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Ya'al tradutor Espanhol

19,201 parallel translation
In the end, I'm no longer in pain or afraid.
Y, al final, ya no me duele, ya no tengo miedo.
Have you met Director Volmer?
¿ Ya conoció al director Volmer?
He's already back in the country?
¿ Ya regresó al país?
Point is, since there's nothing threatening the world right now,
El punto es, que ya que no hay nada que amenaza al mundo en este momento,
Come over to the counter and I'll sort ya out.
Venga al mostrador y lo arreglaremos.
We go to plan B. Biggs is already working on it.
Vamos al plan B. Biggs ya se está trabajando en ello.
Anymore, that is.
Al menos, ya no.
Well, I was thinking, you know, with your help, of course, that I would be appointed to the District Court of the state of Illinois.
Bueno, estaba pensando, ya sabes, que con tu ayuda, claro, que podría presentarme a candidato al Tribunal de Distrito de Illinois.
I had two marriages. It just cost the studio a lot of money to bust them up.
Ya tuve dos matrimonios y le cuesta mucho dinero al estudio terminar con ellos.
That threw me a little at first, but I think I got my leg up on her now.
Eso me sacó de onda al principio, pero creo que ya la estoy agarrando.
Might as well feed the giraffe a carrot before I send her back to the zoo, you know what I mean.
Le daré una zanahoria a la jirafa y volverá al zoológico. Ya sabes.
- Uh-huh. - I already told the FBI to be standing by in anticipation of your order.
Ya le dije al FBI que estén preparados esperando tu orden.
You don't have another choice or you would've done something about it already.
No tienes otra alternativa o ya habrías hecho algo al respecto.
So now we know what happened to T's group.
Ya sabemos lo que le ha pasado al grupo de T.
But hey, at least I don't suck anymore.
Pero oye, al menos ya no apesto.
You heard the man. All right.
Ya has escuchado al hombre.
I know that no one can replace Tommy, but...
Ya sé que nadie puede remplazar al Tommy, pero...
We're nearly at the hospital.
Ya estamos llegando al hospital.
Caleb's wife, she's already been notified.
La esposa de Caleb ya está al corriente.
Here today and gone tomorrow.
Un día estás, al otro ya no.
Oh, but I have laid out, Captain, therefore you must also. Them's the rules.
Pero ya lo he dispuesto todo, Capitán, al igual que usted.
If it's too late for the observer to evacuate, are there any options left?
Si ya es muy tarde para evacuar al observador, ¿ tiene alguna otra opción? Sí.
All the other prisoners perished, but he survived, albeit badly burnt, because there was a tiny grill window in the cell, and he subsequently joined the Barnum Bailey Circus and was exhibited as a celebrity, as the sole survivor of this eruption.
Todos los demás prisioneros murieron, pero él sobrevivió, aunque sufrió quemaduras graves ya que había una ventanita en la celda. Luego se unió al circo Barnum Bailey y lo presentaban como una celebridad porque era el único sobreviviente de esa erupción.
And the forerunner of this device we had working here in 2010, and it played an important role in the hazard assessment, and it's conservatively estimated at something like 20,000 lives were saved because of the effective monitoring of Merapi in 2010
El predecesor de este dispositivo ya funcionaba aquí en 2010. Tuvo un papel muy importante en la evaluación del peligro. Se estima que se salvaron unas 20 000 vidas gracias al control eficiente del Merapi en 2010 y la posterior evacuación.
Praise God... that change is coming.
Alaben al Señor porque ya viene el cambio.
Al, we need to get him down now.
Al, tenemos que hacerlo bajar ya.
She has got you covered.
Ya me puso al tanto.
You guys all have wives and kids. And I have nothing waiting for me back there.
ustedes ya tienen esposas e hijos y no habra nadies esperandome al regresar.
You may be done with Hell, but it is not done with you.
Quizá ya no te interese el infierno, pero al infierno le sigues interesando tú.
You've seen what I come from, that dragon that raised me, that land that reared me.
Ya viste de dónde vengo. Viste al dragón que me crio. A la tierra que me educó.
Not you you, of course, but, you know, I know what you would say and how you would say it, and it's nice to have someone to talk to, play chess with.
No contigo, claro, pero, ya sabes, sabía lo que dirías y cómo lo dirías, y es bonito tener alguien con quien hablar, juega al ajedrez conmigo.
Oh, you know, just catching up on my soaps.
Oh, ya sabes, poniéndome al día con mis culebrones.
You know, I deferred to become a cop and... catch my dad's killer.
Ya sabes, lo pospuse para convertirme en policía y... capturar al asesino de mi padre.
Yeah, a leopard doesn't change its spots.
Ya, la cabra siempre tira al monte.
Mr. Dennis says you're no longer presenting the power cell to the board.
Dennis dice que ya no vas a presentar la célula de energía al consejo.
You know, the one who wheels in here kicking ass and taking names like you just did.
Ya sabes, la que rueda hasta aquí pateando culos y maldiciendo al igual que acabas de hacer.
Argus has a chopper waiting to take us to Coast City, so at least we'll all be together.
ARGUS ya tiene un helicóptero esperando para llevarnos a Coast City, así al menos podremos estar todos juntos.
No. "A," it's not my company anymore, and "B," we're trying to save the world.
No. "A", esta ya no es mi compañía, y "B" estamos tratando de salvar al mundo.
And since she's only here because of you, I believe that makes Mr. Queen your problem.
Y ya que ella solo está aquí por ti, creo que eso convierte al Sr. Queen en tu problema.
On the ground, now!
¡ Al suelo, ya!
Now! Get down now!
¡ Al suelo ya!
Get down, now!
¡ Al suelo, ya!
Get the fuck on the ground now!
¡ Al piso ya, mierda!
He is no longer a client I want to represent.
Ya no es un cliente al que quiero representar.
It's time for S.H.I.E.L.D. to come in from the cold, relegitimize.
Ya es hora de que S.H.I.E.L.D. salga del hielo *... ( * Guiño al Capitán América ) relegitimizarse.
Call the ferry port and the airport and tell them that we're no longer looking for Michael Maguire.
Llama al puerto y al aeropuerto. Diles que ya no estamos buscando a Michael Maguire.
We've got to get them back on the bus.
Deben subir al colectivo ya.
But, you know, you were busy with the kids and work, and rushing out of the car to your house, and rushing from the house to the car.
Pero, ya sabes, estabas ocupada con las chicas y el trabajo salías corriendo del auto a la casa y de la casa al auto. Así que...
But I've already told you that I will oversee the Kurtwell case, and that I will appoint someone I trust.
Pero ya le he dicho que yo supervisaré el caso Kurtwell, y pondré al cargo a alguien de mi confianza.
So, we don't look to the outside world.
Así que ya no vamos a mirar al mundo exterior.
O Lord... let us look each other right in the eyes, we can no longer put off this matter.
Señor... mirémonos directamente a los ojos el uno al otro, ya no podemos dejar de lado este asunto.

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