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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / Yager

Yager tradutor Espanhol

9 parallel translation
... but should our luck run out, I'd like to say for the record that the crew of Voyager acted with distinction and valor.
- Pero si nuestra... se acaba, quisi... afirmar que la tripu... de la... yager actuó con disti... ón y valor...
One of them infected yager.
Uno de ellos infectó a Yager.
Yager's been here 9.
Yager ha estado 9.
He told Yager he left the conviction off his job application.
Le dijo a Yager que omitió la condena en su solicitud de trabajo.
I'm in charge of blood orders here, and Yager coordinates trades.
Yo estoy a cargo de las peticiones de sangre y yager coordina los intercambios.
But why does Yager keep looking behind him?
Entonces, ¿ por qué Yager sigue mirando hacia atrás?
But they're both more relaxed now, and Yager's not looking behind him.
Pero al parecer ahora estan mas relajados que antes, y Yager ya no esta mirando hacia atrás.
I drove them away with my Mississippi yager. The scoundrel's circled back but I returned their fire proving equal to the occasion and they finally galloped away. - Those are mostly tall tales.
Yo conduje de vuelta con mi Mississippi yager. y ellos finalmente galopan lejos.
Hey. What's the deal with Ms. Yager?
Oye. ¿ Cuál es el trato con la Sra. Yager?

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