washed-up.
Y luego quiero que me digan si aún estoy acabado.
We want to know whether you were hypnotized or not. - Yes.
No queremos suposiciones, queremos afirmaciones.
Nellie, te marches o no, quiero que sepas que estoy terriblemente avergonzado.
But, you see, as yet we haven't decided whether or not we want to...
Verá, aún no hemos decidido si queremos...
I happen to love Jeff Stoddard. And the only kind of life I want is the kind we'll have together. Whether you approve or not.
Amo a Jeff Stoughtn... y la única vida que quiero es la que tendremos juntos... aunque no lo apruebe.
You're going to get it, whether you want it, or not.
Los vas a hacer, si quieres como si no.
- What makes you think she'd want to go? - Whether she wants to or not!
¿ Crees que ella querría?
I don't know whether you want to talk to me or not.
No sé si quiere o no hablar conmigo.
Well, you're gonna hear it whether you want to or not, Lieutenant.
Pues, lo oirá aunque no quiera.
However, my boy, if you want my candid opinion... I don't believe the biological urge of which you both appear to be suffering so acutely... gives a hoot whether you're assistant head of personnel or not.
Y en mi humilde opinión, joven,... no creo que a la atracción biológica que al parecer sufrís tan acusadamente le afecte que seas o no Jefe de Personal.
I don't care whether you want to get paid or not! You've got to get paid!
- ¡ Eso no me importa!
I mean I... Don't know whether you want to come again or not.
Digo... no sé si quisieras volver.
So you better make up your minds to be ruddy heroes whether you want to be or not.
Así que mejor decídanse a ser héroes aunque no quieran.
If you want to know I was thinking whether it's been successful or not.
Si quiere saberlo estaba pensando si ha sido un éxito o no.
I want you to check them right now to see whether they're in order or not.
Quiero que las chequeen para comprobar si funcionan o no.
Decide for yourself whether you want to come with me or not.
Decide tú misma si quieres venir conmigo o no.
And the only place that I can talk to you whether you want to listen or not.
Y es el único sito donde puedo hablar contigo, quieras escucharme o no.
Listen, Mama! I'm gonna tell you whether you want to hear it or not.
Mamá, te lo diré aunque no quieras oírlo.
You're going to get it, whether you want it or not.
Tendrás problemas lo deses o no.
He has to say that to keep people from finding out the transformation will be done whether you want it or not.
Tiene que decirle eso a las personas para calmarlas pero la transformación se hace quieran o no.
They ask you for dates and sometimes you go, but you mostly don't because all they're trying to do is get in your pants, whether you want them to or not.
Te piden citas y acudes a ellas pocas veces, porque... sólo intentan meterte mano, te guste o no.
Let me tell you something, whether you like it or not. I want you to know that I'm so proud of you as a father who has never Botado both feet in that was freaking my God. "
Déjame decirte, hijo, lo hagas o no... quiero que sepas que... que estoy tan orgulloso de ti como cualquier padre... que haya pisado alguna vez esta Tierra.
Now that you know It's up to you whether you want to listen or not
Ahora que lo sabes es decisión tuya si quieres escuchar o no.
Tell me what you want, then I'll decide whether to be afraid or not...
Dime lo que quieres y entonces decidiré si voy a tener miedo o no.
Look, I don "t want to get you into trouble with Bellaver but I" m gonna find out whether or not the police are interested.
Mira, no quiero que te metas en problemas con Bellaver pero averiguaré lo que pueda, aunque a la policía no le interese.
And you want to know where they are, and whether I'm working alone or not.
Quiere saber dónde están, y si trabajo solo.
Whether you want to face it or not, that man... if you can give him that... has killed innocent people.
Quieras enfrentarlo o no, ese hombre... o Io que sea... ha matado a gente inocente.
Whether you want to know or not, the situation is this :
Quieras saberlo o no la situación es esta :
I don't want to bother you with a lot of meteorological mumbo jumbo, but the fact is, you see, whether we like it or not, fog, it moves.
No quiero fastidiarle con toda la terminología meteorológica, pero el hecho es que, queramos o no, la niebla se mueve.
- And I'm going to help you whether you want it or not.
Y te ayudaré aunque no quieras.
You see, it flushes every hour on the hour whether you want it to or not.
Ya ves, se activa a cada hora si lo deseas o no.
To getting the endorsement of a committee in Russia you call the International for your group of 14 intellectual friends in the basement who are supposed to tell the workers of this country what they want, whether they want it or not?
¿ A lograr el respaldo de una comisión de Rusia... que tú llamas la Internacional... para tu grupo de 14 amigos intelectuales del sótano... que supuestamente dicen al proletariado del país lo que quiere, tanto si lo quiere como si no?
I want you to tell me everything you know about Byrock... whether you think it's important or not, I want to know.
Cuéntame todo lo que sabes de Byrock... te parezca trascendente o no, cuéntamelo.
Sometimes it's there whether you want to look at it or not.
A veces está ahí si quiere ver o no.
And I want you to come back at the end of next week - whether they work or not.
Y quiero que vuelva la próxima semana, veremos los resultados.
I want it whether you're going to be a part of it or not.
Lo quiero aunque tú no participes.
I just want you to wish me luck, whether you believe me or not.
Te pido que me desees suerte, así me creas o no.

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