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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Windpipe

Windpipe tradutor Espanhol

254 parallel translation
Why, the sku... I'll cut out his windpipe!
"... ya no se requieren sus servicios. "
What do you want to do? Scorch her windpipe?
¿ Qué pretende, abrasarle la garganta?
I... - I'll fly a kite down your windpipe.
- Te meteré un tubo en la tráquea.
Long enough to tear his windpipe out of his throat.
Lo suficiente para arrancarle la tráquea de la garganta.
You feel the rope crushing your windpipe, choking the life out of you... and the whole world goes black with spots of vivid color... flashing against the awful darkness.
La cuerda te aprieta, no te deja respirar. Todo se vuelve negro con puntos de color.
Trachea, larynx, windpipe, intact.
Tráquea y laringe, también intactas.
The way I've got you, if you fight it, your windpipe will be crushed.
Cálmate, Frankie. Tal como te tengo, si luchas, se aplastará tu tráquea.
Remember, this way if you struggle you get your windpipe crushed.
Recuerda que si forcejeas, puede aplastarse tu tráquea.
Milord Windpipe.
El Señor Flautín.
Do you want me to get that eggbeater and ram it down your windpipe?
¿ Quieres que vaya por la batidora y te la meta por la tráquea?
The blow hit him in the larynx, or Adam's apple... causing it to swell and cutting off his windpipe.
El puñetazo le dio en la laringe, o nuez de Adán... e hizo que se hinchara y le cortara la respiración.
Cut a hole in his windpipe down here so that he could breathe.
Cortamos su tráquea para que pueda respirar.
I learned in Naples how to poison flowers, To strangle with a lawn thrust down the throat, To pierce the windpipe with a needle's point,
En Nápoles aprendí a envenenar flores, a ahogar a alguien metiéndole una brizna de hierba en la garganta, a perforar la tráquea con la punta de una aguja, o, mientras alguien duerme, tomar una pluma de ave... y soplarle un poco de polvo dentro de la oreja,
- Bullet grazed his windpipe.
- La bala le rozó la tráquea.
Yeah, yeah, you try that with a pineapple down your windpipe.
- Sí, intenta tragarte esa piña.
- I have trouble with my windpipe.
- Tengo problemas con mi tráquea.
I'd say he was probably exercising with that barbell... it slipped, came crashing down on his neck... and crushed his windpipe.
Yo diría que estaba ejercitándose con esa barra se le cayó, lo golpeó y le aplastó la tráquea.
Well, I'm sure his windpipe was crushed.
- Tiene aplastada la tráquea.
He coulcTve collapsed. Or it could've slipped. But it fell on his neck and crushed his windpipe.
Sufrió un colapso o le faltaron las fuerzas pero se le cayó en la garganta y le aplastó la tráquea.
There's no question about it... that Mr. Stafford died of suffocation when his windpipe got crushed.
El Sr. Stafford murió por asfixia al aplastársele la tráquea.
Mr Hutchinson, there you are. What a shame that bit of cheese getting stuck in the old windpipe like that.
¡ Qué disgusto, atragantarse con un trozo de queso!
What is most serious is that though he still breathes normally through the windpipe, he is virtually brain-dead.
Lo más grave... es que aunque aún respira normal por la traquea, está muerto cerebral.
One went down his windpipe, and he suffocated.
El pobre se atragantó con un guisante y se ahogó.
I gotta... I gotta open up his windpipe.
Debo abrirle la tráquea.
I need you to hold him down... so I can make an opening in his windpipe.
Debe sujetarlo... para que pueda abrirle la tráquea.
Windpipe! Are you going to compete with me?
¿ Haciéndome la competencia?
Windpipe, over, over.
- Llamando a pipa. Cambio.
Windpipe thinks he's invisible and we can't see him.
Pipa pensaba que era invisible.
Teapot, Windpipe, Vaseline, we're here!
Teapot, Pipa, Valentine, estamos aquí.
There'll be no evidence left and his death will seem - to have been caused by a bone stuck in the windpipe.
No quedará evidencia y su muerte parecerá... haber sido causada por un hueso atascado en su garganta.
One of your shirts reached out of the hamper, grabbed me around the windpipe, and demanded to be taken to the airport.
No cocino! ¿ Porqué no haces lo mismo que yo cuando tengo hambre?
But its able to push the top of its windpipe right out of its mouth and so continue to take in air.
Sin embargo, su poder para empujar la parte superior de su tráquea a la derecha de la boca y así seguir para tomar aire.
All throughout the windpipe, beginning with the little blade on top, called the epiglottis, down to the windpipe, where it breaks in half to feed the right lung and the left lung, had multiple, uh, numerous of these red pinpoint bloody spots.
Por toda la tráquea... comenzando con la paletilla de arriba, que se llama epiglotis... hasta la tráquea donde se parte por la mitad... para alimentar al pulmón derecho y al pulmón izquierdo... había múltiples... numerosas de esas pequeñísimas manchas de sangre.
It's triggered by saliva in the windpipe.
Lo induce la saliva en la tráquea.
It's so close to his windpipe, he'll choke to death... before the cancer kills him.
Está casi en la tráquea.
- Colonel, let go. Little pressure, I bust your windpipe.
- Si aprieto, te reviento la tráquea.
Crushed windpipe.
Tráquea rota.
I'll come down there, I'll pull his guts out through his windpipe!
¡ Le sacaré las tripas por la boca!
We'll be taking that tube out of your windpipe soon.
Pronto le sacaremos ese tubo.
We'll be taking that tube out of your windpipe soon.
Pronto le sacaremos este tubo.
The windpipe used to hang straight.
La tráquea solía estar derecha.
He's got my windpipe in a death grip.
Él tiene mi tráquea en su abrazo mortal.
There appears to some kind of a pattern just to the right of his windpipe.
Parece haber algo así como una marca a la derecha de la tráquea.
Your windpipe's been severed.
Tu tráquea ha sido dañada.
You'll be able to breathe out of that hole until your windpipe heals... or until somebody hangs ya.
Podrás respirar por ese agujero hasta que sane tu tráquea. O hasta que alguien te cuelgue.
The larynx is here at the top of the windpipe and is the housing for the vocal cords.
La laringe está arriba de la tráquea, y es el hogar de las cuerdas vocales.
I'll have to put a tube down your windpipe so you can breathe, okay?
Tengo que meterle un tubo por la garganta para respirar, ¿ entiende?
Machinery is Windpipe's specialty.
Cuando se trata de electrónica, Pipa es el especialista.
Windpipe, we have to think of ourselves.
Tenemos que mirar por nosotros.
[Crash] Naugahyde Windpipe.
Naugahyde Windpipe.
Yeah, first your windpipe swells... and just when you think you're going to die of suffocation...
Primero, se le hincha la traquea.

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