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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Winn

Winn tradutor Espanhol

407 parallel translation
- Hey, what are writing to Godfrey Winn for?
- Oye, ¿ para qué le escriben a Godfrey Winn?
Costarring Kitty Winn...
Coprotagonistas : Kitty Winn...
Will, these are my partners in the law firm of Furth, Winn Meyer.
Will, ellos son mis socios en el despacho de Furth, Winn y Meyer.
Will, these are my partners in the law firm of Furth, Winn and Meyer.
Will, ellos son mis socios en la firma de abogados Furth, Winn y Meyer.
I'm not claiming that Grady's no Paris, France, but we got two gas stations got us a Winn-Dixie, got us cable TV.
No digo que Grady sea París, Francia, pero tenemos dos gasolineras un Winn-Dixie, tele por cable. ?
The last time I saw Winn we played that song. That very song.
La última vez que vi a Winn él tocó esa canción.
Winn was like a brother to me. Remember?
Winn era como un hermano para mí. ¿ Te acuerdas?
I said, "Winn so help me if I ever raise my hand against you may God strike me dead."
Dije : "Winn..." "Ayúdame... " Si alguna vez levanto mi mano contra ti...
Vedek Winn's been meeting with some of the Bajoran civilians about it.
Vedek Winn ha hablado de ello con civiles bajoranos.
Had I known of your visit, Vedek Winn, I would have greeted you sooner.
De haber sabido de su visita, Vedek Winn, habría ido a recibirla.
If you start to think that way, you'll be acting just like Vedek Winn.
Si empiezas a pensar así, estarás actuando como Vedek Winn.
I understand my friend Vedek Winn has brought her blessings to your station.
Me dicen que mi amiga Vedek Winn llevó su bendición a la estación.
Your ideology differs from Vedek Winn's.
Su ideología difiere de la de Vedek Winn.
And some fear you because Vedek Winn told them to.
Otros le temen sencillamente porque Vedek Winn se lo ha ordenado.
The analysis proves he was killed the night before Vedek Winn arrived.
El análisis demuestra que murió la noche antes de llegar Vedek Winn.
They're from an orthodox spiritual order coming to support Vedek Winn.
Son de una orden religiosa ortodoxa. Vienen a apoyar a Vedek Winn.
You claim the Prophets as your personal constituency, Vedek Winn.
Afirma que todo lo hace en nombre de los profetas, Vedek Winn.
We'll never be able to prove that Winn was involved.
Nunca podremos demostrar que Winn estaba implicada.
I envied Vedek Winn because she was a true believer.
Envidiaba a Vedek Winn por ser una verdadera creyente.
Commander... I heard what you said to Vedek Winn at the school.
Comandante... Oí lo que le dijo a Vedek Winn en la escuela.
- Vedek Winn.
- Vedek Winn.
- l do, Vedek Winn.
- Yo, vedek Winn.
What's it to be, Winn?
¿ Qué va a suceder, Winn?
No one is more worthy of being the next Kai than you, Winn.
Nadie más que tú merece ser el próximo Kai.
I suppose shoplifting steaks at Winn-Dixie's okay.
Supongo que robar carne en Winn-Dixie bastaría.
I never expected Kai Winn to make me one of her principal advisors.
No esperaba que la kai Winn me eligiera como asesor.
I know you don't like Winn, but the office has changed her.
Sé que Winn no es de tu agrado pero ese cargo la ha cambiado.
What brings you to the station, Vedek Winn?
¿ Qué la trajo a la estación, vedek Winn?
Vedek Winn.
Vedek Winn.
- Vedek Winn granted him sanctuary.
- Vedek Winn le otorgó el asilo.
Has Winn's ship left the station?
¿ Ha abandonado la nave de Winn la estación?
Kubus requested a private meeting with Vedek Winn.
Kubus solicitó una reunión en privado con vedek Winn.
Winn then asked for the use of my computer.
Winn me pidió entonces si podia usar mi ordenador.
Why would Winn be interested in another Bajoran collaborator?
¿ Por qué estaria Winn interesada en otro colaboracionista bajorano?
See if Winn accessed any information about the Kendra Valley massacre.
Mire a ver si Winn obtuvo información sobre la masacre del valle de Kendra.
It's Vedek Winn who needs convincing.
Es vedek Winn la que necesita que la convenzas.
Poor Winn.
Pobre Winn.
I had nothing to do with the massacre and Winn will never prove otherwise.
No tuve nada que ver con la masacre y Winn nunca podrá demostrar lo contrario.
- Nothing that will satisfy Winn.
- Nada que satisfaria a Winn.
I am going to prove to Winn that you are innocent.
Voy a demostrarle a Winn que eres inocente.
Winn is waiting to hear from me.
Winn espera mi respuesta.
And Winn was right all along.
Y Winn estaba en lo cierto desde el principio.
You received a transmission from Vedek Winn.
Recibió una transmisión de la vedek Winn.
Kai Winn.
Kai Winn.
The people have chosen Winn.
Han elegido a Winn.
So... Instead of you, we have Winn to lead us.
Asi que... en vez de ser tú el guia, lo es Winn.
Oh, you didn't use the best china Winn?
No habrás usado la mejor porcelana, ¿ o sí Winn?
And not a word of this to Winn.
Y de esto ni una palabra a Winn.
Winn : Indeed, you are too modest.
Es usted muy modesto.
Winn : And I am grateful you were not taken from us, Vedek Bareil.
Me alegro de que no hayas muerto, Bareil.
Kai Winn.
- ¿ Kai Winn?

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