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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Woodbury

Woodbury tradutor Espanhol

134 parallel translation
Why, no, Ms. Woodbury, not as far as I know.
- No, señorita Woodbury.
Oh, may I introduce Dr. Watson, Ms. Woodbury.
Les presentaré. Señor Watson, señorita Woodbury.
Ha, ha, ha. Is this your first trip to the East, Ms. Woodbury?
¿ Su primer viaje a Oriente, señorita Woodbury?
Pardon me, gentlemen, have you by any chance seen Ms. Woodbury and...
Perdón, señores, ¿ han visto a la señorita Woodbury?
You haven't by any chance seen Ms. Woodbury and my nephew, have you?
¿ Ha visto a la señorita Woodbury y a mi sobrino?
It's what Ms. Woodbury just informed us.
Lo que ha dicho la señorita Woodbury.
Woodbury is fifth.
Woodbury, 5 °.
And Woodbury.
Y Woodbury.
Woodbury is second, a head. Whichcee is third by a half-length.
Woodbury va segundo y Whichcee, 3 ° por medio cuerpo.
- Miss Emily Woodbury.
- Miss Emily Woodbury.
Dear Mrs. Woodbury.
Querida Mrs. Woodbury.
"4919 Woodbury Drive."
" "Woodbury 491 9".
Yeah, ask Woodbury, okay?
Pues díselo a Woodbury.
According to police, Esposito bludgeoned and then buried the victim's body... unaware the crime was being witnessed by a fifth grader... on a field trip from nearby Woodbury Elementary School.
Según la policía, Esposito apaleó a la víctima y enterró su cadáver... sin percatarse de la presencia de un alumno... de la Primaria Woodbury, en una excursión escolar.
And-And before you knew it - - You never lived in Woodbury?
- Y cuando me di cuenta- - - ¿ Nunca vivieron en Woodbury?
Registered to Robert Woodbury, philosophy professor, tenured.
Pertenece a Robert Woodbury. Es profesor de Filosofía, vitalicio.
Professor Woodbury, you circled the block six times.
Profesor Woodbury, dio seis vueltas a la manzana.
Professor Woodbury, does your wife work?
Profesor Woodbury, ¿ su esposa trabaja?
Mrs Woodbury, do you have the keys to your husband's car?
Señora Woodbury, ¿ tiene llaves del auto de su esposo?
Mrs Woodbury, I think you're leaving something out.
Señora Woodbury, creo que se olvida de una cosa.
- Mrs Woodbury.
- La señora Woodbury.
We still have Mrs Woodbury.
- Nos queda la Sra. Woodbury.
Not so. When Mrs. Lanahan couldn't buy her head of lettuce for her lunch... she drove straight to Woodbury to buy lettuce from a competing market.
La Sra. Lanahan no pudo comprar lechuga para su almuerzo... fue a comprarla directo a Woodbury, un competidor.
Word has it that she was telling other Doose's Market shoppers... that Woodbury lettuce is crisper.
El rumor es que ella dijo a otros compradores de Doose " s Market... que la lechuga de Woodbury es más fresca.
Her mom's at an antique fair in Woodbury until Sunday.
Su mamá está en Woodbury hasta el domingo.
Maybe the Shakers in Woodbury would take him. Yeah, he's already got the beard.
Ya tiene barba. ¿ Sabes hacer muebles, Taylor?
There was a monster truck show in Woodbury tonight, pulls a lot of the same demographic.
había un show de camiones gigantes en Woodbury esta tarde. Lo que atrae la misma clase de público.
Hey, did you see they got the crazy psychic from Woodbury again?
¿ Viste, han traído a la loca médium de Woodbury?
The town of Woodbury was supposed to host it this year... but because of recent flooding, they canceled at the last minute... and I offered Stars Hollow to be the host.
La ciudad de Woodbury, se suponía, lo iba a hacer este año, Pero debido a inundaciones recientes, lo han cancelado en el último minuto, Y yo propuse a Stars Hollow para ser la anfitriona.
I've already assured Hank, who is the Taylor Doose of Woodbury... that we'd take it over successfully.
Le he asegurado a Hank, que es el Taylor Doose de Woodbury, Que lo reemplazaríamos con éxito.
Hank in Woodbury swears they're en route... but you got to double and triple check with that guy.
Hank de Woodbury jura que están de camino, Pero hay que comprobarlo 2 y 3 veces con ese tipo.
- Hank's the you in Woodbury.
Hank, "tú" en Woodbury.
And with Hank from Woodbury looking over my shoulder... I'm not taking any risks.
Y con Hank de Woodbury vigilando por encima de mi hombro, no voy a arriesgarme.
So help me, if you make me look bad in front of Hank from Woodbury...
Entonces ayúdeme, si me haces parecer malo delante de Hank de Woodbury,
That Hank from Woodbury is sitting front-row center... just trying to psych me out.
Ese Hank de Woodbury está sentado en 1ª fila tratando de desestabilizarme.
As you may know, the town of Woodbury was supposed to host this year's festival... but due to their recent flooding, Woodbury backed out.
Como ya sabrán, se suponía que la ciudad de Woodbury, iba a acoger el festival de este año, Pero debido a inundaciones recientes, Woodbury se retiró.
Mr Woodbury's son is getting married. He's asking if he's gonna be able to go.
El Sr. Woodbury me pregunta si podrá ir a la boda de su hijo este fin de semana.
Mr Woodbury is still requiring a lot of O2.
Al Sr. Woodbury hay que seguir poniéndole oxígeno.
Carla has to give Mr Woodbury the bad news.
Carla tiene que darle la mala noticia al Sr. Woodbury.
Mr Woodbury's doing well enough to be discharged.
Está lo bastante bien para darle de alta.
- Really? I thought it might be because Dr Dorian came to see me with his feathers all up, and his voice a-crackin', and told me he was letting Mr Woodbury go.
Pensé que sería porque el Dr. Dorian vino a verme... erizando el pelo y con la voz temblorosa... me dijo que pensaba dar de alta al Sr. Woodbury.
- Maybe Mr Woodbury will be fine. Maybe he'll be back in a few days even worse for wear because you rushed him out. Who knows?
- Puede que al Sr. Woodbury le vaya bien... o puede que acabe volviendo a los pocos días aún peor... porque usted le dejó ir antes de tiempo. ¿ Quién sabe?
Still, if you decide later that what you really care about is how much your patients like you, you can change your mind about letting Mr Woodbury leave.
Bueno, si más adelante admite que lo que de verdad le preocupa... es caerles bien a sus pacientes, siempre puede cambiar de parecer en cuanto al alta del Sr. Woodbury.
Mr Woodbury!
¡ Sr. Woodbury!
Well, I see no reason we should keep Mr Woodbury any longer.
No veo razón para mantener al Sr. Woodbury aquí por más tiempo.
Ohh, crap.
Oh, mierda. - Liquen de Woodbury.
Ms. Woodbury's quite a singer, you know.
La señorita Woodbury es cantante.
- Not after the whole bubbles thing.
¿ quizás los Shakers en Woodbury lo tomarían?
This is Hank from Woodbury's doing.
- Esto es cosa de Hank de Woodbury.
- "Woodbury lichen."
- Listo.

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