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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Why would i tell you

Why would i tell you tradutor Espanhol

323 parallel translation
- And why would I tell you?
- ¡ A ti te lo voy a decir!
And even if I did know, why would I tell you?
Y aunque supiera algo, no se lo diría.
Now, why would I tell you?
¿ Por qué te lo diría?
Absolutely correct, Herr Flick. So, Gruber, the finger points at you. But why would I tell you that this was a forgery, knowing full well that it would make you cross?
Pero si dijo la verdad y esto es el falso congelado, entonces, el original todavía existe
Why would I tell you to sell it? - Give it back!
- ¿ Por qué iba a decirle que vendiera?
Why would I tell you something about my two closest best friends in the whole world?
¿ Por qué debería decirte algo acerca de mis dos mejores amigos más cercanos en el mundo entero?
Then why would I tell you I was having an affair, even if it were true?
¿ Y entonces por qué iba a contarle que tuve una aventura, aunque fuera cierto?
If I didn't tell all the DAs in the state of California, why would I tell you?
Si no se lo dije al Estado de California, por qué te lo diría a ti?
- Why would I tell you?
¿ Por qué habría de decírtelo?
Even if I knew, why would I tell you?
Aunque lo supiera, ¿ por qué se lo diría?
And why would I tell you?
¿ Y por qué les diría si no lo entenderían?
- I don't believe you. - Why would I tell you I was with her?
- No te lo creo. - ¿ Por qué inventaría que estuve con ella?
Oh, I hear lots of things. Why would I tell you?
Oh, oigo muchas cosas. ¿ Por qué se las debería decir?
Él dijo que fue el desgaste normal. Pelea, pelea, pelea.
Of curse you would. And shall I tell you why?
Claro que debería. ¿ Y puedo decirle por qué?
But when I tell why you killed him, not a man or woman in that courtroom would dare to condemn you.
Pero cuando diga el motivo... nadie en la sala se atreverá a condenarte.
Why, listen, Nora, I could tell you stories about this place that would crack your heart.
Nora, podría contarte historias de este lugar... que te partirían el corazón.
But I must admit I should feel a little more comfortable... if you would tell me frankly why all this - the wandering, the disguise.
Pero me sentiría más cómodo si me contara el porqué de este viaje, el disfraz...
That's why I thought, that with a bit of luck, you would have come across the motorbike on your way, and would be able to tell me whether he had lights on or not.
Por eso pensé que, tal vez, se encontrase con la moto en el camino, y podría decirme si llevaba o no la dichosa luz.
Would you like me to tell you why I came here?
¿ Quiere que le diga por qué vine?
Then perhaps it would be better... if I didn't tell you why I came back again today.
En ese caso será mejor que no le diga porqué he regresado hoy.
And fate put him in possession I would rather not tell you why of some documents that were very compromising for certain high-ranking politicians and financiers
Y el destino lo puso en posesión preferiría no contarle por qué de algunos documentos que eran muy comprometedores para ciertos políticos y financistas de alto rango.
You're rude. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would've made something.
Mladen, ¿ por qué no me lo ha dicho antes para que preparara algo?
Did you tell anyone else? Why? Who would I tell?
- Contésteme, por favor.
Well, I could see where you would choose the Bible, and I'll tell you the reason why.
Bueno, entiendo por qué la ha escogido :
First of all, I would like to tell you why I decided to set the Oresteia in today's Africa. This is the essential, profound reason :
La razón esencial y profunda es... que creo reconocer analogías... entre la situación de la "Orestiada" y el África de hoy.
I promised that I would tell you... why I never eat fish.
Les prometí que les contaría... por qué nunca como pescado.
[Grunts] Would you care to tell me why you were running when all I want to do is talk to you?
¿ Por qué corres cuando sólo quiero hablar contigo?
All right, why don't you just tell him... that I had a very interesting story to tell him... and I thought he would like to know about it.
Muy bien, por qué no le dice que tenía una historia muy interesante para contarle y pensé que podría gustarle conocerla.
Why didn't you tell me? I would have met you.
No, pero haberlo dicho, hubiera ido a buscarte.
Would you like to tell me why I'm here?
¿ Podría decirme por qué estoy aquí?
I suppose you'll tell me you drew it, that would explain why it's so mental.
Ahora me dirás que lo has dibujado tú, y así se explicaría que sea tan raro.
I wonder if any of you movers and shakers out there would care to tell me exactly why women get so exploited in this town?
Mira, nos mudamos por mí. No te defraudaré. Cariño, solo me defraudas si estás ausente.
Would you tell me why I care?
¿ Y a mí qué más me da?
Sure, it's gone down, but you got the tip, I didn't. I didn't tell you to buy it. Why would I tell you to sell it?
Toma, principiante, déjame que te ayude.
We've got irrefutable physical evidence, we've got an eyewitness... so you tell me, why would I want to make a deal?
Tenemos pruebas físicas irrefutables un testigo, así que dígame, ¿ por qué querría hacer un trato?
i'm sorry it doesn't change the fact that i care for you you hardly know me that's true i hardly know anyone but i know how i feel even if i don't know why would you like me to tell you something about myself?
Lo siento. Eso no cambia el hecho de que me importas. Apenas me conoces.
Why can't you tell him what you know I would think?
¿ Por que no puedes decirle lo que sabes que pienso?
Why didn't you tell me you were comin'? I would a'met you off the train.
Si lo hubiera sabido habría ido a buscarte al tren.
If that's the reason why you brought me out here. But I'll tell you this. If she found out, it would kill her.
Si es que por eso me trajo aquí, pero le digo algo, si se entera, eso la matará.
I got the right man, and now, it seems I ´ ve got to prove it all over again, so, you tell me, why would Marlow have used the same perfume on his victims time and time again?
Atrapé al hombre correcto y ahora, al parecer, tengo que probarlo otra vez así que, tú dime, ¿ por qué Marlow usó el mismo perfume en sus víctimas una y otra vez?
I would just like for you to be able to tell me why am I going to be doing the things that I'm going to be doing?
Quisiera que me dijera ¿ por qué voy a hacer lo que voy a hacer?
Even if I could tell you why, you would not understand.
Aunque pudiera decírselo, no lo entendería.
Why the hell would I tell you if I did?
¿ Por qué rayos te diría aún si lo supiera?
- Matters would unnecessarily worsen I hold no grudges against life Why didn't you tell me, mother?
.. al menos no les des dificultades.
Would you tell me, please, Mr. Howard why should I trade one tyrant 3000 miles away for 3000 tyrants one mile away?
Me quiere decir, por favor, Sr. Howard ¿ por qué debo cambiar un tirano a 5000 km. De distancia por 3000 tiranos a un km y medio?
And I often wondered why it is that somebody as articulate as John... would be so confusing when he would tell you... what - what you were doing.
Yo me preguntaba por qué alguien tan preciso como John podía resultar confuso para decirte lo que tenías que hacer.
Well, why didn't you tell the police? Because I knew how It would make me look.
No quería destruir mi matrimonio, supongo.
I don't understand why you would quit your job and not tell anyone about it.
No sé cómo renunciaste a tu trabajo y no le dijiste a nadie.
Why would i tell you?
- ¿ Por qué contártelo a ti?
Why don't you just run home right now and tell her how much she means to you? I would.
Está bien, cariño, ¿ por qué no te vas a casa ahora mismo y le dices cuánto significa para ti?

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