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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Why would you think that

Why would you think that tradutor Espanhol

775 parallel translation
Why would you think that?
¿ Por qué lo dices?
- Why would you think that?
- ¿ Cómo le vino a la cabeza?
- Why would you think that?
- Por qué crees eso?
Now, why would you think that?
¿ Por qué piensas eso?
No. Why would you think that?
No. ¿ Por qué lo dices?
Why would you think that?
- ¿ Por qué creía eso?
- Why would you think that?
¿ Por qué piensas eso?
- And why would you think that?
- ¿ Y por qué lo creyó?
Why would you think that?
¿ Por qué piensas eso?
- Why would you think that?
- ¿ Por qué crees eso?
Why would you think that?
¿ Por qué pensaste eso?
Why would you think that Mr. Clarke would get a kick out of that film?
¿ Por qué cree que el Sr. Clarke quería sacar partido de esa película?
Why would you think that?
¿ Por qué? Es el jefe.
- No. Why would you think that?
- No. ¿ Por qué piensas eso?
Why would you think that she was having a problem?
¿ Por qué creerías que está en problemas?
God, no. Why would you think that?
Dios, no. ¿ Porqué no lo piensas mejor?
Why would you think that?
¿ Por qué?
Why would you think that?
¿ Por qué pensarías eso?
- No. Why would you think that?
- ¿ Por qué dice eso?
- Why would you think that?
¿ Por qué dices eso?
No. Why would you think that?
No. ¿ Qué les haría pensar eso?
And why would you think that?
¿ Y por que piensas eso?
- Why would you think that?
- Porque piensas eso?
- Why would you think that, Ray?
- ¿ Por qué pensaste algo así, Ray?
Why, Abrams, you don't think that these people would have anything... to do with a thing like that?
Vaya, Abrams, ¿ no pensará que esta gente tuvo algo que ver... con un asunto así?
- Why? Why, the way you act, anyone would think that it wasn't becoming.
Te comportas como si no te quedara bien.
¿ Por qué diría Marian que intentó matar a Susan?
I would be interested in learning why you think that.
Estaría interesado en saber por qué piensa eso.
- Not that I heard. Why, did you think she would?
- No lo sé. ¿ Tendría que hacerlo?
But still, why do you think she would leave that here?
Sin embargo, ¿ Por qué cree que la muchacha debió calcarlas aquí?
Now, why would you think that? You said you raised your brother.
No, ¿ por qué?
Well, why would you think like that?
¿ Por qué pienso eso?
Why? So that when the sailors came, they wouldn't find you... so they would think you had gone.
Para que al llegar los marineros no los encontraran... y pensaran que ya habían partido
Why do you think that they would be acquitted?
¿ Por que? ¿ Ud. cree que podrían ser absueltos?
Fred, why don't you go behind her and catch her on the other side. I think that would help.
Fred, ¿ por qué no vas por detrás de ella y la atrapas del otro lado?
Why do you think Eric would have done in Sheila like that?
¿ Por qué crees que Eric mataría de esa forma a Sheila?
I have some film here that I think would describe what might happen, will describe a little about the atom, so John, why don't you catch the lights
Tengo una película que describe lo que podría pasar y describe un poco el átomo.
Why... why do you think people would do something like that?
¿ Por qué crees que la gente haría algo así?
I think that seems a bit far-fetched, but... even assuming you're right, why would he do such a thing?
Creo que es precipitarse un tanto, pero suponiendo que tenga razón, ¿ por qué haría algo así?
But why would I think that was You murderer.
Pero porque iba yo a pensar que era usted el asesino.
Aside from the fact that this.... woman claims to be the late Mr. Brooks, is there any other reason why you might think that he would be dead?
Aparte del hecho de que esta... mujer insiste en que es el difunto Sr. Brooks... ¿ hay alguna otra razón por la cual crees que estaría muerto?
Why would you even think that?
¿ Por qué piensas eso?
Now, I can understand why you all would think that I was cheating on my wife.
Ahora, puedo entender por qué todos piensen que engañara a mi esposa.
Why would you think a thing like that?
¿ Por qué piensas algo así?
You think that the heartless man will be influenced? A monster who declared her living mother as dead why would he bother about her mother?
Un monstruo que declaró que su madre había muerto ¿ Por qué se iba a preocupar por su madre?
Why would I think that you're stupid?
¿ Por qué habría de creer que eres idiota?
Why do you think he'd be riding that car when it would be the easiest way to link him to the murder.
¿ Por qué crees que usaría ese auto, si es la manera más sencilla... de vincularlo con el asesinato?
Why do you think your mommy would say that?
¿ Por qué crees que mamá dice eso?
Why would you think on this planet that you're one of those three?
¿ Por qué piensas que una de ésas tiene que ver contigo?
- I think that would be- - - Why are you undermining me?
- Creo que eso sería- - - ¿ Por qué me molestas?
They said it was crazy. Why do you think would say that?
Dijeron que estaba loca, ¿ Porqué crees que dirían eso?

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