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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / Wooster

Wooster tradutor Espanhol

429 parallel translation
- Yes, Madam Wooster.
- Sí, a la Sra. Wooster.
This is the residence of the Honorable Bertram Wooster.
Es la residencia del honorable Bertram Wooster.
There is no Madam Wooster.
Aquí no vive ninguna Sra. Wooster.
- May I see Mr. Wooster, please?
- ¿ Puedo ver al Sr. Wooster, por favor?
- Mr. Wooster, madam, is not at home.
- El Sr. Wooster no se encuentra.
We trailed the girl, but she ran into a house occupied by a Bertie Wooster.
Seguimos a la joven, pero entró en la casa de un tal Bertie Wooster.
This morning Wooster appeared with his man, got into their car and we followed them.
Hoy Wooster, con un hombre... subió a su auto y los seguimos.
If Mr. Bertie Wooster arrives, let me know immediately.
Si llega el Sr. Bertie Wooster, avíseme de inmediato.
And keep an eye on that Wooster fellow.
Y vigilen a ese tal Wooster.
Show Mr. Wooster to his room.
Lleve al Sr. Wooster a su cuarto.
Mr. Wooster just arrived.
El Sr. Wooster llegó.
I'm Mr. Wooster's man.
Soy el empleado del Sr. Wooster.
- Mr. Wooster is in room nine.
- El Sr. Wooster está en el cuarto 9. - Gracias. - El Sr. Wooster está en el cuarto 9.
We Woosters never get enmeshed in the official dragnet.
Los Wooster nunca nos enredamos en operaciones oficiales.
You'll just have to trust your old friend Wooster.
Tendrán que confiar en su amigo Wooster.
That which they are seeking will be placed... in their hands tomorrow and you may add that Bertram Wooster will see to it.
Lo que buscan, será puesto en sus manos mañana. Bertram Wooster se encargará de que así sea.
They weren't in her room and she didn't give them to Wooster.
No se los dio a Wooster. ¿ Por qué no subimos por ella?
- What about that Wooster?
- ¿ Y ese tal Wooster?
We'll take care of Mr. Wooster after we've got the girl.
Nos encargaremos de él después de atraparla a ella.
- Sit down, Wooster.
- Siéntese, Wooster.
- Keep quiet, Wooster, and sit down!
- Cállese, Wooster, y siéntese.
You keep out of this, Wooster.
No interfiera, Wooster.
- I've had just about enough of you, Mr. Wooster.
- Ya me hartó, Sr. Wooster.
Wooster, if you interfere again, it'll be for last time. Here, take this.
Wooster, si vuelve a interferir, será la última vez.
Just beginning to filter through the Wooster brain that you're not government chaps.
El cerebro Wooster empieza a dilucidar que no son agentes del gobierno.
An amazing piece of detective work, Mr. Wooster.
Qué gran labor detectivesca, Sr. Wooster.
- Jeeves, what are you doing here?
- Sr. Wooster. - ¿ Qué haces aquí?
- Mr. Wooster has them.
- Los tiene el Sr. Wooster.
- Wooster?
- ¿ Wooster?
We owe a great deal to you, Mr. Wooster, and to your man.
Estamos en deuda con usted, Sr. Wooster, y con su empleado.
Byrd, Chamberlin, Wooster and Davis, and those two Frenchmen, Nungesser and Coli.
Byrd, Chamberlin, Wooster y Davis... y los dos franceses, Nungesser y Coli.
Byrd, Chamberlin, Wooster and Davis, they're all taking radios.
Byrd, Chamberlin, Wooster y Davis, tendrán radio.
Wooster and Davis are ready for their test flights.
Wooster y Davis ya están listos para sus vuelos de prueba.
Wooster and Davis.
Wooster y Davis.
Whatever you think you came here for, Wooster, just forget it.
Cualquier cosa por la que creas que hayas venido, Wooster, olvidalo.
Tell Wooster.
Diselo a Wooster.
Wooster, what are you and Bellows doing in here?
Wooster, que estas haciendo tu y Bellows aqui?
Or that Wooster and his friend would kill me.
O que ese Wooster y su amigo me matarian.
The first stop is Prince Street between Wooster and Greene.
La primera parada es Prince Street entre Wooster y Greene.
- Yeah. Wooster. Why?
Sí, a Wooster. ¿ Por qué?
We're just reading my new play, Mr Wooster.
Leemos mi nueva obra, Sr. Wooster.
This is the Wooster spirit, Jeeves.
Es el espíritu de los Wooster, Jeeves.
- Good night, Mr Wooster.
- Buenas noches, Sr. Wooster.
A letter for Mr Wooster
Carta para el Sr. Wooster
- This guy Wooster, where is he?
- ¿ Dónde está el tal Wooster?
Mr Wooster likes to sprinkle it on his trousers.
El Sr. Wooster se rocía los pantalones con anís.
Mr Wooster is an eccentric.
El Sr. Wooster es algo extravagante.
- No doubt Mr Wooster is sleeping there.
- Sin duda el Sr. Wooster duerme ahí.
Mr Wooster, sir!
¡ Sr. Wooster!
- You remember Bertie Wooster.
- ¿ Recuerdas a Berti Wooster?
Good evening, Mr Wooster.
Buenas tardes, Sr. Wooster.

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