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Xi tradutor Espanhol

574 parallel translation
Apollo Eleven is good to go.
Apolo XI listo para despegar.
Apollo Eleven has cleared the tower... and is heading for a rendezvous with the moon.
El Apolo XI ha despegado y vuela rumbo a la Luna.
His most Christian Majesty, Louis XI.-a crafty oppressor of his people, whose dungeons were always full, whose executioners always busy.
Su cristiana majestad, Louis XI - hábil opresor de su gente, cuyas cárceles estaban siempre repletas, y cuyos verdugos estaban siempre ocupados.
Thus was "Justice" rendered in the reign of King Louis XI!
De tal forma volvía la "Justicia" al reinado de Louis XI!
- Anatol XI.
- Anatol XI.
And now, to that so charming gentleman and patriot, my grandfather, King Anatol XI.
Y ahora, por ese encantador caballero y patriota, mi abuelo... el rey Anatol XI.
Article XI, section 3.
Artículo XI, sección tres.
- Louis XI.
- Louis XI.
Georges says that there are some prisons which Luigi XI used.
Georges dice que están las celdas... que utilizaba Luis XI.
When Vir ‚ nes was built, Luigi XI had been dead for centuries.
Cuando construyeron Virénes, Luis XI estaba ya muerto hace siglos.
Commander Fraser Royal Navy, in X1, will take charge of the entire operation.
El comandante Fraser, de la Marina Real, en el XI estará al mando de toda la operación.
For the purpose of the attack, X1 will therefore become flotilla leader.
Durante el ataque, el XI estará al mando de toda la flotilla.
Signal X1, we're surfacing.
Avisen a XI que emergemos.
And ours is as good as the King's.
Porque en lo tocante a justicia, el bueno de Louis XI no tiene nada que envidiarnos.
Langeais, where Louis XI built, near the old keep, a fortified castle.
Langeais dónde Louis XI construyó, cerca de la vieja fortaleza, un castillo fortificado.
An 11th-century Persian doctor who wrote a famous treatise, "Liber Canonis".
Un sabio persa del siglo XI célebre por su tratado de medicina : "Liber canonis".
- Louis Xl!
- Luis XI.
Louis Xl defeats Burgundy, which becomes French.
Louis XI ocupa Borgoña que pasa a ser francesa.
Tenth, eleventh century?
¿ Décimo, del siglo XI?
Chapter Eleven.There was a different Germany, though.
Capítulo XI : Y en efecto, hubo otra Alemania
St. Germain des Près is the section that surrounds the oldest church in Paris ... originally an 11th. Century abbey,
Germain des Prés es el cinturón que rodea la iglesia más antigua de París, lo que se conserva de una abadía del siglo XI.
Oh, it's... 11 th century -
Es del siglo XI.
Romantic age.
¡ Del siglo XI! Una época romántica.
11th Century.
Siglo XI.
It's been here since the Montignacs, who always defended it with their lives.
¿ Qué es? Montignac, morada ancestral de los Montignacs desde el siglo XI, que siempre lo defendieron con sus vidas.
But Rou-xi's whereabouts were entirely unknown
Rápidamente corrió el rumor de que me habían secuestrado y matado.
Some said that the foreign Community officials had taken him away...
Pero se trataba de Rou Xi...
To determine wether or not he was really Rou-xi since he was handcuffed his Case must have been serious
Otros dijeron que le habían conducido ante el editor del Estado para verificar que era realmente Rou Xi.
We had sufficient bedding, but we wondered if Rou-xi did
Nosotros teníamos suficientes mantas, pero Rou Xi quizás no.
Along with 23 others, Rou-xi had been shot... On the night of February 7th or the morning of the 8th... At the Pong-Hua police Headquaters
Junto con otras 23 personas, Rou Xi había sido ejecutado la noche del 7 de febrero o la madrugada del 8 en la comisaría de policía de Rong Hua.
My real name is Xi Zhengyuan
Mi nombre real es Xi Zhengyuan.
Beginning in the 11th century and throughout the Middle Ages, the city of Santiago de Compostela, St. Jacques de Compostela in Spain, was the site of a great pilgrimage, which has continued to this day.
A partir del siglo XI y durante toda la Edad Media, la ciudad española de Santiago de Compostela fue teatro de un importante peregrinaje que todavía continúa en la actualidad.
- But these are the 11th century!
- Pero estas son del siglo XI
Not even free for his sanctity, Pius XI.
Gratis ni siquiera para su santidad Pío XI
"Travelers engulf from many lands... " to the site of this former 11th century refuge... " of perverts, onanists, catamites...
"Los viajeros engolfan desde muchas tierras a la vista de este antiguo refugio del siglo XI de pervertidos, onanistas, catamitas y otra canalla de la época."
I can't believe, our seniors such as Fang Shi Yu and Hong Xi Guan were evading the enemy all along and dared not hit back
No me imagino a nuestro Señores Fang Shi Yu y Hong Xi Guan evadiendo al enemigo por no atreverse.
There has been a monastery on this site from the eleventh century onwards.
Hubo un monasterio aquí a partir del siglo XI.
Ask his senior Hung Xi Guan to come out
Dile a su superior Hung Xi Guan que salga.
Hung Xi Guan!
¡ Hung Xi Guan!
Your uncle Hung Xi Guan only did eight
Tu tío Hung Xi Guan lo hizo sólo en ocho.
Eleventh-century silver plate.
Fuente de plata, siglo XI.
We have selected your question to be read on Sunday... which is the anni-ver-sary... of the Apollo XI landing on the moon.
"Hemos escogido a su pregunta para ser leída el domingo... " que es el ani-ver-sario... " de la llegada del Apolo XI a la luna.
In the central hall, the Spirit of St. Louis hangs just yards... from the original Wright Bros. plane from Kittyhawk, throwing shadows on Mercury and Gemini capsules... and on the Apollo XI command module.
En el salón central, el avión de Lindbergh está a metros del... avión original de los hermanos Wright, y a la vista de las cápsulas Mercury y Gemini, y del módulo de comando del Apolo XI.
~ In vain for mercy On your knees you'll sue ~
El Mikado, Acto I, Parte XI En vano por piedad De rodillas estarás
The first reference we have to it is by an english monk around about 1200.
Un monje inglés lo menciona por primera vez en el siglo XI.
The first european medical unit was set up at Salerno in Italy in the 11th century, complete with do-it-yourself instruction manuals like this lot.
La primera unidad médica europea se instaló en Salerno, Italia en el Siglo XI, completa con manuales de instrucciones "hágalo-usted-mismo" como estos.
Now, we haven't known for centuries how they solved the problem of waking up in the middle of the night, until recently, when a fragment of an 11th century manuscript was discovered in a monastery in the Pyrenees.
Hasta hace poco, cuando un fragmento de un manuscrito del Siglo XI fue descubierto en un monasterio de los Pirineos.
The Delta Chis and the Acacia team.
Los equipos Phi Psi, Delta Xi y Acacia.
Consider what they did against the might of Louis XI.
Recuerde su resistencia contra el poderoso Luís XI.
... There she was, just walkin'down the street She looked good, she looked fine Before I knew it, she was walkin'next to me I knew we was falling in love...
[In the XI century B.C., the tribes of Israel, which had escaped..]
En el siglo XI a.

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