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Winfield tradutor Espanhol

243 parallel translation
That I'm a foreign woman, That I got 10,000 out of old lord Winfield for value received.
¡ Que Lord Windfield me paga... por los favores recibidos!
Ruthie. Winfield. Jump up now.
Ruthie, Winfield, arriba.
Look how pretty and green it is, Winfield.
Mira qué bonita y qué verde es, Winfield.
And Winfield what's he gonna be this way?
Y Winfield. ¿ Qué va a ser de él así?
- Winfield. I got something to show you. - What's the matter?
- Winfield, quiero enseñarte una cosa.
Winfield, get on top, out of the way.
Winfield, sube y no estorbes.
Presenting Miss Joan Winfield.
Presentando a la Srta. Joan Winfield.
His bride will be the beautiful Joan Winfield, daughter of Lucius K. Winfield, Texas oil tycoon.
Su novia será la hermosa Joan Winfield, hija de Lucius K. Winfield, el magnate del petróleo de Texas.
- Chicago calling Miss Joan Winfield.
- Chicago llamando a la Srta. Joan Winfield.
Miss Winfield?
Srta. Winfield?
- Are you Miss Winfield?
- Es Ud. la Srta. Winfield?
Hey, believe me, Mr. Winfield, you're not losing a daughter, you're gaining a son.
Hey, oréame Sr. Winfield, usted no pierde una hija, está ganando un hijo.
Say, I was talking to Lucius K. Winfield in Chicago and we were cut off.
Digo, Estaba hablando con Lucius K. Winfield en Chicago y fuimos cortados.
Joan Winfield's been kidnapped.
Joan Winfield ha sido secuestrada.
- Joan Winfield.
- Joan Winfield.
Joan Winfield.
Joan Winfield.
- Now, come, Miss Winfield.
- Ahora, veamos, Srta. Winfield.
- Sorry, Miss Winfield.
- Lo lamento, Srta. Winfield.
Joan Winfield stolen at airport!
Joan Winfield raptado en el aeropuerto!
Joan Winfield, Texas oil heiress bound for Las Vegas to wed Allen Brice, famous orchestra leader, was kidnapped by Steve Collins, Los Angeles pilot.
Joan Winfield, Heredera del petróleo de Texas se dirigía a Las Vegas para casarse con el famoso director de orquesta Allen Brice, fue secuestrada por Steve Collins, piloto de Los Ángeles.
Peewee Defoe, Collins'henchman, admitted under police grilling that Collins was taking Miss Winfield to Amarillo.
Peewee Defoe, esbirro de Collins, admitió bajo presión policial que Collins lleva a la Srta. Winfield a Amarillo.
Lucius K. Winfield, Joan's father, has not yet been located.
Lucius K. Winfield, el Padre de Joan, aun no ha sido localizado.
- This is Miss Winfield.
- Esta es la Srta. Winfield.
... when his bride-to-be, Miss Joan Winfield, daughter of oil-field millionaire Lucius K. Winfield of Dallas, was kidnapped by the pilot who had been hired to fly the couple to their tryst in Las Vegas.
... cuando su novia, la Srta. Joan Winfield, hija del millonario petrolero Lucius K. Winfield de Dallas, fue secuestrada por el piloto que debía llevar la pareja a su cita en Las Vegas.
Anything new on Miss Winfield?
Nada nuevo sobre la Srta. Winfield?
- This is Mr. Winfield.
- Este es el Sr. Winfield.
Mr. Winfield, have you any statement to make
Sr. Winfield, tiene algo que decir
Joan Winfield, oil heiress and fiancée of orchestra leader Allen Brice, is alive and safe in a nameless ghost town on the Calivada desert.
Joan Winfield, la heredera petrolera y su novia del director de orquestra Allen Brice, esta viva y bien en una ciudad fantasma en el desierto Calivada.
The girl's father, Lucius K. Winfield, and her fiancé, Allen Brice, were in...
El Padre de la chica, Lucius K. Winfield, y su novio, Allen Brice, estaban...
Miss Winfield was first believed to have been kidnapped, but later it was learned that her wealthy father had authorized her abduction in order to prevent her elopement.
La Srta. Winfield primero fue considerada secuestrada, pero mas tarde se supo que su poderoso Padre había ordenado su abducción para evitar la fuga.
Miss Winfield!
Miss Winfield!
Srta. Winfield!
Oh, Miss Winfield!
Oh, Srta. Winfield!
Miss Winfield.
Srta. Winfield.
You ain't gonna find old man Winfield down there.
No vas a encontrar al viejo Winfield ahí.
Say, what kind of a deal was that you made with old man Winfield?
Dime, que tipo de trato fue que hiciste con el viejo Winfield?
Now, where is Winfield and Collins?
Ahora, donde están Winfield y Collins?
- Old man Winfield get here yet?
- Llegó el viejo Winfield?
Did you see old man Winfield?
has visto al viejo Winfield?
Thanks, Miss Winfield.
Gracias, Srta. Winfield.
- Judge Sobler, Joan Winfield.
- Juez Sobler, Joan Winfield.
Old man Winfield left Las Vegas a half an hour ago.
El viejo Winfield dejó Las Vegas hace media hora.
Say, if Joan and Brice were kept here till old man Winfield shows up, you could collect the 1,100, huh?
Dime, si Joan y Brice se quedan aquí hasta que aparezca viejo Winfield, podrías cobrar los 1,100, huh?
In the meantime, old man Winfield has a chance to get here.
Mientras tanto, el viejo Winfield tiene una oportunidad de llegar.
Keenan, why don't you let Miss Winfield alone?
Keenan, porque no deja a la Srta. Winfield tranquila?
- And, Miss Winfield, would you mind stepping over here alongside of Allen?
- Y, Srta. Winfield, le importaría pararse al lado de Allen?
Mr. Winfield.
El Sr. Winfield.
It's Winfield!
Es Winfield!
They've gotta be married before Winfield gets here.
Tienen que casarse antes de que llegue Winfield.
And do you, Joan Winfield, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?
Y tu, Joan Winfield, tomas este hombre como tu esposo?
Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Winfield.
Siento haberle hecho esperar, Sr. Winfield.

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