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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / With you by my side

With you by my side tradutor Espanhol

140 parallel translation
"With you by my side, dear, neither time nor tide..."
"Contigo a mi lado, querida, ni el tiempo ni..."
I felt important with you by my side.
Porque me sentía alguien importante, estando cerca de usted.
Of course, I could always get a better one, but I mean with you by my side, I'm boundto do well.
Por supuesto, siempre podría conseguir uno mejor, pero me refiero a que con usted a mi lado, tengo el deber de hacerlo bien.
With you by my side, I can start writing again, but but we need to be strong, and to break free of all this this mentality, this world!
Lo sabes, Marina. Si estás a mi lado, volveré a escribir, pero debemos ser fuertes y romper con todo esto. Con esta mentalidad y esta cerrazón.
With you by my side, wild heart.
Contigo a mi lado, corazón salvaje.
I want to relax a bit, with you by my side.
Quiero dormir junto a ti.
With you by my side, I'll never be afraid.
Contigo a mi lado, jamás tendré miedo.
With you by my side. I'll never be afraid.
Contigo a mi lado, jamás tendré miedo.
With you by my side, I don't need success.
No me importa el éxito si tu estas a mi lado.
We'll start anew, with you by my side as my queen.
Empezaremos de nuevo contigo, a mi lado como mi reina.
With you by my side... The Dragon sleeps.
"si estas cerca, el Dragón duerme"
With you by my side, I can forget all my troubles
Contigo a mi lado, puedo olvidarme de todos mis problemas.
With you by my side, yeah.
Estando tú, sí.
And what is about to happen would have been more proper with you by my side.
Y lo que esta por pasar.. hubiera sido mas apropiado contigo a mi lado.
I'll be Hebalon's Commander-in-Chief again, with you by my side.
Seré de nuevo el Comandante en Jefe de Hebalon contigo a mi lado.
I could do so much with you by my side,
Voy a poder hacer tantas cosas si usted está junto a mí, Hildita.
With you by my side.
Contigo a mi lado,
- With you by my side
- Si al menos estás conmigo.
But I'd rather be broke down with you by my side
Pero es mejor estar mal si al menos estás conmigo
- With you by my side - By my side
Contigo a mi lado
You know, ever since Caleb died the way I've been able to navigate these Newpsie waters is with you by my side.
¿ Sabes? , desde que Caleb falleció, la única forma que he podido navegar por estas aguas infestadas de Newpsies, es contigo a mi lado.
With you by my side.
" Contigo a mi lado.
a bed of class will do incredible feats this princess bed with you by my side
Quiero tres plazas, lo admito, una cama de primera clase Haremos proezas increíbles en esta cama de princesa Noches embriagadoras juntos
And I'm going to do it with you by my side.
Y lo haré contigo a mi lado.
♪ With you by my side ♪ ♪ There is no denyin'♪
Revisión :
* With you by my side * * There is no denyin'*
Revisión :
* With you by my side * * There is no denyin'* * I can't wait For me and you *
Revisión :
♪ With you by my side ♪ ♪ There is no denyin'♪
Revision :
I want you by my side tonight, I want everyone to envy me... when they see me with the most handsome singer ever...
Esta noche quiero que estés a mi lado, para que me envidien... al verme con el más guapo y el más cantor.
My friends... you may not know him on this side of the grave... but when we cross the river... over there... he will be there with us still... and you will know him by the seal of God on his brow.
Amigos míos, puede que no lleguéis a conocerle en esta vida, pero, cuando crucemos el río, hacia allá arriba, todavía estará con nosotros, y le reconocéis por el sello de Dios que llevará en la frente.
And my heart sings with him sweetly because you're by my side.
Y mi corazón canta con él porque estáis a mi lado.
You don't think my Mama would ever allow me to-- - l---l was always with my Mama-- - l was always by her side
No creerás que mamá me lo hubiera permitido... Siempre... Siempre estaba con mamá.
You can share that world with me, rule it by my side.
Puede compartir ese mundo conmigo, reinar a mi lado.
How can you sit by Poncelet's side without ever coming to visit with me and my wife or the Percys to hear our side?
¿ Cómo puede sentarse al lado de Poncelet... sin siquiera visitarnos a mí y a mi esposa... o a los Percy, para oír nuestra historia?
And you know who I want with me by my side, don't you?
¿ Sabes a quién quiero junto a mi?
Those of you who would still choose to be with God... come stand by my side now.
Quién aún esté de parte de Dios... únase a mí ahora.
You two don't look a thing alike but I get the feeling that he's by my side when I'm with you.
Ustedes dos no se parecen en nada, pero tengo la sensación de que él me sigue cuando estoy contigo.
She doesn't like my working side by side with you.
No le gusta que trabaje cerca tuyo.
As I recall, Weyoun, you were standing right by my side agreeing with every decision I made.
Que yo recuerde, Weyoun, tú estabas a mi lado y estabas de acuerdo en todas las decisiones que tomaba.
You'll all train to fix that guidance system side by side with my people in case one of your boys doesn't pass.
Todos se capacitarán para arreglar el sistema, junto con mi gente por si uno de los tuyos no pasa.
If we secretly divorced, he would be able to find a woman who'd stay by his side and produce heirs. And I'd be free to live my life with you.
Al divorciarnos en secreto, él podría encontrar una mujer... que viviera en Genovia y produjera herederos... y yo sería libre para vivir mi vida contigo.
You can cooperate with me and stand by my side, or you can fight me and they'll be lost to you forever.
Puede colaborar conmigo y estar a mi lado, o puedes pelear conmigo, y y estar perdido para siempre.
I want you by my side, who live with me..... as you are.
Quiero tenerte a mi lado, que vivas conmigo..... así como eres.
Lana, you could live like a queen by my side, or get tossed out with the rest of the garbage.
Lana, podrías vivir como una reina a mi lado o ser hecha a un lado como un desecho.
You walk there by my side you walk the path with me.
Caminas junto a mí recorres el sendero junto a mí
Sergeant blane, i know that your assignment is to assist in this mission, but you are much too valuable to be relegated to a supernumerary position, so might i impose on you and ask you to be by my side tomorrow with the plan at the ready?
Sargento Blane... sé que su tarea es ayudar en esta misión... pero son demasiado valiosos... para ser relegados a una posición secundaria... así que, ¿ podría pedirle que esté a mi lado mañana... cuando el plan esté listo?
Asking around, busting heads, you by my side, and all this time, she was sitting right here with you!
Preguntando, dando palizas, siempre juntos. Y todo este tiempo ¡ ella estaba aquí contigo!
# But with you there by my side
# Pero contigo ahí a mi lado
I'm devoted to you, Tess, with all my heart, and I love and adore you in all sincerity, and I shall need a wife, Tess, someone by my side.
Siento devoción por ti, Tess, con todo mi corazón, te amo y te adoro con toda sinceridad, y necesitaré una esposa, Tess, alguien a mi lado.
May God go with you my son, just by your side.
Que Dios te acompañe mi hijo, justo a tu lado.
With you, only you by my side.
Contigo, sólo tú a mi lado.

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