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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / Yakup

Yakup tradutor Espanhol

34 parallel translation
Yakup can give you the money.
Yakup puede darte el dinero.
I know Yakup.
Conozco a Yakup.
Bring me bandit Yakup and you'll have my respect.
Tráeme a Yakup y tendrás mi respeto.
I'll get you your Yakup.
Yo te traeré a tu Yakup.
Cut him off as he's bringing in Yakup.
Deshacete de él mientras viene con Yakup.
Bring Yakup alive and Serdar dead.
Traeme a Yakup vivo y a Serdar muerto.
We'll strike to kill Yakup tomorrow.
Atacaremos para liquidar a Yakup mañana.
I just need Yakup to come and give me the money.
Solo necesito que Yakup traiga el dinero.
The Yakup I've been waiting for.
Yakup te espera.
Yakup, continue.
Yakup, continúe.
All right, Yakup.
Bien, Yakup.
¡ Yakup!
The teacher said,'Yakup reads good, he's very smart.'
La maestra dijó,'Yakup lee muy bien, es muy listo.'
Thanks a lot, Yakup.
Muchas gracias, Yakup.
They call Yakup from his house.
Llaman a Yakup de su casa.
A friend of Yakup's.
Un amigo de Yakup.
To Yakup Abi and his family.
Con Yakup Abi y su familia.
You were better off in the village. Yakup.
Estabas mejor en el pueblo, Yakup.
- Yakup?
- ¿ Yakup?
- Do you know where Yakup is?
- ¿ Sabes dónde está Yakup?
- Hello. Yakup?
- Hola, ¿ Yakup?
- Yakup!
- ¡ Yakup!
Thank you, Uncle Yakup.
Gracias, tío Yakup.
Dad, look at what Uncle Yakup gave me.
- Papá, mira lo que me dio el tío.
¿ Yakup?
I was wondering if you saw Yakup.
Me preguntaba si vio a Yakup.
- Hello Brother Faik, did you see Yakup?
- Hola, hermano Faik, ¿ vio a Yakup?
Brother Kemal, have you seen Yakup?
- Hermano Kemal, ¿ ha visto a Yakup?
Hodja Yakup. He said the body is already swollen, filled with water.
Dijo que el cuerpo ya estaba hinchado, relleno de agua.
What could've we done?
- ¿ Qué podíamos haber hecho? - ¿ El imán Yakup? Sí.
- Hodja Yakup? - Yes. You know, Yakup.
Ya sabes, Yakup.
- Hello, Yakup.
- Hola, Yakup.
- Which hodja?
El imán Yakup.

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