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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Who are you supposed to be

Who are you supposed to be tradutor Espanhol

180 parallel translation
Who are you supposed to be now?
¿ Quién se supone que eres ahora?
- Who are you supposed to be?
¿ Quién se supone que sea?
Who are you supposed to be?
¿ Quién se supone que eres?
- And who are you supposed to be?
- ¿ Y qué se supone que es usted?
Who are you supposed to be talking to?
¿ A quién le hablarías?
Who are you supposed to be, the Mona Lisa or what?
¿ Quién se supone que eres, la Mona Lisa o qué?
Who are you supposed to be?
¿ Quién se supone que seas?
Who are you supposed to be, her grandfather?
¿ Quién se supone que es usted? ¿ Su abuelo?
Who are you supposed to be, Mrs. Kunta Kinte?
¿ Quién se supone que eres, la señora Kunta Kinte?
And who are you supposed to be?
¿ Y de quién te disfrazaste tú?
Who are you supposed to be, Dr. Dolittle?
¿ La Dra. Dolittle?
And who are you supposed to be? Popeye, the Sailor Man?
¿ Quién se supone que eres tú, Popeye el Marino?
Who are you supposed to be?
Quien se supone que eres?
Who are you supposed to be?
¿ Quien se supone que eres?
Who are you supposed to be now?
Quién se supone que eres ahora?
Who are you supposed to be, the postman?
¿ Quién se supone que eres, el cartero?
- Ellen. - Now, who are you supposed to be?
¿ De quién estás disfrazada?
So, who are you supposed to be? - Other than freaks? - Yeah.
¿ Quiénes se supone que son a parte de raros?
Who are you supposed to be again?
Quien se supone que eres de nuevo?
Who are you supposed to be, Phyllis Diller? I'm Albert Einstein.
¿ Quién se supone que eres, Phyllis Diller?
Who are you supposed to be?
¿ Quién se supone que eres tú?
- Who are you supposed to be protecting?
- ¿ Quién te buscó un alojamiento? - ¿ A quién debes proteger?
- Who are you supposed to be?
- ¿ Quién se supone que eres?
Who are you supposed to be, Cyndi Lauper?
¿ Crees que eres Cyndi Lauper?
Who are you supposed to be?
¿ Y tú quién eres?
- Who are you supposed to be?
- Quién se supone que es?
Who are you supposed to be, anyway?
¿ Quién se supone que eres?
And who are you supposed to be today?
¿ Y quien se supone que eres hoy?
Who are you supposed to be?
¿ Quién se supones que eres?
- What the... - Who are you supposed to be?
- ¿ Quién se supone que eres?
Who are you supposed to be?
¿ Quien es supone que eres?
You see, those who are supposed to be looking after the common interest only look after themselves.
En vez de pensar en los demás, sólo piensan en ellos mismos.
If you really are who you're supposed to be, you'd know the password.
Si eres quien se supone que eres sabrías la clave.
You bring me home, prove to me you're loaded... drop big hints about who you are, and I'm supposed to be impressed... and run back to my girlfriends and say : "Hey, guys, guess who did me the big favor last night?"
Me trajiste a casa, me probaste que eres pudiente arrojaste grandes pistas sobre quien eres y se supone que esté impresionada y se supone que le diga a mis amigas "oigan, chicas, ¿ adivinen quién me hizo el favor anoche?"
what the hell did we are the dog I told you never work with doberman not know what to do with them you remember that I said these are babies who impress our clients that is supposed to be the bulldog to care for others
que diablos hiciste son los perro que queremos te dije que nunca trabaje con doberman no se que hacer con ellos tu recuerdas que te dije estos son los bebes que impresionaran nuestros clientes para que se supone que es el bulldog para cuidar los demas
We're supposed to be in a race, and here you are guarding the Bank of England... Or the crown jewels or who knows what!
Deberíamos estar corriendo y tù como si custodiaras las joyas de la corona, o algo así.
Who the hell are you supposed to be, the admiral of the Hollywood navy?
¿ El almirante de la marina de Hollywood?
Whoever it is, I know who you are. You're not supposed to be in here.
Se supone que no deben de estar aquí.
Who says you are supposed to be happy? Oh.
¿ Por qué hay que ser feliz?
- it was good - you see, because it was pickled for the spring we are not like the other people who do everything the way it is supposed to be done for us, God had his own plan
- Estaba buena. - ¿ Ves? Porque la hicimos para la primavera.
Who in the hell are you supposed to be?
¿ Quién demonios se supone que eres tú?
I'm the one who's supposed to be protecting you against all the harsh realities of the world and here you are protecting me.
Soy yo quien debiera protegerte de las realidades del mundo y eres tú quien me protege a mí.
So who are we supposed to be protecting you from?
¿ Así qué, de quién se supone que te estamos protegiendo?
You know, when a plane crashes, how you see people on the news who are supposed to be on that plane, but because of, like, horrific traffic on the way to the airport, didn't make the flight?
Cuando un avión se estrella, ves en las noticias a la gente que se supone tuvo que estar en ese vuelo, pero por causa del tráfico horrible camino al aeropuerto... no llegaron al vuelo.
Who are you supposed to be?
Podría ser mi auto.
You are in fact supposed to be up in the mack-daddy suite, but the woman who's in there is in her 40th hour of labour.
Si que te iban a poner en la suite superlujosa, pero la mujer que la ocupa lleva cuarenta horas de parto.
- Find out who does and then buzz me. Look, man. You know, CIs are supposed to be registered and paid, man.
La información se paga, viejo.
You won't be here, but it's still going to go on... and you're the ones who are supposed to stop it.
Ud. no estará acá, pero el problema continuará. Y se suponía que Ud. era quien iba a ponerle fin.
And who are you two supposed to be?
¿ Y Uds. dos quiénes se supone que son?
When you're not interpreting what you're hearing, and you're not passing along the intelligence that you're receiving, the people who are supposed to be getting the information don't get any information.
Si no interpretas lo que oyes, y no pasas a otros la información que recibes, la gente que se supone que debería recibir esa información no la recibe.
For someone who's supposed to be observing, you sure are awfully active.
Para alguien que sólo está observando... se ha mostrado muy activa.

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